多谢回复。 3 ^/ X) s& k" J( ~+ E/ A; U. w# H
没解释清楚。其实是国内公派联合培养的学生过来做1-2年的访问研究,只是办理签证的时候给了个work permit(感觉很意外这个occupation听起来很酷)。国家给的奖学金有限,生活起来比较紧张,加上只在实验室做研究感觉口语提高很慢,也希望能有所提高。* H7 t* k: O* N
+ m. y: f# m" ~2 \& q. }1 d, B# D K
我不是很明白的是,工作许可上说明 not authorized to work in any occupation other than stated; not authorized to work for any employer other than stated. 这里的work只是的full-time的工作么?还是说on campus的工作不受work permit的限制。 8 ]9 j9 ~7 l+ W! Q+ R& _, e0 }, O, h; \( e2 ^( V. d4 v8 b
I think that it means you are only allowed to work as univ. professor in univ. of Alberta. 3 U; Z- U. Z2 Z7 K, p/ r$ Y
Nothing more than that. 4 d/ n* ~" h. { & t, B, @( Z* }5 LYou may call CIC
工作许可上说明 not authorized to work in any occupation other than stated; not authorized to work for any employer other than stated. - r& d" r) D; ^1 Q$ N# _
/ J6 o# m2 x) \- LSo you are not allowed to work anywhere else. It has indicated two points: Employer: U of A, Occupation: univ. professor 9 [5 U. l8 f6 w! H% R7 ] r3 |! z& F, L
Otherwise, go to find a job paid by CASH, not Cheque. ( B6 b9 P, n5 W+ O( k( x $ d1 C6 a" ]. Z' T* Z: RI understand that my answer is what you didn't want to see. But you can check with CIC.