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让通货膨胀来得更猛烈些吧!--- 续续

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ f! \; B: n% o7 e, C. X' H- O
! K5 h& E5 f% L8 H/ ]答案很简单,基本面。让我先列举几个事实,
- ]6 y2 l' |" }0 I( U7 t/ ^$ y9 p+ g8 R1 T
1. 虽然加拿大公布的通货膨胀率还在低位,但粮食,石油这两样严重影响民生的指标却大幅度涨升。加拿大银行最近的连续降息接近尾声,很快就会自食苦果,因为粮食的涨价短时间对加拿大人的支出影响不大,长时间来看是致命的。粮食涨价必然导致后续的肉类,牛奶,奶制品,油类的涨价。加上央行更宽松的货币政策,竟然还在大幅度投放加币来保持对美元的汇率,再加上降息以及40年期的贷款,必然加速通货膨胀。去年下半年,那时候加油站的价格降到了90分左右,我当时对一个朋友说,油价格08夏天将达到1.5每升,她笑得天花灿烂,现在我想没有人敢笑我了吧?现在我大胆预测,接下来的涨价将遍及人民生活的每一个方面,依次是:石油(已经发生),粮油(已经发生),交通运输(正在发生),肉类,奶制品,服装,服务行业。最后加拿大被迫进入一个加息周期。4 M" }% f& F" m( c4 K5 [" D

8 k; G7 p- _; x: N0 u2.加币对美元居高不下,好的方面是抑制了通货膨胀,造成了现在加拿大通货膨胀率保持低位,特别是从中国进口的商品,比如服装,玩具,生活用品等,反而更便宜。但是,高加元导致了东部经济的衰退,工作岗位的流失,那么东部居民在高通货时代的生活费用的提高,加上失业或者收入的降低,他们的选择只有离开,到哪儿去呢?到有工作的地方去,为了生存,人们是会把气候,文化等不值钱的东西抛到垃圾桶里去的。大家应该还是记忆犹新,04年的400刀繁荣金,忽悠来几十万东部移民,那些人主要是高薪或中等收入为主,成就了Albert 05,06年房地产的牛市。而09年Alberta财政预算,免除了健康卡月费,是不是又会引起新的西部淘金热?我看可能性很大,而且这次移民将会以落地的新移民和东部中低收入的家庭为主。
" Q! N9 K  o/ K) p' Y# I, n) v3 P6 G  v4 Z4 J
3. 东西部经济此消彼长,我想大家都没有异议。在高通货,高加元时代,东部制作业艰难生存,虽然Toronto经济多样化影响还是有限的。但失业或者找不到工作的新移民,只有选择离开。通货膨胀的唯一受益者只有Alberta, 咱们抛开那些10万20万的高薪工作不谈。10刀每小时的labor工雇主求着你做,12每小时的labor工现在都成了入门价,连以前12元起薪的会计工作,现在都到18/hr以上了。别小看了这些labor工,它们反映了Alberta的经济欣欣向荣,会计工作缺人也正是工商业繁荣的标志。而alberta的房价真是高不可及吗?决对不是,25万以下的新condo一抓一把,两人打labor都可以负担了。那为什么房子不涨反跌呢?待续。。。。。
' O3 T+ W; V5 W  X* x) N* t' }
! Y) ~, r' i* n9 n' v4. Edmonton的房价下跌只是因为前两年的过度投机,有买投资房的,有换房的,买期房的,投资土地的。导致05,06年成交量巨幅发大,这些成交量包含了一些泡沫成分,而这些泡沫到了07年就开始释放了,换房的新房到期,期房到期,使得投资者不得不拿出房子快速出手,再加上建筑商做好的新房,租转售的房子,造成了listing的大增,房价从高位回落。到了08年一季度,很多人疑惑了,为什么listing越来越高,平均价却是缓慢攀升呢?信心,买房人对就业和经济的信心稳定了房价。从哪儿可以看出来呢?成交量!成交量骗不了人的,看看08年一季度的成交量,现在仅仅小于06年和07年上半年,已经和03,04年相当。说明购买者人气逐渐恢复到平常水平,如果经济状况保持不变,想让房价接着跌是不可能的。% \% F: M5 w7 E3 R0 w
0 r; T# m. D  G' C. g: Y( G

: p$ _9 Z1 w5 ?% w[ 本帖最后由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 11:20 编辑 ]
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2008-4-28 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 09:34 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2008-4-28 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2008-4-28 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 10:20 发表 & P8 r2 [$ G3 y3 H! M9 f
08年Edmonton的房地产市场风云万变,上万的待售房,街上插的牌子让人误认为又一次的省议员选举。很多人产生这样的疑问:为什么待售房那么多,房子价格却没有大幅度的下跌呢?从平均价来看,今年一季度反而有所上升, ...

