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[论坛信息] 加拿大华人电工协会成立后,洋人有些不爽

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发表于 2010-1-30 15:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
加拿大华人电工协会成立后,洋人有些不爽6 m' k' w! @7 Y" h+ O$ i# B% e$ _
* N2 Q# v3 B5 T& l7 y3 G
5 q  F5 l  O5 n4 k# N' f$ u
发布: 2010-1-24 05:47 | 作者: oilrush | 来源: 华人电气网
: n. U: ^6 @1 n- ]$ d# l" Q. L, h! j7 ^( R4 g9 q  `
$ y, H. Q# ]$ N
; u6 `" ]  `( I/ Q3 @: m* V
+ A' G* h* n, T- t4 cQuote
; g7 B4 P9 G! Q. `1 D5 B2 n' A  R6 HNearly 200 immigrants from China, took part in the January 2 electrician in the IBEW union electrician Hall meetings and the inaugural meeting of the Chinese Electrotechnical Society, they set up their own organization through way to enhance solidarity among themselves and hoped that through the organizations and trade unions and the Government to communicate to solve China's immigration problems facing the electrical current.4 F. f+ E6 j; F" W9 \! `6 R! T. D# P
  A) y3 d. i; W- A

! o6 ~: B2 h( G% k! {, j$ l% x1 ^# H7 J- x1 ]
A new precedent has been set within the IBEW...- m8 I9 v( @! w
. N& Y0 t: g7 L2 m# J
It used to be illegal to have your own meetings and to form your own organization within the IBEW.
& N  {6 E7 j. [( W* H) C2 |+ \0 n" N* `2 O% m5 v0 J
So, it should now be safe for any IBEW member to form "their own" visible opposition party within their own IBEW Local Union and call their own meetings in order to solve the problems that we discuss on this forum.3 K' g5 U& P( Z( t# `1 u2 v

) ^$ Y0 y' r9 W% Y' DQuote3 ]( P( P3 i: ~" ~; L$ {: B; S2 ^
At the meeting, IBEW424 union project manager Tim Brower first mentioned in 2009 the prospects for trade union development and project status, due to projects such as SHELL SCOTTFORD still need a lot of electrical work, trade unions can basically ensure that members of this year's workload, but also because of the economic downturn faced project closure caused by challenges. However, a rise in oil prices, a number of projects will be gradually restored, then all aspects of the situation would improve.
( {. {  i3 _; n; A0 k0 e, ?5 ]2 Y0 G4 R+ g9 x8 K
Quote* X6 B. v5 X% {' g( ~
IBEW424 union President JAMES WATSON speech, the union electrician for the performance of the Chinese to be sure, he praised the Chinese electrical punctual in live, their level comparable to or even higher than other ethnic groups electricians, some of whom reach the top. For the current existence of the Ontario Industrial electrician certificate is not recognized by some companies, he said that the Union is working with the Government consultation. He participated in a number of Chinese Electrical union audit and other aspects of new members appreciated the efforts the other unions will also offer ESL and other related training to help immigrants overcome the language barriers electrician.
5 l1 n: g: j) V, P2 x
7 }: W8 m' i0 L0 `( o" Y6 l' rWhy isn't James Watson working to get American IBEW members working?
5 Q3 c' U/ Q5 S- q1 o8 ~# \- b
/ N  [5 J: T1 t, }8 I% wQuote
5 U- D' M( Z& l# H/ ]+ aUnion's public relations manager Barry Salmon, in talking about the establishment of the Chinese Electrotechnical Society and the operation of the organization how it will matter, of the Chinese electric can set up their own organization to be sure, he hopes to integrate into the Chinese electrician electrician group among other ethnic groups .# W& T2 T/ K! [  z2 K" W

