埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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How to prepare for a pandemic

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-4-28 07:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% X! @& e9 b# ]  M; O  d! l% A% v0 V7 B3 _! Q
The World Health Organization hasn't yet declared swine flu a global pandemic - but already news of the unusual bug that began in Mexico is leaving people panicked and uncertain.; ?0 Y; b- p4 z$ O; R9 v

' s" z" B  T, F6 I( f! jThey recommend maintaining a "social distance" of one metre to decrease your risk of spreading or contracting flu, and to avoid greetings that involve direct physical contact such as handshakes and a peck on the cheek. They also advise you not to share food, cigarettes or water bottles and to follow all public health measures, such as warnings not to go to school or daycare, or other isolation and quarantine measures5 V5 Z9 V; U0 ]- A0 f
1 T4 `: z9 d4 L. ^
Other precautions worth considering in case of a pandemic:+ J: m1 u8 G, g  e1 M6 \  O
7 T0 z4 Z" G7 Y
Get a bicycle (automobiles keep you from interacting closely with people, but there is the potential problem of fuel shortages).+ U2 j' P& _9 r1 Y9 u

& u6 L9 G& a( I' t$ bSet up online banking and shopping services.
: W" v0 z, s8 ~0 g) \
) V! j1 i9 ^8 w( F% J' f9 P7 h. RKeep a supply of cash at home." L8 q" H( [$ r/ D8 f5 _$ X
' z, t% R( K9 c& Z
Look into the possibility of working at home.
: a' \9 X' I, P7 P4 n$ G/ h0 q) m  L* T8 d& w) G) w- Y* i7 ^
If there are ill and non-ill people in the same house, set up a zone for the sick and have a threshold area between the two where the ill people can leave things for the non-ill and vice versa.
. S3 W1 B2 D& C  i6 {# \; r3 C  V9 ~7 @% {! y
Have a month's supply of food in your home (non-perishables) as well as a can opener and a first aid kit.
1 G, f3 d8 v2 [. }, U( y" p' F! e/ M6 v# E
Buy a small, self-contained water purification system and/or stockpile bottled water (even though Canada has safe, drinkable tap water, occasional dysfunction in water treatment systems can occur and you cannot go a day without clean water).
: |' D6 c7 E% v9 `4 h4 ^% N, D% ~" Y: r' ~6 g
Keep batteries, flashlight, candles and matches in the extreme case of disruptions in power supplies.
2 }: y5 n. G: e9 [/ J1 X" }' P6 @6 M4 F* q$ ]: `+ V2 y. P
If you are taking prescription medication, have an extra month's supply.
2 W# r( A7 x3 n$ y/ V* h* r, Z% V& e; M& ]0 a. P( z$ V0 Y2 x# ]/ i
Stock up on contraceptives, pain killers, multivitamins and oral rehydration fluids.
6 O/ D0 i- y0 D+ b  e+ |9 L
* i" L/ j) i: c& ~- N) i: y7 U"Choosing how to go about your daily life during a pandemic means striking a balance between an activity's risk of exposing you to influenza and whether that activity is essential for you
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