+ P% B" d6 ]* x' _' R1 D5 G面粉价格已经翻翻。0 w! I# |1 Y8 |
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shuishenming 于 2008-4-28 11:02 发表
1 u* I) A' d$ k3 A: Q0 d+ J
6 m3 _: Z9 c+ a, V8 }' ]
7 m6 ?( }1 [) z4 y5 T! {; \# n" J6 E8 _
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
昨天到superstore,所有种类的大米都一扫空。: k+ L8 X2 B! A0 B' @( b7 n

0 S# ?  S2 {9 I! V! u7 o  h8 `[ 本帖最后由 白水 于 2008-4-28 11:53 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 13:12 | 显示全部楼层


同言同羽 置业良晨
8 r7 x5 |! V- g4 n( r
1 J( ]/ [+ Q: g1. 首次买房家庭,现在就是出手时机,选一个自己负担能力之内的房子,按现在的租金和买房比较,对于中低端房子来说,你付的租金完全可以cover贷款利率。早买早享受,市场的底你是抓不到的,美国的情况那么糟糕,也就是20%左右的跌幅,即使房子再跌10%又怎么样?你的mortgage还是那么多。
/ T( }& L6 s& x; ~+ v  G( h9 _# W- U5 c9 r) k3 _, ]4 l* \' ?
2. 手上有余钱的同学,到市场上去淘金吧,不要买新房或期房,还没有降到合理的价位。在市场上找正现金流的房子,特别是现在利率很低,相对于央行给房东发bonus.
. y: @/ c. X8 e2 ]  z) Z8 p9 {4 O: M2 D- [
3. 如果你认为你是投资高手,对市场有敏锐的判断,可以买低卖高,进退自如,我建议你还是看看吧,说不定年底有哪位房奴抵不住卖出惊喜价而又被你逮到。; U8 L/ W+ a/ v1 z* p- j( [
) w  n: p! x+ k& j6 V/ p# D+ L% u
4. 有自住房而短时间不在乎恶劣天气,不喜搬家的同学,你享受生活去吧,迷人的Alberta夏季蹒跚而来,享受一天少一天。有余钱就买些家具电器美化一下房子。让拿10万还租房子的钱奴去羡慕吧。5 a# v  k9 q# S
3 [/ t5 H8 a8 U9 ~$ ^! c
5. 手上有出租房的同学们,你们这段时间一定也很惬意吧?央行降息了1.5%,对于20万的贷款来说,就是多赚了3000千每年,割肉出让是没有可能性的。
: O: K, w0 Y6 @3 f7 l5 l- v9 c% [  _
6. 今年新房到期或期房到期的同学们有点惨,咱认识的有贷款能力的同学都选择了把房子出租。实在不能负担两个房子的,割肉出手吧,而且一定要一出手就比别人割得多,人家割五花肉,你割最好的里脊肉,不要怕疼,房地产市场只有跳楼的,不相信眼泪。谁叫你当初跟风的呢?
2 P; Z9 Y. O+ f6 O1 H3 ?6 O

& V! z: X" G* `
9 c. j# t& ^: ^[ 本帖最后由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 14:15 编辑 ]
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 14:50 | 显示全部楼层


Is housing influenza infecting Calgary?; X3 `) d7 P* A- g& u
Plunging sales raise spectre of U.S.-style meltdown6 z2 d( R% |/ `3 J# G* o8 W
Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald
" x/ }0 P0 O1 _! ?Published: Sunday, April 27, 2008
& N  U% K! J! ?6 C5 T. |# v
3 {: O! q- s" qSales in the MLS residential real estate market have plunged in the first quarter of this year compared with a year ago in Calgary.
0 h0 ?* B& y( A" q2 l( B
2 S) w" t* B9 F5 Z- B& wAt the same time, new listings have soared.
* d$ e* ?6 ?' R+ r$ x; H: p4 S
2 e2 Z3 C3 N" l8 O7 x) B5 HAnd prices have stabilized over the past few months.( R: ~4 s4 a' _% b( l7 g3 \" |