0 o( n, H9 b9 w3 j& Q' @Albert Borgford... Please come back!1 [8 I; |& t6 o! o; y6 s/ c+ z7 y
You can now set up your own organization without being harassed by the IBEW officers.
+ o$ f/ _  B1 Q/ _) oOtherwise...you can file discrimination against those IBEW officers.
& C9 L) V" q! H4 f) y8 O: L" Y, {
% \9 G0 B6 L6 MQuote
5 C$ {3 I+ @4 bAlberta NDP provincial governor, briefed the meeting about the party's policies, he was Ontario's industrial electrician license problems also expressed considerable concern, NDP and the trade unions will join in consultation with the Government of Ontario for those who hold industrial electrician license Electrical equal opportunities.; ^; D, k% y: S+ [
8 |' A3 X& U1 |' L. M$ c/ v
So... whatever became of the investigation into those FAKE certifications?
1 _0 D0 }/ N! m0 L! a: R9 }2 E, w; G# Z2 \/ U
- \/ `, |1 a: D, O; w8 `In the next question time, the union recognized the discrimination against the Chinese presence electrician, trade unions will not tolerate such phenomena exist, they will fight together with the parties in order to ensure the equitable rights and interests of members.* ^, a4 c( J8 b

! ?5 k& z. ~5 W) x6 Q0 `What about the discrimination against present IBEW members who are unemployed?
/ i+ u3 K- T4 l" U5 h8 X: e4 \Why does the IBEW 424 continue to discriminate against other IBEW members in Canada and the United States?
3 s: c- F( z! {2 ]$ j' h! `( w# o# H. V! f: l, j( I- y9 V
/ x# k$ D3 u* U' THong-Wei Zhou for the General Assembly elected head of the Chinese Electrotechnical Society.
" b( e" @0 t! w1 k* X
8 i/ [' k& C9 G) N9 U/ g9 C) C' F8 w* h! s+ y
2 J4 t7 F; \. \
: h. `% p8 P+ N8 L2 A
$ K0 A! ?: |9 ~" ]+ H9 m
宏伟.jpg/ b' `. ~0 x4 g( C( p

6 `% K; S# R  z$ `( n& G, n, f# Z: m' ^' `2 _
* ceac ibew.jpg (360.7 KB, 1600x1200 - viewed 152 times.)
( g' R" B3 G5 x( U
) }3 M! X0 p  \0 I1 w% T
, [* ^! d$ O7 i" b
$ b" l% k5 {; `0 w: lQuote
7 ^2 i3 h/ N7 U& {public relations manager Barry Salmon talked about the establishment of the Chinese Association of electrical engineering and the Organization as well as the how it works, on Chinese electrician can set up its own organization affirmed that he hoped the other electrical into Chinese ethnic minorities have electrical group.?
7 y4 k* w: p) f; \& C3 ]% w8 J* [6 Z
Oh, so Barry Salmon is promoting an ethnic electrical association? Is he trying to get in good with them for future job?
" A* t$ X( s1 i  `4 W0 A# `
: y2 m# y' x4 v8 M/ d8 fQuote
; U9 }/ T1 q, j& H2 s, Urecognition for Chinese electrician discrimination exists, the Union will not tolerate such phenomena exist, they will struggle with the party concerned and to ensure that the rights and interests of members, ~* E- m' P: U+ A* }
# \9 Q6 Y% _7 d- s1 B& o* l- C
I get discriminated against because of my questioning our Presidents new job or was it my weight or German heritage, though I passed the CFQ with a Red Seal back when you didn't get help writing the exam, so can all us descriminated guys start an association with the official IBEW nod?
2 A( ?5 z" F4 p* Y% Q$ X0 X- Z. v3 b8 B
ConBut meanwhile they think it is OK to set up an race related electrical organization? Can I join? Wow, well if they can have an association based on Country of origin then I guess Canadian electricians can have an association that will be endorsed by Barry Salmon also? I hope everyone can see where this is going, Dividend and fucius?
/ y7 M( G- G& o" ~) N  Q
# z7 q; l+ L+ ~        
& C3 m( |/ G- P* K2 U9 U  T        
9 t  {% W# p) s' LSeems we can file reverse discrimination... I do recall having racist comments made about my Metis status...( R6 t& Y2 z* N% D2 O; b5 ~

% H% I8 D& a; e9 S1 v3 @So how come they kicked me out of the IBEW based on my being Metis?
& r: h0 d% g  S* ZSure... they LIED and tried to convince everyone that I caused and engaged in a work stoppage.....* m: N4 Z, h7 t2 u* h7 H! T

