埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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The truth as I see it about the Tibetan Conflict

鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2008-4-19 17:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这段英文是一个洋人写的,谁能帮我翻译一下?- o) W* V0 T9 p3 v0 L
, J" k# @+ g0 ?& e! z7 r
& ^: g+ @9 G; ~2 l8 {# k3 H$ o
Ok, here goes. I understand that no matter what I write here, I willreceive hate posts from some people, but I just can't sit by and saynothing any longer. + n2 z8 q3 U- |7 x9 p* v
8 v8 N1 }7 v, w, Y! ^; R4 q
3 N& F9 o8 G- i8 x) U
I am tired of the one-sided coverage and misstatements aboutTibet. Any one willing to search the Internet could easily find thetruth, but most people prefer to just turn on the television and havesomeone else feed them their version of the truth. I will take greatrisk by quoting Vladimir Lenin, “A lie told often enough becomestruth”. The truth is that Tibet was never the society that mostwesterners want to or have been led to believe. Tibet was always afiefdom. It was a society where slavery and great cruelty. It was asociety where slaves gave birth to slaves; a place where the lowerclass, the class just above the slaves were forced to serve theirmaster's every whim. The debts they accumulated just to pay for the useof the land was so great that their grandchildren's children could notpay it off, but were expected to do so. This service even extended totheir daughters and sons. Often male children were taken from theirparents and forced to serve the priesthood. This was not even the landthat the Dalai Llama speaks of even today, where people are at peaceand religions of all people should be respected. Tibetan past islittered with the slaughter and forced converts of those that did notbelieve in the ruling sect's ways. Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti 9 U% A) B: I, P

& W" j1 b5 `) g- n% R3 a
7 }! z: V, i2 L6 p: d
; ~; N) X0 `* U5 F- c* r$ ?This is the truth. You don't have to like it, but it doesn't change that it is the truth.  
) d* W% b+ u: R, L  @% r/ l
5 I9 d8 `# O$ ~/ P1 r0 \4 _
/ w5 Q& E1 ^0 z$ FNow about the present. Peaceful protests are allowed. Riots arenot. This is the same for all countries. Just looking at the riotsfollowing Rodney King, OJ Simpson, Watts, New York, or Harlem showsthat even the United States does not tolerate such behavior. Alsouniversal is the restriction on free speech when speaking about theoverthrow of the government. As for Tibet's desire to separate, do Ineed to remind you about a little war that occurred here between 1861and 1865? We must ask ourselves what would happen to China if Tibet wasallowed to separate?
7 r! V- b$ G7 {0 [: A2 ]) u" g
2 Z) [( u3 l, S
7 ~9 S! e* ~0 V9 x" ^% @To answer that, you must know a little more about the changesthat China has undergone in the last 20 years. China's economy hasbecome a free market economy. The government has made a lot of progressin privatizing land, businesses and industries. Fifteen years ago, mostpeople lived in government supplied housing. Today, most own their ownhome. Salaries have risen sharply and many people are considered to berich. This change unfortunately is not universal nor spread throughoutall of China. Like most countries based on free market, this new wealthdepends on living in an area where a market exists. There are largeareas of rural China where this prosperity has yet to be seen. Add intothis the growing Muslim population in western China and you will findseveral areas that would wish to separate from the mainland.
0 \3 d; x7 A, {
% ?( Y! P+ X7 W# b& m+ e' n2 v7 z, \: ]9 G
So, now, imagine if China were to allow Tibet to separate. Notonly would Tibet quickly return to it feudal past, the rioter's truedemand, other areas of China would demand to follow suit. Just as thiscould not be allowed in the United States, this can not be allowed tohappen in China. China is changing quickly and the new prosperity isspreading, but it will take time. 9 A. [+ R$ c( Z! L
9 A1 L/ Y2 `, T% B8 ^- N
' w; A: r5 E* D, {" n
During my recent visit there, I experienced none of what I hadbeen taught to expect. I actually found little difference between NewYork and Beijing except for the language. Though the form of governmentstill refers to itself as communist, it is not and has not been formany years the communism of the cold war. And to be honest, even if itwas, where do we American's get off trying to tell China what type ofgovernment they should choose? Does our constant interference inChina's business make us any better than what a lot of American's thinkthey know of China? My suggestion would be to make a trip there and seefor yourself. Don't look at the bias reporting on the news channels andthink you know what is going on. Please try to remember that thesestations are also based on a free market. They need to make a profit.To make a profit, they must sell commercial space. To sell this space,they must impel people to turn off the sports, American Idol, DesperateHousewives or whatever else they are watching and turn to the news. Todo that, they must create a reason. Conflict is that reason. Imaginehow large the ratings for the Olympics will be now?



