鲜花( 35)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2009-11-23 09:32
哎呀,这个和我的胃口,鱼片不需要腌一下吗?* S: F8 o4 w) s, k% z$ U
另外,你家拿什么煮粥啊? 我拿高压锅,要是煮好后就开锅难度很大啊。% }$ l% a1 o- \8 M, O
竹帘儿 发表于 2009-11-23 06:30  2 R! G7 @; F8 I' J) C
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鱼片不需要腌一下吗 ?-See above, 根据个人口味,鱼片可直接投入粥锅中煮食,复杂些的可在鱼投入粥锅前加姜丝、少许料酒、盐、黑胡椒粉、少许油拌匀。# {: f Z& p6 r* T* ~
You don't have to 腌一下. But if you like to 腌一下 , you can either simply add a little salt to 鱼片, or you can add "少许料酒、盐、黑胡椒粉、少许油拌匀 一下" and stay for 3-5 minitues.
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你家拿什么煮粥啊-Same, 高压锅. It takes 15 mins to cook and another10 minitues to release. If you cook congee in a 高压锅 without the lid on, it will probably takes 20 minitues. |