: t4 U" U( E% j$ o( g8 r4 JHelloOOOOO HUMAN RIGHTS.... p- P" `! `6 E) P% L! u/ H
. k& |0 l6 f0 w( K' W& Z
They... IBEW 424 Tim Brower would have to prove to Human Rights why they expelled me. The ONUS would be on Tim Brower to prove that he did not discriminate against me because of my Metis status..../ P& ]7 C" [: N" d9 O3 P
7 h( |; Z0 W3 L; @+ T, r) R
oilrush (2010-1-24 05:54:41). u2 A' [4 L* L5 d8 `" R6 H5 [( w
Are they members of 424? If they are IBEW Constitution Art 25 Sec 1 (d) and (f) ring a bell? Barry is a member last I heard. If I remember correctly you don't even have to be a member to file a charge. LOL
9 D, h6 {4 ?) d5 U! F
4 t* Y( y2 l) I& D& H
7 P+ h8 p5 H) ^, O0 d
8 t5 P' s: d' U0 J2 u4 i( dI'll be there Monday morning at 9AM for my no recordering allowed, no witnesses interigation by Bill Daniels. Only in Canada eh!& W" O- {& U) A
. h/ r. d% Z4 S9 C) b% V/ g  Y8 D2 ]& D
Quote+ _) k8 k! J& K9 i

1 U3 \5 L, k7 l! ]; E; nIBEW Constitution Art 25 Sec 16 S( ^, N4 C- {8 [0 {  n
(d) Engaging in activities designed to bring about a withdrawal or secession from the I.B.E.W of any L.U. or of any member or group of members, or to cause dual unionism or schism within the I.B.E.W.
# E" H  v7 A/ w; T* N$ O" v9 p2 O2 t0 Y1 H" p3 M/ w+ l" u
Yup... that is dual unionism ... but there's no sense in charging anyone for it.0 Y3 m% o! i. N
It's obviously no longer an offense according to the IBEW President Ed Hill.9 a( ^- J! K2 i! N3 @" Q  q9 a! N
So... let's embrace it.
$ w% t/ H8 h6 [6 q+ ^0 j9 CBorgi no longer has to stay on the outside of the IBEW to continue with his Canadian Constitution project. We can now ALL join a new "Canadian Electrician Association of Canada" as a not-for-profit organization ... to have REAL meetings that will be constructive towards educating IBEW members and can be used to help draw up motions, organize campaigns, etc., etc., etc.
' c! X4 d: L& z+ R# {& b; _- Q. Q3 U. A1 Q
Just like our fellow members of the Chinese Electrician Association of Canada8 {" G8 e. Y2 w4 d& U8 f( I9 z( q
... who the hell needs the IBEW officers or their permission to build the labour movement?; A. a. S: h. a
, t6 r0 h; H" @1 n( g$ Y+ ?
2 v$ ?- [9 k# H+ T7 }4 ~I knew this would be a hot topic and I found out about it by a good brother through good Asian member's who are legite, it's time to expose 424 for what they are money greedy bastard's,let's start our own assotiation, education for the Canadian Union Electrician. For member's and former member's, Eric we need a chairman and officer, you up for it.; d5 P4 X& v5 Z  H; O
5 N* ^8 m% }, U5 I* W% J# {( v1 \
/ m# [2 D4 S5 Z7 b$ r9 eQuote from: mothers on October 16, 2009, 06:31:20 PM
4 C; ^  e8 m$ f0 |9 |  f+ p$ jI knew this would be a hot topic and I found out about it by a good brother through good Asian member's who are legite, it's time to expose 424 for what they are money greedy bastard's,let's start our own assotiation, education for the Canadian Union Electrician. For member's and former member's, Eric we need a chairman and officer, you up for it.
0 M0 V8 M# |% @; U$ B# l
7 m% c# I% s/ o5 ?2 bOf course I'd be up for it... but I think it would be only fair to let other IBEW 424 members lead the way. It should be brought up at the 424 union meetings and widely announced to ALL electricians... notice I said ALL electricians.  Wink8 D$ u& v. a  ?9 {; a" W6 _
7 w# ?0 J6 `( q
I need to phone a fellow Brother about the official paperwork that needs to be done and I can post that information here... unless someone else has already looked into that.
3 C8 ^! j+ T. w/ o: rThis is good news...
" m: b: F/ e; OWhat better timing for Canadian IBEW members after ALL we've put up with...8 l% g1 P: \3 E+ B3 _
... and especially after the release of Edwin D. Hill's letter.6 M1 @% L0 o# @# i# A( L
This is that next step that needed to be taken.  Smiley How ironic that the very assholes that could have charged IBEW 424 members for even suggesting such an action... have just handed it to us on a silver platter.... mmm... mmm... mmmmmm.... I'm hungry.
, |; G7 ^) C: k0 |  }Anyone else hungry for the Right to exercise our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms without fear of oppression and persecution from those fascist IBEW officers?   Grin
4 c( r5 Y0 D! F+ V- c
* ^+ a! L1 \# l0 a. P5 y  J% U
; S' R. Z7 r* J7 F% n6 M. s1 R  Z0 ~Thanks mothers and Eric, and others in the background.  The ball is rolling now.  We will need everyone possible to push it up the hill.  Many will be pushing back, so more the merrier.
9 V  K' j8 Y) m4 ^8 j0 o2 y$ O) {% V0 X$ y9 l) ^$ c
I know you are out there, don't be shy.  Be strong!3 M$ W7 k4 g* J' F2 @8 U