! t6 d  q: v( Z3 v6 i+ z8 c7 l- aThe million-dollar question in Calgary these days is where the market is headed after experiencing such a dramatic turn from where it was just 12 months ago.8 L5 c+ l( K- Z0 C

% q& G! s0 M$ x: `8 tLike many in the city, Jacquelynn Benson, 26, and her husband Scot have been searching for a single-family home in the Calgary area. They moved to Calgary from Saskatchewan a year ago and bought a condominium in McKenzie Towne in April 2007.
9 V0 N; Z6 c4 R  `9 T( m2 @, O) v2 K# M" V2 l
Last year, they bought a home in a seller's market. This year, it has turned into a buyer's market as the Bensons hunt for their dream home. But prices in the city remain steep for the type of home they want.
. [/ i. A9 M) }3 P
' i4 _' N# d3 |; {& P5 JAs of Friday, the Calgary Real Estate Board website was showing an average MLS sale price of $471,863 for single-family homes in Calgary metro sold in the past 30 days, with a median sale price of $420,000. During that time, total single-family home sales were 1,391 and active listings have ballooned to 6,775 in the city itself.
# M2 i5 e/ p9 A4 X9 I  F' [5 [' |+ G. k: F7 `, d) S
"It's difficult," says Jacquelynn Benson of the couple's search, which has taken them outside the city to places like Langdon, where there is more bang for their buck with bigger house sizes on larger pieces of land.0 Y. e; N2 R8 c% E+ Q/ y- m4 a

9 G& w5 V4 i6 [, @) j8 }She says it's evident the market has shifted into one that favours buyers.
0 |/ w$ t7 Q/ _6 l+ B% J
1 y0 Y8 z; P) A- h"We're concerned about when we do buy, whether or not we're even going to sell our condo," says Benson. "We don't have it on the market. We're waiting to see what we're going to do. I think that even says it right there: We're not even sure if we're going to sell it. We could rent it out. The market is not where it was last year."# D9 _/ s: a  z) I( n8 `8 i6 @- s
( o4 q5 Y$ k- J1 d5 {1 i) d
The most recent CREB data reflects that, with officials saying it's now a buyer's market, unlike a year ago.
" I- j$ C6 ^* G  h
$ ~0 }7 [, S1 jTotal MLS inventory at the end of March was 12,597, a whopping 167 per cent increase from 4,723 registered in March 2007. The month-end inventory for single-family homes in Calgary metro was 5,957, up 155 per cent from a year ago, while for condos it was up a staggering 283 per cent from a year ago, to 2,781 listings from 726.
/ d. @3 [( f' \2 h8 y  Q& V9 l
7 I8 s7 i( j4 ^( wWith that inventory, about one in five homes on the market were selling in March., n2 N2 Q: e, d( O) k% E$ G- ?
, ?9 {: S0 }% s4 [  V! X
"The days of the sellers in the last couple of crazy market years just naming their price and throwing their house on without presenting their house correctly, those days are done," CREB president Ed Jense said when the organization released its data.
4 O- _: p! G5 r7 `. Z
3 Y( V8 v, ?) ]) c' C$ ["Right now, the excess inventory is allowing the buyers to choose what they want. . . . That allows them to be picky and sellers need to pay attention to whatever their specific marketplace is doing. . . . You just can't name your price."& \/ j" M) Z" X0 }' H

0 e* |% @3 I' y+ j' dWhether you're a potential homebuyer or seller -- or even an interested observer -- people want to know where the market is headed.2 i+ l" ~- y+ p. [$ m

/ L8 a2 i' C2 ZGarth Turner, a Tory member of Parliament and author of Greater Fool, a recently published real estate book, says Canada has much in common with the United States in that we've had a booming real estate market essentially since 2001. Interest rates have been low since 9/11 and, at the same time, people were afraid of the stock market.
8 C# `& V- i: V: a
% Y/ _6 h1 J) Q$ t" W6 z0 h"It became the perfect storm for real estate investing. So everyone went nuts," says Turner.$ Z2 n4 K, q4 d8 x" D2 Q