现在,让我且说说看。我知道,不管我在这里写什么,我都会得到一些人充满敌意的评语,但我不能再坐视不理,继续沉默下去了。 我看够了有关西藏的片面报道和错误报道。任何人随便到网上找一找就可以很容易地找出真相,但大多数人更喜欢动不动就打开电视,让别人告诉自己他们编排出来的真相。我在此冒着极大的风险引述弗拉季米尔‧列宁的话, "谎言千遍便成真理" 。事实的真相是,西藏根本就不是大部分西方人希望或已经被 ...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-19 17:45 | 显示全部楼层


# e; H# o. x$ X, G5 v9 h8 P) g  ! h4 d. J3 m1 X( J+ j
我看够了有关西藏的片面报道和错误报道。任何人随便到网上找一找就可以很容易地找出真相,但大多数人更喜欢动不动就打开电视,让别人告诉自己他们编排出来的真相。我在此冒着极大的风险引述弗拉季米尔‧列宁的话, "谎言千遍便成真理" 。事实的真相是,西藏根本就不是大部分西方人希望或已经被诱导相信的那样一个社会。西藏过去一直是一块封地。它是一个奴隶制而且异常残酷的社会。它是一个奴隶繁衍着奴隶的社会; 它是一个底层阶级,即略高于奴隶的阶层,其成员必须服从于自己主人任何一个心血来潮的怪念头的地方。他们因为使用土地而积欠下来的债是如此巨大,以致其孙子女的儿女们都无法还清,却依旧打算继续还下去。这种仆役甚至牵连到他们的儿女身上。男孩往往都被人从父母的身边带走,被迫去伺候那些僧侣。这根本就不是今天达赖喇嘛口中的那个人们生活在和平之中,任何宗教都该受到尊重的地方。西藏的过去到处遍布杀戮,到处都是非主流教派信徒却被强迫皈依的人们。  友好的封建制度:西藏神话 Michael Parenti 迈克尔‧伯伦蒂著
6 I2 B: f. a  y8 ]
6 _6 M  H- o8 }. _这是真相。你不一定喜欢它,但它却不会改变,因为它是真相。
" P" t2 A% M% E' d4 e# S$ V
; \7 N% }' p' ~; Z: @+ w) p! v再来说说现在。和平抗议活动是允许的,但暴乱却不是。这对任何一个国家来说都是一样的。回顾一下因Rodney King, OJ Simpson, Watts, New York, 或者 Harlem而起的暴乱你就会明白,即使美国也不会容忍这种行为。如果有谁大谈推翻政府,则会被限制言论自由,这也是被人们普遍认同的。说到西藏要独立的愿望,我是否需要提醒你,在1861年到1865年间此地发生的一次不大的战争?我们必须要问问自己,如果允许西藏独立,那中国将会发生什么事情? 1 {% r/ S' x  o$ a# V% |
9 _: u- H- @, E/ }+ c  ~
- I) @3 e3 F7 L3 G3 E/ L5 T
7 i& A4 B' {/ A所以,现在可以想象,如果中国允许西藏独立,不仅西藏将会很快退回到它的封建过去,这也正是那一伙暴徒真正想要的,而且中国的其它地区也将紧随其后。正如这在美国也是不允许的一样,中国也不会让这种事情发生。中国正在发生急速的变化,新的繁荣也正在蔓延扩展,但还需要时间。 # e3 [+ h7 t; X3 m

: |5 m. U+ x/ \在我最近访问中国期间,我没有亲身经历到任何我曾经预期的事情。其实,我发现纽约和北京的差别并不大,除了语言之外。虽然政府依旧自称为**主义体制,但不是而且已有好多年都不再是冷战时期的**主义了。坦白地说,即便现在还是,我们美国人又凭什么要试图告诉中国人他们应该选择什么样的政府?不断干涉中国的内政,除了让很多美国人自以为了解了中国,对我们还有什么好处?我的建议是去中国看看,亲身体验一下。不要看了新闻频道中带有偏见的报道,就自以为什么都知道了。不要忘记,这些电台/电视台也是基于一个自由市场之上。他们需要赚取利润。为了赚取利润,他们必须要出售商业时段。为了出售这个时段,他们必须要促使观众,从体育节目,美国偶像,绝望的主妇,或者什么其他他们正在收看的节目上转过头来看新闻。要做到这一点,他们必须要创造一个理由。冲突就是那个理由。试想一下,有关奥运会的收视率现在会是多高?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-20 07:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Yiyan 于 2008-4-20 07:27 发表 + d( Q6 g$ u& Y* z3 @& z
现在,让我且说说看。我知道,不管我在这里写什么,我都会得到一些人充满敌意的评语,但我不能再坐视不理,继续沉默下去了。 ! N" S( H; S9 R( y) B! F
  . |7 k6 B7 K, r, W- {6 ^" {9 u
我看够了有关西藏的片面报道和错误报道。任何人随便到网上找一找就可以很容易地找出 ...

4 N4 W) r& T0 ^( ?
  |" P, m6 g& jExcellent job!
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-20 08:39 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 Yiyan 于 2008-4-20 07:27 发表
1 V2 u+ ?5 L8 ^: G现在,让我且说说看。我知道,不管我在这里写什么,我都会得到一些人充满敌意的评语,但我不能再坐视不理,继续沉默下去了。 - w* z+ p( u/ R7 h& F. M
7 |' f- a+ q; n7 A我看够了有关西藏的片面报道和错误报道。任何人随便到网上找一找就可以很容易地找出 ...
3 ?* ]+ r0 b1 K" g) ^0 t
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-20 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-20 18:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(49) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-21 08:52 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-25 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-27 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
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