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English language

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-11-17 16:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Have you ever wondered why foreigners have trouble with the English Language?
2 I7 O" G0 q. x3 C1 x3 ]% R! e
6 J/ P/ E( ?! g& KLet's face it
( j/ x$ ^  q. j+ yEnglish is a stupid language.
% s$ [9 @! s$ t3 \: a+ ^4 v5 KThere is no egg in the eggplant
& f; h, }5 c* j" G( C6 K1 zNo ham in the hamburger
  l/ {% H/ E2 x" I, e' |9 Q* CAnd neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.1 F& W, C4 T0 C+ t: s5 s3 `
English muffins were not invented in England
% q7 ~3 u4 Z& G3 LFrench fries were not invented in France.; d  q4 a$ E0 n% p
) }& Y% j% f+ a) L/ n" a! @
We sometimes take English for granted: O# g8 L* }7 V. |" f4 d1 g  }
But if we examine its paradoxes we find that
8 Y8 V- `3 e4 W; zQuicksand takes you down slowly5 a3 n: Z  `0 L6 s* ^1 j
Boxing rings are square
' V; T5 q, z3 `And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
% l3 w/ c3 G/ B# |2 x
6 Y+ Z( b& x9 R5 c/ zIf writers write, how come fingers don't fing.9 o9 V7 f% p) L( ]/ M- m2 y! [
If the plural of tooth is teeth
/ m# p1 P* J8 z  v( vShouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth. G( D+ Y( t( P- x3 C
If the teacher taught,
' G4 I7 ?5 h7 d7 k. o5 \Why didn't the preacher praught.
0 x3 G* U. o+ Z- m' s5 I+ k" {% o0 u5 q7 @# e9 G. J  g* [) _
If a vegetarian eats vegetables
: e2 k! G" S# C1 c0 \0 @' cWhat the heck does a humanitarian eat!?8 z/ @* ?) X% c& O
Why do people recite at a play. `- h9 {3 @; x0 G6 v- A
Yet play at a recital?! N: g  _: p9 b. Y6 D6 I0 z
Park on driveways and* d# L; @$ g' d) k1 y1 G
Drive on parkways
) C3 ?# ?# f* A2 _( u9 m) M. P  {& M7 B4 \" L2 M9 }: u
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy9 B9 C1 p: H# T# d0 A. H% b
Of a language where a house can burn up as
% ~7 @* z2 M" ^7 S% O4 X: W3 xIt burns down' P& |$ s, F7 c, f6 q
And in which you fill in a form
5 W5 b! a  |- L- _5 ^By filling it out: k$ R7 {" p% U  z9 @
And a bell is only heard once it goes!; N& m: l4 c6 q6 G! `5 g( o( n
0 F* h- f8 R0 M* r
English was invented by people, not computers9 B. ^) J/ F, j; @- i1 q3 g  z: {
And it reflects the creativity of the human race+ c, x1 C5 E% C2 v5 Y4 A
(Which of course isn't a race at all)8 ], w; t* K! a1 t
% ~# w: n' R8 D4 {0 n' F% g8 L5 M
That is why4 x/ B/ K8 y+ G& G
When the stars are out they are visible0 W8 N0 Y' t3 R9 G
But when the lights are out they are invisible1 V. F, H. ~  D& F; I) u
And why it is that when I wind up my watch
6 w2 p$ v2 b; J# t  ~( N; RIt starts
' ]( ~' v$ j9 ~  M* y; _But when I wind up this observation,1 w. I0 V4 ~8 x$ J" @
It ends.
鲜花(78) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-17 18:40 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(143) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-11-17 21:08 | 显示全部楼层


. a8 z' k) D* W' G7 q# o; L1) 第一行, 为什么用Have? 不用现在时? 直接用现在时表达当前的意思! 用have,现在完成时,是典型的中国教学出来的思维.: C2 n7 y: r! N5 c2 Z
2)还是第一行, 用... trouble in learning English. 你写出你的句子,就是LINK3水平.9 L; W0 @5 g# v5 N# h
3)第二句: Let's face it. 可笑,可笑. 当然意思可以看的懂,但是写出这话, LINK2水平.
/ w" O1 Q* E1 y  M$ S6 J  F/ q4) 下一句: stupid 是太口语话了.如果要讽刺他,又带一些正式文章色彩,可以用not as ... as 来表达.
+ T' R* X; L! n% ]% _其他的,我就不看了.好象LZ最近在学习E文. 你贴写文章出来,我帮你修改修改.虽然我也不行,但是可以帮你一些.
鲜花(143) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-11-17 21:20 | 显示全部楼层


老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-28 12:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 16:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 suvescape 于 2008-11-17 21:08 发表 - B* N, c* V& ~; _& J/ C
  x7 A! i$ K2 r# i/ H# g' H1) 第一行, 为什么用Have? 不用现在时? 直接用现在时表达当前的意思! 用have,现在完成时,是典型的中国教学出来的思维.
1 W# `$ `( l) ~2)还是第一行, 用... trouble in learning English. 你写出你的句子 ...

4 U# \; C4 _- T8 E( f0 N* k
) _7 d" k) R- t  {- ^谦虚使人进步。不看完怎么知道文章的精髓呢?; ~0 S- Q7 A, ]2 c) U* M0 F. }
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-11 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-12 18:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-20 16:07 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-30 05:33 | 显示全部楼层


说得不错,有收获,顶一下2 E1 n; T4 `9 P% h, O6 s
, H  i& \  h5 b+ j" p! u
  _! W  C: I  O3 F( X
  一民工大便不通去医院作检查,医生检查后给此人开了一个药方,民工到取药处一看是一卷手纸,不解,医生说:以后不要再用水泥袋擦屁股了!2 @6 Q: B, M! Y4 y& s7 ^
$ A. r6 ?- C" N1 J" W& |9 p9 K
" m# N; b& w9 W+ u" X1 q  a
5 O$ H$ u9 [% g: W% \5 }6 f2 ga 传奇世界私服, b WoW Gold, c 传奇私服, d 传世私服, e wow gold
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