# |& F7 l( y7 K) x0 x( d0 C"We've had the same run-up in real estate values more or less comparative to the United States and that has made real estate unaffordable for the average family. And the way the real estate industry coped with that in the United States, they invented something called the subprime, which was basically giving real estate loans to less qualified people.3 r/ y) T# m9 U

7 ]: \5 G9 p) x! b"In Canada, we did the same thing. We call it 40-year mortgages, and 40-year mortgages dropped monthly payments so they actually let people qualify who normally wouldn't.2 g% {* m) z* E

. F3 [; Z1 E0 t  W2 x"And we secondly introduced basically no money down real estate at one, two, three, four, five per cent down in many, many places especially with new home developments."
4 N  e' b% V% V, W2 X/ e6 L
1 ]" H& t9 q! o- g& h1 TTurner's book predicts that a U.S.-style real estate flu, which could last a couple of years, is sweeping into Canada -- a housing disaster beginning to unfold here.
' R0 V" s  {3 j- s3 @) V( d
5 ]: x1 l& o8 r8 L  j0 ZCanada has had two things happen the same as the United States, says Turner: the big appreciation in real estate values and relaxing mortgage standards.
& w! Q$ F. _4 e4 _/ o3 {# T8 z/ l  O/ L  T& v& K% m
"The number three thing that happens should be a no-brainer, and that is in the U.S. prices continued to go up until they reached a point where they had to burst. Well, in Canada we're just getting to that point now," says Turner.9 X. J$ {3 c4 @. s/ n7 S

* m) `+ }. B$ O2 ~$ h"Here we are in the spring of 2008, two and a half years after the American real estate market collapsed, and they're still collapsing, we are just starting and there's more to come."
& c) b( _+ C# v; I& [8 W3 G: n( J
" _. B0 X3 `$ P9 tThe first thing that happens is a decline in sales, not prices, says Turner. The reason for that is people keep buying and are "oblivious" to the fact sales activity is going down. And the sellers don't know it's a buyers market until it's too late. Prices don't go down as much as six to nine months later.8 M* }6 Z6 L5 q- _: E1 u2 j: s' z
/ p1 u9 I: C9 {8 e5 ^1 p6 t
"Right now we're in the first phase in Alberta," he says.
4 i2 m& G7 [0 P) {) j+ C
% a/ p: C4 O2 [* oTurner says real estate markets in Calgary and Edmonton moved ahead of the boom of the rest of the country. Prices went up further, faster in Alberta because of the economy, but family incomes in Alberta have gone up only marginally faster than in the rest of the country.; J* t# `1 Z: h; E" t3 J9 B

* U' Q/ L( g4 F& _+ [7 G"You've seen housing become less affordable in Alberta to the average family," he says. "So therefore you've already started into the correction faster than the rest of Canada."& j% J# F' ?6 }7 }3 f7 J' N

