鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
Criteria for Provincial Nominee (PN) Candidates:: s7 I0 ^6 G( H Z' q5 @
The PN Candidate must hold a valid work permit for the NOC occupational group of 6435, for the occupation title of Front Desk Agent/Clerk and be residing in Alberta.$ m1 y/ h) B! X; j$ j3 ]& o
F, v2 A: a) W- c$ s! ?$ V+ {3 Q- d
The PN Candidate must have completed a minimum of high school education.
5 U2 W D$ m4 Y. j8 _! A. H
! v; I! n3 O! F5 XThe PN Candidate must complete the emerit Professional Certification for the occupation of Front Desk Clerk. The PN Candidate may be exempt from completing the emerit Professional Certification if the PN Candidate has:; x4 p- ]& C5 f9 b- C1 ]
1 _/ t$ z' V5 R* c0 p- lCompleted one of the following levels of education in Alberta: diploma, degree or graduate level program from a publicly funded community college, trade/technical school or university, or at a private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees.
$ z' y1 q) y( w' l% p: S
$ B+ u% {4 D- F) KCompleted one of the following levels of education in Canada (outside the Province of Alberta): diploma, degree, or graduate level program from a publicly funded community college, trade/technical school or university. 8 D( ~4 d! d6 G9 [
The PN Candidate must be employed in Alberta for a minimum of six months and meet or exceed all employer established work and performance standards before being nominated for the PNP.1 f4 T& K# ?) W" h4 ]
2 ?# ^8 b8 |& G1 |/ U
PN Candidates not competent in the English language must undergo ESL training from the time they arrive to work to when they become permanent residents. To be eligible for nomination the PN Candidate must submit proof of 85% attendance rate in the ESL training and must demonstrate a progress in learning.! ]4 }$ K7 _4 Y: ~
2 P/ p2 x, {4 e9 e, n9 l
The PN Candidate must demonstrate integration into the local community.0 N& r0 Y9 O i+ n3 h3 N
8 s* W5 s3 e0 n
The PN Candidate must demonstrate the financial means or capability to pay for the costs of applying for permanent residency and establishing themselves and their family (if applicable) in Alberta.
$ J- { q) O* T" [2 O. N( i4 s$ X5 X$ w4 ^9 ]! u% \
看你朋友的学历了,最好再好好问问,是不是可以不用什么certificate.9 }+ F! z/ D! O. s* T
- v. N- z4 F3 r" }" A语言这个东西,如果能够找到酒店领导,以前学校老师开个什么信,说明这个人英语很好,估计也就不用再考什么了。
( P3 \# |1 f6 @# [7 H7 b
- A# V9 k9 |, Q6 s' t我曾经用night auditor的title申请过,基本和front desk差不多,用了5年前留学时靠的亚斯6分和大学学位,没怎么特别准备。 |