鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
I did it 2 years ago. It is pretty straightforward. go to government website, find the form (should be visitor visa extension, something like that). You can pay the process fee on line (CAD 75?). print off the receipt. mail the completed form and receipt to the given address (a place in our province). 3 K: ]$ f8 ]. t1 \8 h, @' F7 B6 Z
. ^* i, w# k# A" E9 \1 E
I guess the only important thing is try to make a good execuse why you want the extension.
9 j' J) L/ r- ~5 |/ J- c0 o# x! E8 A
, t( r! H6 C- {7 k2 l8 B5 Osorry for my bad memory. just give your genaral clue.
Z- S8 C: Q5 B
# f- x5 a" n, Z+ Q* sGood luck! |