( B6 S  g  m7 NAnd the affordability issue is why Alberta cannot weather the storm, explains Turner.
$ G& D, E) Y. a: p  f& B% l, e: f; K% m  }! y& c* i/ [
"When the average family can't afford the average home, prices go down and we've already reached that point. And unless there's some giant pool of Alberta dollars around that the government is going to give everybody $10,000 or $15,000 more a year in income, it ain't going to happen. It's simply an economic formula," adds Turner. "Alberta is a little bit of a different case and it's probably going to be a little slower decline than the rest of the country but it's absolutely going to happen."4 J5 e6 d  S' B6 U3 d! t
+ s0 g5 ]8 f9 e. M' ~3 x
Don Campbell, president of the Real Estate Investment Network in Canada, thinks that's nonsense." V) P, h; h$ U5 a2 a9 @
& X5 X' G# @+ e" }0 ]
"First of all, we have already committed in Alberta over the next eight to 10 years $254-billion worth of major projects that are already on the books, and/or started, and/or are going to occur. This doesn't include the ones that are speculative," says Campbell, the author of two books -- Real Estate Investing in Canada, and 51 Success Stories from Canadian Real Estate Investors.& [, H' d& z2 ^4 ^; ~" Y4 }0 g( `- j
1 @2 ~" \" [0 t$ }# b  r/ n; H
"You put $254 billion into an economy that has 3.4 million people in it, you're going to see an increase in demand. You're going to see an increase in demand in rentals and you're going to see an increase in demand for buying of properties.
8 k" F9 n, Y0 P4 WEmail to a friendEmail to a friendPrinter friendlyPrinter friendly
. y3 H3 Y) @# ~) O# h
9 o# I$ o# ]) q6 T0 N; z"Right now, we are in that major plateau, the point where speculators are getting shaken out of the marketplace, the short-term thinkers. And the long-term thinkers are buying."& b$ t6 v2 m- B+ o/ e6 A8 s2 g) x
: V$ Y2 C% r( x" Z% y
He describes the current housing market situation as a blip.
4 Q  F. J8 _' ]1 F* D
0 h+ Q3 \$ c9 H"If you went and bought around where the new (LRT) stations are going . . . and you bought now at this time when it's a buyer's market, which we haven't seen for seven or eight years . . . and you sat on it, you'll look like a genius three, four years from now," says Campbell.
2 ?, q9 J3 ^; j8 P, n/ v9 h% G+ N( Y
1 {! y# f) h8 r+ j"But if you bring a day-trade mentality to real estate, which some people do, then they shouldn't be in the real estate investment game. Real estate is a long-term investment and it's not a straight line."' p+ K3 d; l" z$ k, v: u. X0 ~

4 O" N; k! H+ D, c0 J8 JAnd in the long-term, real estate here looks great, says Campbell, adding year-over-year average house price gains in Calgary should be in the 11 per cent range this year.5 M5 H% }6 r: P; k' r1 |" D3 P6 K
9 C+ z, G2 i( G6 O0 t' I
Todd Hirsch, senior economist for ATB Financial in Calgary, says the current market in the city is an odd one, with so many homes for sale, few of them moving, but prices holding up.7 v2 P5 O% ?( O/ |: }2 M4 V

7 L1 B9 {" Q* Y# f# T9 f  z/ P* U9 t"I think the prices holding up speaks to the fact Alberta's economy is still doing OK," says Hirsch.( \2 f: A7 R/ m( O  q$ k) p

4 i% d# a2 {: I1 g- [/ F"Buyers, on the other hand, are just taking their time. They're willing to fork out the money once they find the right one. It's more a buyer's market now. They have more selection and there isn't this panic of 'you better buy it now because it will be gone this afternoon.'' T' w9 v2 M6 {2 {; y: q/ m) q

; D& l. C" Q- L/ c"You don't want a market like that. No one does, especially buyers. Buyers have a bit more luxury now, but where they're not getting very much luxury is they're not seeing big discounts like they're seeing in the United States."
5 p( B" n" n% o% z" D1 K% z2 p4 Z, K; C# f5 L2 R
The big question is where this is headed. The Alberta economy will level off this year at good rates of growth, he says.: Z3 w* S1 c, S% S0 n

