我认为要在这里当老师会是一个非常艰难的过程,工作可能性不大,即使拿到了教师资格证书,也很难找到教师岗位,即使找到了教师岗位,学生家长也不会信任你。当然,做一个中文教师,把它当作爱好,只是周末干干, 那不 ... : s4 {8 Y! o, g' m& e, U5 m海浪花 发表于 2009-7-24 17:01
; \$ A* E7 m+ A2 b3 u% WVery true, it's hard to get a permanent teaching position here, years ago I met a lady ( a locally born and raised european- canadian) who has a master degree of education but she had to work at Superstore as a part time clerk for a few years before she finally find a job at public school board. Be prepared for not getting a job in the education field.