鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)
没开玩笑啊,国内质量不差& d# J w; T9 _& }6 \1 g
当然不是叫你买地摊% {- J5 M g# K3 X
在这里买的,也是中国制造的; r2 g' G& `! w m# H3 H
/ W1 {& Q a6 m+ v& b9 k国内带来的,不比这里差
2 s1 c/ ^7 x1 M* ~, t8 c+ \! O1 y+ Z2 u老海军那些打折的还不如我们那里交易市场批发的
1 a) H0 b- b( |0 g1 Z- c* ?" r' Y" \, ^幸福象花儿一样 发表于 2010-1-14 11:59 
2 p2 B. P: n8 i' L- @it does not matter where it is made. a lot of top brands have sth made in China but the price is higher in China as well.
4 K- b' A( r0 }' |5 k) C/ M. cany nicer brand in the Mall i usually went (Pacific Mall) in Beijing is more expensive than Gymboree, not mention the big discount we have here. Also, if you have a moment check out Zara Kids in China and here. Never had a chance to compare 地摊 and 老海军 though, never bought these. |