& m; |2 _7 ]& _' a9 X0 [8 S"We might start to see a bit of a pickup in activity towards the summer and fall in the real estate market. Not huge, but I think we will start to see homes selling a little faster again. The number of homes sold will pick up and the price will continue to stabilize at a five to 10 per cent increase year over year."
& M* J% l/ ^5 N5 S' |& H$ _1 u" ^+ K9 S- G1 W; t
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.'s first-quarter outlook forecasts total MLS sales in the Calgary census metropolitan area to decline to 30,500 units this year from 32,176 in 2007.
( R5 }' c3 h5 l$ F2 a& }: _, F0 c: M2 a, u+ K) z5 ]* W8 G
n 2009, it is forecast to drop to 29,500.
0 P0 w2 F4 q/ \& d! n+ ?( {/ q% R! v
2 U- r6 E& P0 hCMHC predicts the average MLS sale price for all residential properties is expected to increase to $429,000 this year from $414,066 in 2007. In 2009, it is forecast to hit $450,000.
8 B2 k+ r+ O( _* n
3 g; M1 Y$ k: f$ o& l. G6 M( MThe Calgary census metropolitan area includes the city, Airdrie, the Municipal District of Rocky View, Chestermere, Cochrane, Irricana, Beiseker and Crossfield.* x9 d' K6 U3 f. Y0 U" N
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* o9 F: ?* a; f" }. ^: NLai Sing Louie, senior market analyst in Calgary for the CMHC, says a revised forecast is expected in May.- ~: D8 }: K2 v
8 q" |2 G9 b3 b/ `& }' `
Adam Legge, vice-president and chief economist for Calgary Economic Development, says the city hit a pretty significant high over the past two years with house prices, "and that impact is largely here to stay."& V8 ]' ?% C+ O6 a! X' j( O. D
0 H* T; ]# J5 {8 X, Y* ^7 |
"I don't see a lot of price decline on a year-over-year basis in Calgary. I think we're still a pretty healthy economy and still a pretty healthy housing market," says Legge.
) X, T2 {8 s% ]! k8 L' v
& E. d. |, C" M: @9 t7 R; Tmtoneguzzi@theherald.canwest.com
# Y4 W! l3 N! G- C; p. g! C" ]7 j# v5 w- A
% q8 f- S$ I( t0 s! |0 u) H0 O
© The Calgary Herald 2008
  D/ z; ?6 @# q" z; ~. t' ~- {  ^4 m8 O0 D" T, S
[ 本帖最后由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 15:51 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
老怪啊,你转贴的文章里,涨派(Don Campbell)跌派(Garth Turner)观点都有,
) R0 u3 N2 E' \( O+ l/ F2 W# M: m( q/ N* A" O% D
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 19:52 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 14:12 发表
# V9 y- d1 Y1 J$ \* v8 z; n6 ~& J个人感觉08年将是一个平稳的一年,大起大落都不可能,市场涨跌幅正负8%以内。那么不同的家庭应该怎样应对呢?
6 f) x( V" Z! Y6 |! j7 B! C
. q' O* J8 h. }' }( q  f- Y% C1. 首次买房家庭,现在就是出手时机,选一个自己负担能力之内的房子,按现在的租金和买房比较,对于中 ...
* b1 R2 B* I: Q0 N! \' L# R
( n' H/ y. e5 p

9 D: d( c* b/ P: D非常感谢 LZ 分享观点和看法。
" B' d: o$ `: g6 o: p$ Q7 y! C3 ?* k4 K/ M

# V# K3 C# ]4 E, J; o9 k6 ]6 T' J/ t0 |
LZ 的第一、二点和第三点有些自相矛盾。既然今年年底将会有更好的机会,为什么要建议自住和有闲钱的朋友现在就出手哪?买房应该买精品,又不是炒股票,没有必要逐渐建仓吧?
0 H; h' V3 z2 r4 B, X# o
  c3 D* F4 n+ Z6 z0 _, H* PLZ 建议的“割肉”我觉得应该慎重,今年的房市虽然惨淡,不代表明年就没有机会。现在的油价上涨、降息、央行注资等方面的综合作用,很可能会孕育着明年的一波行情,房子在手里还是有机会的。( d2 y! B+ u! v2 m, Y& G

! t/ h# ]; C0 k+ k" i[ 本帖最后由 zhucalvin 于 2008-4-28 21:51 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 21:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 10:20 发表
5 T- w" m; W8 e# b, T# w+ |08年Edmonton的房地产市场风云万变,上万的待售房,街上插的牌子让人误认为又一次的省议员选举。很多人产生这样的疑问:为什么待售房那么多,房子价格却没有大幅度的下跌呢?从平均价来看,今年一季度反而有所上升, ...

3 P* [5 p) ~; l- c6 S5 U# `5 g* u+ A" R1 {* [" B, c
将息也好,注入资金也罢,核心问题是不想让加元升值太快,以解救东部出口经济。阿省只是间接的受益者 。( h5 g  W8 q* F6 q; d0 ?

