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【五周年征文】The layer

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【五周年征文】诗歌一首,根据Stanley Kunitz的诗歌 The layer 改编。
4 p% h" q! x2 {' [5 ?写这个东西就是觉得好玩,现在没法征得Stanley Kunitz他老人家同意了,在此谢谢Stanley Kunitz7 g- `$ i! N/ ^# s/ @1 _: Y
9 M( y2 ~2 F0 w

" I! A; q3 P; p8 d6 U3 k: x& h# I  N% e+ }2 q
    The layers
( j+ H* Y- U/ u2 _7 W
* K4 `0 \( V! M6 V4 N; kI have walked through many websites,+ z, ~5 t6 w1 K7 t7 N) S. q! }( `
some of them I like,
9 u+ M1 z  C4 q3 |and some of them I do not like.* G3 X$ \/ C' U5 E2 Z
Oh, Lao Yang have made a tribe* v( ]; j3 \; [  h. _2 U
out of his true affections.
9 S$ y0 @. W5 W# fI go, I go
: A8 x' F5 E! B* ?/ q% F: Y, J: Rexulting somewhat, ; \; q3 [) d7 |8 e# E. x
with my will intact to go6 z' U% ~- Z3 p0 Q, }
wherever I need to go,
; z# D( Z% A% Y6 C2 hand every post on the Edmontonchina Community - J2 T! x0 N7 K# f) I* d# ^  D
Precious to me.; ?7 z) U4 {& i' A) c5 W# ?
In my darkest night, / O4 D/ v; I# ~' I
when the moon was covered" N" X1 v/ y2 w6 r  V0 C3 Z' M
and I roamed through websites,4 b7 L- ]1 Z# S+ A. i  V- M
a nimbus-clouded Lao Yang’ voice
7 E6 `0 z8 U( G6 Ndirected me:' }; H* n3 v* Q5 b' @0 ^% j* }
Live in the layers1 F7 L1 B4 e. B3 a& E. c' b
not on the litter.& U8 ~% r: v3 A# S
Though I lack the art
8 G  \+ p  J+ H5 Cto decipher it,/ k3 L4 l* a7 Z. H7 U' Q7 z
no doubt the next chaper
6 X, B9 X) Q- W/ J  q: V2 tin my book of transformations
* `9 P' q" J$ U5 c/ C% c& L' Ois already written./ n9 q, E8 ~% ^" `) V
I love to live with Edmontonchina Community.

' A* g: {# `" i" p+ d  i- T
6 ^: Y8 \; u+ F  a# A. O% t$ f9 @原文在此:- V& R: g8 [9 \: E# ], i" _

  @! i; H# f/ j# L: a; b! X' ~The Layers
  E" t- g' i6 h# V; m7 h' O6 ]; r7 a& X
I have walked through many lives,
4 b* X+ \* W( ~7 tsome of them my own,
& T0 r9 e" p8 z* u3 B- c/ Kand I am not who I was, ' _+ h* z1 M$ \" H- B5 @1 I
though some principle of being 2 Y6 E# |* l. ]5 u; e) ?4 X
abides, from which I struggle
8 X6 p* P+ O, D# r  Unot to stray.
9 i8 W* @8 G0 t, X# e; FWhen I look behind,
) |1 K) q# `( c4 F9 `3 |4 e. [+ xas I am compelled to look
+ c+ N7 D  h% J, kbefore I can gather strength
, X6 j' p, ?0 q7 |to proceed on my journey, ! B( @8 L- Y; F0 V. R
I see the milestones dwindling
+ N0 o0 ?' T# S4 `' dtoward the horizon
* A) F) p, o$ D& Rand the slow fires trailing
! S4 u, {2 S( h# qfrom the abandoned camp-sites, 2 X, E3 _" i+ p) J; n- A  R3 E
over which scavenger angels & j9 @. \( ?1 z& D( L  J
wheel on heavy wings.
* G# v! B8 }" `0 a  OOh, I have made myself a tribe
8 x3 r9 O3 R/ i$ \  A& hout of my true affections, 5 l. X) \% l4 F' b, |. j
and my tribe is scattered!
- T" Y. D4 J: X. BHow shall the heart be reconciled 2 z5 T, L" g2 r& e
to its feast of losses?
6 U7 J. t# \' u4 ~6 T) g7 [: J* I: [In a rising wind
* n. x* R0 C# ^. T( q2 xthe manic dust of my friends, * ?' J  v7 B3 X7 k0 s* F8 `
those who fell along the way, ) X$ J3 ?5 [: \- q" G, Z
bitterly stings my face.
- s* F5 {1 z# ^( F1 r2 SYet I turn, I turn, ! g- m' T, j& h+ u% Y7 v
exulting somewhat,
) B$ _/ r" [  t8 p5 y: o& ?with my will intact to go * ]! B# \' L: s2 g$ n+ b7 A+ F
whereever I need to go, # E/ i6 f7 L/ O: e. k
and every stone on the road
! M; {6 ^) f4 F, lprecious to me. 0 J/ F$ z* X7 K" S
In my darkest night,
, D3 h; q% P" F; K/ P1 M3 |( pwhen the moon was covered / o/ R/ l7 k# o  H+ V& N) v0 d
and I roamed through wreckage, 2 m% H; J% f' X$ _3 F
a nimbus-clouded voice
: D$ N* |5 z" \* X6 gdirected me:
# t( w! U+ b$ q"Live in the layers,
! }, j  L# ^3 @: B. [9 f5 Snot on the litter." 8 \" _/ X  L, c: }" d7 i. I
Though I lack the art & f8 c* g% {, x
to decipher it, + U' K4 Z* w. \. {- V- X9 ]
no doubt the next chapter 2 \0 E8 a0 M; Z/ N0 e! X
in my book of transformations " U6 N% _! E6 B" z# i4 L/ _
is already written. ' H7 Y& H, M/ x3 T
I am not done with my changes.5 c- H+ r% o/ b: G; ]
—Stanley Kunitz& t2 u, @& r9 l8 f4 l& w+ n; R0 K( B: F

& d! ^* Q- a  H1 j8 O) C) {% d[ 本帖最后由 betterbest 于 2009-3-31 13:31 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-31 18:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(120) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
好诗,送花—— 一句也不认识,只知道有老杨,还有他的中文网~~~~~~~
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小熊之家 于 2009-3-31 19:38 发表 1 r# j9 h4 Z- d- U2 B/ B4 _6 i

+ E" L: n( k, ~2 j& ?" y/ E4 z5 ^3 A( C2 n5 P7 ^* h
鲜花(120) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 betterbest 于 2009-3-31 19:24 发表
3 |+ \; ?. {8 y; v0 y- V谢谢版主,能给点花鼓励鼓励吗

& `  Q! |; q+ B没问题,送花~~~要常来哟~~支持原创~~~
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
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