鲜花( 35)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 莫迭儿 于 2009-7-22 11:16 编辑 $ Y: n7 _4 f3 l) a' C( Z
/ ]* T% c6 E# X( k- n( L/ bI'm at work...sorry I can't type Chinese. I had same problems before, therefore I would like to share my experiences.1 a! \: P, g' w
$ l1 G7 @7 I A
I guess your daughter doesn't have many experiences playing with other kids. I believe she knows what is right and what is incorrect at most of time, she just forgot the rule at the time she broke the rule. I had a hard time to understand my elder daughter when she was 2.5...but later I changed...so did her.- Z! G# i J& r: i6 S9 i
& P$ ?; W; C' h6 C/ f
Try the following methods:5 }% U4 a4 x3 J1 V! n/ A# A. h
' ^6 i; Z5 o* [7 z5 f1.Read her some stories- you can make up your own stories or borrow some books from the library, let her tell you who (which animal/person) is right and who is wrong and why.
6 B' `3 i2 `! C8 X) U2 J& {3 A1 |+ l- `6 E6 B5 Y7 I( s: e4 P
2. Make a puppet show by using her dolly toys. So she can actually see the scenario: The little friends are happily playing together, sometimes they break up, sometimes one hits another then he/she apologizes.4 A# o' f1 P( y; Q& A& ?4 M( C6 ~
" j8 n4 r% V4 H9 {3. Ask her what she would do at the same situation. (When someone grabs her toy, or she wants to play with another kid's toy, etc)
/ O7 V! n; Q+ {7 g( g
3 i0 `3 b9 J2 \& c7 h* s4. Teach her the proper ways of dealing problems, language to usesuch as, "Would you like to trade?”," I’ll play 5 more minutes, then you can have my toy". ---This is very important. She knows what is right and wrong, but what if other kids upset her or she doesn't want to share at that moment. 1 b- Z" {* b' w' B1 N h6 U4 P
k" j: S( b, W- h. a
5. Ask her how would she feel if someone hits/pushes her. You can pretend to be that person, she would laugh at that moment, but it would definitely make her think. $ y* g& q/ w; l, h5 L8 A5 N* H) _
, A- a p7 X6 Y6. Always remember to let her know, it's not that you don't love her when she makes mistake. You just don't like the behavior. In other words, you love her so you discipline her.
2 i* a' T' d. }0 L$ {7 o) B5 d4 A/ [; r: C8 |! `9 m
The following are quoted from my past post <<团圆的日子>>
3 s: M" v, B) N* j" B
; v* u4 E0 y) c9 @5 d; W! X5 f她有辨别是非的能力,但同一个问题,教育她很多次了,还是老是屡犯。每次哭闹后认错,说哪错了,哪不对,第一,第二,第三,几点错误一一自己列出,说得有板有眼,保证下次不敢了。但还是屡犯。大人教育她时,她不爱听,表达她的生气,她说:“我永远也不要跟你好了,你给我出去。”我对我自己的耐心产生了怀疑。' ~ Y, d. P' h/ _3 k
4 w$ l$ q1 |8 ^2 b8 k0 G* K华人社区服务中心有个“亲亲宝宝”育儿俱乐部,我和爷爷带着两个宝宝参加了五次。那是个基本上是母亲交流的活动,上课时间,宝宝们在活动室里玩,母亲们在一起讨沦交流育儿心得。第一次的上课,给我触动最深,
F% i5 T* N( M1 h U, q! T" `# H5 R6 I几个给我深的育儿概念:+ D& N$ R( D! y3 T0 j, _0 J% z
1. “不要把小孩子当着成人看。他们的记忆靠不住。” 不要跟他们说,“跟你说了多少次你怎么还是这样?”李婉芳老师说:“他们在犯错误的时候真的没想起来,所以需要你们时常的提醒”
! d7 s" ^) F: \; f2. 对待孩子要有三心:爱心,耐心,细心。3 y4 ]# i7 L: U1 o2 u. E
3. 管教孩子的方法---不要打孩子。打孩子只是你一时面子上下不去,打下去了,往往过后你也心疼后悔,收到的效果也不一定好。当你生气时,最好是泡杯茶,平心静气地给孩子也给你自己几分钟时间,双方都有时间冷静下来。) p A8 Z% B- k# D
4. Time out是个好的管教方法。但时间不宜过长。越小的孩子time out 的时间应该越短。3 U/ P, s9 T, ^& u0 Z
5. 尊重孩子,你尊重她,她也学会尊重。--这点上,要象大人一样对她。/ l# Y A# _$ p% t% N
7 ]/ c9 R) y. G4 V; {* D
有了这方面的认识后,我开始反省自己的错误。我和老公几乎把她当成人看了,觉得她认错完了知道错了怎么还是重犯,她原来让我们很生气的毛病,下次再犯时,我就耐着心,问她,“你做错事没? 做错事不要紧,你告诉妈妈你忘记了就可以,或者马上认错,或者用行动改正,妈妈都喜欢。” |