埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 19:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我是在这里逆风而上的人,我也是第一个在这里说"假电工"而被斑主糟蹋的人.我的目的没有别的,只是希望各位保持低调,虚心学习,少点吹嘘.不要老以自己在国内是什么学历和工程师而自居.因为我的同事门经常谈到中国移民电工问题,我感觉很不光彩.7 `0 l4 y7 c. j8 P+ d  g  l- V
0 X. c" b( [2 K9 y% N  c
; j2 H0 a9 w$ |$ j5 I0 s. `* x0 ]+ [' e7 S8 P
' C# c! W  o& V3 H9 Q问题2:What do the following ANSI/IEEE devices number mean in electrical protection?
' P6 ^5 ^3 [. F" Y! {      50; 51; 52; 83; 86; 87; 27; 59; 21; 43
( g( u* q  @: Y答案:自己找
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 19:36 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

List of Device Numbers
9 H9 A) {' s2 N: [1 xClick to learn more.... \# a" S" F1 i+ v6 p* D

/ m8 d$ x) w: ]/ D# N/ a# I    * 1 - Master Element! \$ b3 F" X4 t4 Q  I5 ?& f8 D$ C
    * 2 - Time Delay Starting or Closing Relay
/ m3 i' I4 T# M# E+ R    * 3 - Checking or Interlocking Relay; Q5 s! D* i4 c0 n8 W' L
    * 4 - Master Contactor
; L3 r/ g$ D3 r# A+ v: m% ]    * 5 - Stopping Device
1 E0 X2 H+ e- {8 B% L- }    * 6 - Starting Circuit Breaker: F8 \! s( e8 d* N6 u. b- p0 I
    * 7 - Anode Circuit Breaker
+ y: e) ^, |8 A6 Q/ j    * 8 - Control Power Disconnecting Device
$ G5 Y) l4 q6 x7 l9 j* z( {  l    * 9 - Reversing Device, D( k: A9 p9 V
    * 10 - Unit Sequence Switch; `9 K$ u# i$ |# j
    * 12 - Overspeed Device0 N+ L' \/ p2 S  s- |1 S# H
    * 13 - Synchronous-speed Device+ g9 ]+ h8 A4 p- t6 ~8 g- h% n8 [: O0 C
    * 14 - Underspeed Device- T6 j& J" Y7 }5 r5 r
    * 15 - Speed - or Frequency-Matching Device
- r' K+ G6 [9 q    * 21 - Distance Relay1 ]2 k; N6 l1 F  y8 e* r6 d
    * 23 - Temperature Control Device
& y9 q2 X, o1 {0 G0 o    * 25 - Synchronizing or Synchronism-Check Device* Q9 m- X5 H/ Y3 h/ T. Q
    * 26 - Apparatus Thermal Device3 P" Y4 }& j3 J' H
    * 27 - Undervoltage Relay! Q, A1 s) j1 @/ @1 b& x
    * 29 - Isolating Contactor/ g# A! |& N3 z! r; k
    * 30 - Annunciator Relay' Y- L% K9 p$ S
    * 32 - Directional Power Relay0 v2 i4 X4 d. n* j7 _8 Y
    * 36 - Polarity or Polarizing Voltage Devices
1 D% n2 x$ g" ^4 W  ]    * 37 - Undercurrent or Underpower Relay7 G. V* v  X1 @& V- h
    * 38 - Bearing Protective Device
6 e7 e# N/ e5 ]7 f5 O    * 39 - Mechanical Conduction Monitor9 i# g( Q9 I" o! Z" h  m) m
    * 40 - Field Relay
' |" ]& C( `' g' }0 V    * 41 - Field Circuit Breaker- u4 n& g& T8 o$ c0 V; K; i
    * 42 - Running Circuit Breaker
3 C) X' W, b: N& K4 G3 C    * 43 - Manual Transfer or Selector Device8 D! _6 k# |7 X% b* I1 |3 M( y
    * 46 - Reverse-phase or Phase-Balance Relay
9 r# Y1 @  c# ~6 U    * 47 - Phase-Sequence Voltage Relay2 H, M  c' D# Q; |0 A& c: \
    * 48 - Incomplete-Sequence Relay& g8 j' E6 _5 O& ^1 ^; ?% t
    * 49 - Machine or Transformer Thermal Relay& a9 K2 y9 w7 v- C" o' H
    * 50 - Instantaneous Overcurrent3 m0 ^" n/ D2 {0 w
    * 51 - AC Time Overcurrent Relay+ U3 _2 C2 q+ G# R
    * 52 - AC Circuit Breaker
0 e7 J8 Q: Q% ^$ W    * 53 - Exciter or DC Generator Relay+ l0 L4 ^' {0 u* t" W
    * 54 - High-Speed DC Circuit Breaker
  ~: m7 D' z( w; k# Y    * 55 - Power Factor Relay
6 |/ F2 o  B) _* Y2 }& N    * 56 - Field Application Relay  e: J8 U2 i# L  V2 {
    * 59 - Overvoltage Relay
) H& S% V  s- \* H, ~    * 60 - Voltage or Current Balance Relay
+ S- X* `' b$ x$ P8 g: }    * 61 - Machine Split Phase Current Balance9 O+ o2 A: y. D) X% x& F& g
    * 62 - Time-Delay Stopping or Opening Relay2 G  l: I3 t& P2 k: p9 O8 o
    * 63 - Pressure Switch
: C, o6 z! D9 I# A& `: U" ]    * 64 - Ground Detector Relay
8 ], p2 S9 u" k3 o* I4 F    * 65 - Governor
7 f6 y0 P' l. X    * 66 - Starts per Hour
. n' K& X# j9 a) q8 B* L, k    * 67 - AC Directional Overcurrent Relay
" a9 v: B4 F$ h  S; X& d) S+ d$ ~    * 68 - Blocking Relay
0 c4 g+ j& X1 U* p    * 69 - Permissive Control Device
9 Y+ P" g6 O, j    * 71 - Level Switch; Z1 F& L& s3 g, t, r5 a
    * 72 - DC Circuit Breaker
& Z- T! _6 M% t% [; R3 l    * 74 - Alarm Relay  q: s; z; d, R- U8 q
    * 75 - Position Changing Mechanism; ]) a$ m% ?2 R( X" ]. C7 m
    * 76 - DC Overcurrent Relay
3 s) k, e, G* t: C1 {7 O    * 78 - Phase-Angle Measuring or Out-of-Step Protective Relay$ c7 ~+ D. x# T/ X
    * 79 - AC-Reclosing Relay
) I! p$ ?5 M# }    * 81 - Frequency Relay
' r9 l& M+ G4 ]7 G/ E3 I2 \7 M6 b    * 83 - Automatic Selective Control or Transfer Relay3 `, o) I- U4 b6 G  \" x( y
    * 84 - Operating Mechanism
+ ?. l* W* m% I$ }    * 85 - Carrier or Pilot-Wire Receiver Relay( V" P5 v5 N2 {3 x& A- C0 f
    * 86 - Lockout Relay
$ L7 u8 a: x* F0 {! Q4 T# k+ {    * 87 - Differential Protective Relay
$ A: ^4 R# w5 K, T4 M    * 89 - Line Switch
! T* \6 G" K, I& J    * 90 - Regulating Device
% t5 Q! L4 E7 m5 X  m    * 91 - Voltage Directional Relay4 @5 ^6 F4 g7 c; `) H. l/ x
    * 92 - Voltage and Power Directional Relay1 @: z7 u5 Q) K3 [
    * 94 - Tripping or Trip-Free Relay. z# m7 x2 ~  n+ r
    * 95 - Reluctance Torque Synchrocheck; g. Q0 N: G! d, d0 C/ T* J
    * 96 - Autoloading Relay
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 20:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-11 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 changlu 于 2009-1-11 20:12 发表
9 x; I* O7 O+ Q+ t+ @2 ~; hlz,我感到这样的问题是不是对电工难了点,其中有几个保护设备都没有用过.
- {  j# o& a' g0 }$ i& h% d7 N
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
Differential Protective Relay,是不是就是差动保护?
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-11 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 changlu 于 2009-1-11 21:09 发表
" M, A# e, s& S" C  hDifferential Protective Relay,是不是就是差动保护?