, D- U* d- U# T$ P/ G/ Z% ythanks,
$ ]0 O1 g3 \3 C' c  w) |# `: j
( k( }4 F% @, W; R9 p0 N, Z5 d+ G4 @9 }+ A/ {

: O( o- s0 Z& ?/ p3 A        
' e; @! Z' ?7 q% X- @" Q4 O, SI have eaten Chinese food of various types since I was 9 years old and have never EVEN heard of steam fried rice.  Steamed rice, yes, I make it myself; Fried rice, that too I can cook, but steam fried rice, nevah.
* ^4 C. W/ V7 ^; _! f: L- jI think GTU should give his head a shake, and hope the steam fried rice does not come out of his ears.7 D, {0 a  w1 r. P( A6 t
. g, h7 z: d* D% Q" u1 |        2 O: j6 i0 ]& G' r4 g" z
7 _+ z) ~4 ]9 E6 E* ^1 X% IOnly because Tim Brower could no longer accuse the IBEW 424 members of discrimination...
5 w" x( z9 L) X+ _" D  d2 x   ...why?
* E8 X" G" }+ z% I( LBecause it was a long-time Canadian citizen of Chinese descent that complained.2 p9 ~: R+ E8 T3 x

' R: y1 \0 r+ p, @; V( TBoth Tim Brower & Barry Stevens are at fault. Of course Tim Brower finds a scapegoat and blames the Government... rather than his own IBEW 424 Examing Board.  Roll Eyes& S6 K5 c3 u% [2 P% z

2 v4 i8 C! i4 \Quote
+ K, b" ?; N5 c/ X1 P7 M0 n+ s- B1 w7 ^1 g1 a2 m  l2 W* e- ?' `0 N' q

. p1 O0 m: \% Q% K5 \$ xInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 424
1 w. g/ F5 n  `
# m5 C0 I2 H  H0 R8 aAlberta union challenges credentials of some foreign industrial electricians
0 ~9 O7 l+ c1 U& [) f9 W5 B) u2 j6 _8 \! K) _
Federal government’s regulation of Red Seal qualifications draws skepticism5 E- u: Z: r8 X7 t. l% F2 Y

2 [( d5 u' L+ ?0 D4 k& ]0 k! VRICHARD GILBERT
( C# v$ X8 X4 L' ?$ Y  A" V/ istaff writer/ _, `; m! V: p! ?+ v( ?

7 R- x/ L8 A: ], M- dThe electricians’ trade union in Alberta is screening some new immigrants because of concerns over certification.
. w. o, G. M- x: e  L" r4 G; H# r; m
( L) Z1 R9 ]) ^5 Q# HSome Chinese immigrants are seeking high-paying employment on oilsands projects as electricians, but the union doesn’t trust the federal government’s regulation of Red Seal qualifications.
9 }" o! _9 Z! `$ d
$ N% r& d' ^+ J3 q; E- g“People from outside Canada come for a better life. They go to Ontario and say they were qualified as electricians and are allowed to challenge the provincial Red Seal,” said Tim Brower, business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) 424.
7 A+ a% h: u2 W5 H; Q6 U
) ]4 Q, a" n1 A- w* u( oMost of immigrant workers are qualified electricians, who write the electricians trade exams in Ontario and trade in their certificates for the equivalent document in Alberta.6 j6 ^  \" R6 ^# ~% j  E# p4 I& ?