! F: F7 M" H* _# R$ C3 C3 K
原帖由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 14:12 发表
' d7 v% X. [% a+ p1 e. ~# T" A$ t5 Y个人感觉08年将是一个平稳的一年,大起大落都不可能,市场涨跌幅正负8%以内。那么不同的家庭应该怎样应对呢?7 u; D" Q2 K3 _( A: h/ z) O9 t
( Q1 n3 R1 ]/ a
1. 首次买房家庭,现在就是出手时机,选一个自己负担能力之内的房子,按现在的租金和买房比较,对于中 ...
7 h* S- I( \& O: B4 m( X: c5. 手上有出租房的同学们,你们这段时间一定也很惬意吧?央行降息了1.5%,对于20万的贷款来说,就是多赚了3000千每年,割肉出让是没有可能性的

% W0 M7 f1 w. ?/ C6 U7 ?, H0 u' F8 j& }4 \
) O" I6 G( h( I( }
7 r3 U: u% D1 X! u' ~8 c刚刚重新个贷款20万40年@4.25的,每月只还$867.25(利息$708.33,逐月减少;本金$158.92,逐月增加)给个连接https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/cgi-bin/mortgage/mpc/start.cgi# [0 K( T! k' e+ {0 e
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2008-4-28 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 一半清醒 于 2008-4-28 22:43 发表 / u0 `3 P1 g0 ]* D6 u+ h
; P6 ]' H4 T% e8 t, e

& W0 w5 R1 s1 N; |( ?. `将息也好,注入资金也罢,核心问题是不想让加元升值太快,以解救东部出口经济。阿省只是间接的受益者 。
. U2 y# K( ~3 B2 h2 t: _7 g# |) F6 \  t; B6 i" n$ H7 V: k& {; v
* L  A& d  Z* M
  p  p4 P% [1 l; w  W' \
( Q6 D( A5 }8 f2 t9 n3 t$ I
. l' e3 M& V' Z* }  W刚刚重新个贷款 ...

: [! ?" B* m* u: ]) `6 W又整一个CONDO?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 紫光 于 2008-4-28 22:55 发表 ; T' U: x! D. B! g
2 _4 c& j) h* e& L2 {3 e9 r, X6 ~; L6 t. D

, w$ P& I4 E% Q: O6 b! F; v2 i* N# }- S; q: p/ q1 _0 o9 K
& x" O  }* q5 u& t' V7 B; p
# K8 M+ `8 V* H那天找几个臭味相投的,有投资兴趣的,在一起侃一侃汇市,股市,期货市场。
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2008-4-28 22:11 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 07:45 | 显示全部楼层

回复 21楼 的帖子

; I2 x! _* Y6 I, ?- p' ~( S" L# H% U% Z8 T* J, k7 m; ]2 O( V
回复20楼的,其实光看价格,现在已经平衡了,要不然成交量也不会回到05年时的正常水平。现在的唯一问题就是listing, 什么时候listing增幅放缓,而成交量大于上市量,拐点就来了。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-29 07:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 一半清醒 于 2008-4-28 22:43 发表
- ]2 Q7 Z) {+ N7 _9 O4 A# x& B) o& i" N% D" G# d( q  R' S0 Z# b6 N5 x- m

5 b/ P$ Y: J  E- }将息也好,注入资金也罢,核心问题是不想让加元升值太快,以解救东部出口经济。阿省只是间接的受益者 。9 ?7 _# H# U3 u1 ]1 W$ Q( ?& [

. |3 U3 S' h1 h/ P3 [3 A7 `* Q  g6 G5 d- s0 }

; ]+ ~- N- }+ k5 r肚里蛔虫阿。降息之后,原来还10个月的钱,现在可以用一年了,确实省了不少钱。
- f+ S. j* D$ Z) v; r0 f; u
. f4 A! {; Q. A. S+ X2 f! u刚刚重新个贷款 ...

# @2 M( R" k- k# J2 X看来现在只有-0.5的variable了, 我猜你是open的,如果close的应该可以拿到-0.75到-0.8的。
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-29 08:03 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

% ?7 m  i6 |$ a  {2 w+ _# D. S呵呵!
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-29 08:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 牛眼熊心 于 2008-4-28 11:41 发表
8 A$ @  f2 {' j5 y* G3 l5 V3 p* m/ x1 l" A
/ B6 w- @0 \  s. I$ ?$ `9 Z
, K' q' H% ^3 M1 c2 m$ \" ^; z" P给个图,大家看看成交量

" I6 Q5 J3 `6 L0 D
0 W1 t" {& \3 @5 m. C按照你的这个成交量图的规律预计到200812月底,房市成交量将创新低。 ) U7 h; R9 h) Q- t3 l7 F
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-29 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
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