( [  M8 @5 f8 _+ W你说的对,比如说 BUS Differential, Transformer Differential.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-13 04:09 | 显示全部楼层
我只见过52和86,还是做电工之前的事。这些对工业电工很有用。对建筑电工来说可能一辈子都用不着。油砂工地的电工工作主要还是做cable try, pull cable, termination, bonding structure, install EHT (electric heat trace) SR & MI 两类,如果掌握这些工作中所使用的工具和器材就应该能应付大部分工作了。当你经验多了还可以做做QA/QC工作。3 L" l+ L( S  |6 N) `' l' }. s
$ w7 z5 L. P3 F2 \  |& N' t5 g( R) z余下的慢慢分享
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-13 18:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 老警察 于 2009-1-13 04:09 发表 1 O, x3 [( j: U0 P2 o
我只见过52和86,还是做电工之前的事。这些对工业电工很有用。对建筑电工来说可能一辈子都用不着。油砂工地的电工工作主要还是做cable try, pull cable, termination, bonding structure, install EHT (electric hea ...
0 \' z( _2 o) O' K6 T* e. Z
! g) G: W) L: H. U& }5 j; w
I agree with you.
. ~% s& x9 K; N) O; ^) G; o3 y4 p4 U6 x, x
If one understands very well about the high voltage protection system, I believe he does not need to worry about finding an electrician job anywhere in Canada. Most these things are used for power house or utilities, and large pump stations.....
) U, ]* c0 R/ P1 W( s: X: }8 {0 \( d) k: B" P! m$ C: p, K
For most of electricians at most time, I would say basic skills and experience is more important.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-1 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 changlu 于 2009-1-11 21:11 发表 0 }- q! `. O2 N1 g0 s% f
' X2 x3 f- x: n$ W; T
1 R7 I3 K: z5 K1 A, Y3 t0 nhttp://lyn.bloghome.cn/posts/185965.html
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