don't listen to anybody how they did on their road test. : B" a3 `) L Pit is you doing the road test. if you fail the road test, 4 N* X; R0 [& c/ T# c) _* S: Oit only means that you are not ready to drive by yourself. 5 C' ^ H% [4 N. n# f6 kthen go and practice another 30 hours at home before your ! n' C; {5 m7 _& t8 {5 m! dnext test. please listen to my adivse. be a better and safe 2 K+ w& Z& o5 a4 l/ C7 x5 x2 edriver., W" M4 T/ z* x% V- O0 G0 i
+ l i7 Y$ Z/ n4 k, R* T8 i, a
ps. will you fly with air canada knowing the pilot have only z& I0 I- S! x; q" X 10 hours of flying time.