! d& K+ T+ ?; w( p$ v5 x/ BHowever, an increasing number of the workers obtained their diplomas without gaining the proper experience.
% ^- q/ n; e" h  c2 W' {* g5 T/ Y$ s/ g7 q& W3 x
According to the union, some of these newly ticketed electricians have never been trained properly.8 s; a, N+ o9 `
! V* q+ A/ b: b
“Some of these people are good and have qualifications. Some people have never been qualified or on a construction site in their lives,” he said.
4 U1 b- @+ f, W" a9 n5 b* k: V0 e0 z8 c7 h% X6 z" }; C3 B
The Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education and Technology confirmed that they have suspended the acceptance of all industrial electrician certificates issued from outside Alberta.( R/ d9 K2 B& n# ~

- m( X9 d. _2 F) b9 u9 W“There was criticism of certified industrial engineers coming in from Ontario,” said Donna McColl, assistant director of communication with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Technology.3 R5 M4 n# t8 |4 I8 P5 Q' s
/ I& {$ u8 o) E) L9 i
“Questions were asked about the qualifications of some folks on the job site. The Red Seal certification was obtained in Ontario from a certain organization and that organization is currently under investigation.”
: B5 v' E. P7 c) x) ^& r
0 W* g( R& x3 F8 o7 W6 |According to Brower, there is a company in Ontario that teaches people to challenge the provincial Red Seal exam, with the help of an interpreter.$ P' p; p4 S2 A* H7 u
0 |3 c5 g+ X: E2 @
However, after these electricians are hired, they no longer have the assistance of an interpreter.
" {+ {5 X; a% i! {* J: V" A: Z  N3 S% v7 j5 }
For some of these workers, it also became clear that they were not qualified construction electricians.& w: E# W8 T( {& }( v9 t" Q) A1 X

2 U  y/ [" R! z9 ~$ }“The school in Ontario was training people to challenge the exam and giving them a road map to Alberta,” he said.
" z: T5 J8 Y0 d- X3 |8 v' \9 ?) b- C9 e+ T& }. g$ v4 M
In response to the situation, the IBEW is checking the references and the work histories of Chinese and Indian immigrants, before they obtain jobs in the Alberta oilsands.
$ `; G4 x, d6 @, z" R: T* O- v0 i3 R( W$ G. @
“We have always trusted the government to make sure that a high standard is maintained, but we can’t trust the government anymore,” said Brower.
: X9 [7 v* H6 ]" }2 V
# X8 d, F( s3 L9 X4 V“We have to make sure they are qualified electricians. There is a safety concern here, because we don’t want anybody to get injured.”& k; W6 H4 u9 o- ?% [4 C' U
2 e  `1 o4 d) S5 }
The province is more strict about certification.
6 {3 K9 c+ }) B1 C" u, R) M6 y
: Z1 @0 R) i/ u“Alberta has more stringent pre-screening and follow up on credentials,” said Brower. “They can’t challenge the Red Seal with an interpreter who is qualified in that trade.”
) W" t- v8 m( i9 Z7 I1 X6 T# Z# h4 n' A: P
McColl said that the matter is still under investigation, but the ministry has been holding all applications for equivalency for the industrial electrician since February.1 @# L! j) O. [# w6 B7 Y: W/ z

' U. U4 `  V: c0 H* y+ D% cHowever, this move is not enough for some.
: g' b- V9 m1 V9 ^1 n# y% B: ]
  T! C: D# q- V! h) `“The government has stopped issuing equivalencies, but they are still not going out looking for people to disqualify,” said Brower, who added he believes there could already be hundreds of unqualified people working in the province.0 N: D8 t0 t- C+ H3 ~( N+ P
; y! c, o$ ^1 H
A spokesman for the Alberta Federation of Labour said that this problem may extend to other trades.
% m3 ?" O& J& z; [7 d/ \
3 q$ h5 c8 W( j; x9 F5 _“The provincial government is only stepping in to stop certification from out of province for the electrical trades,” said Gil McGowan, AFL president.
$ p  d7 z' ~/ S. Q. Z: F( S0 `$ U9 k/ B: @3 V: k4 }
“They are not doing it for the other trades. I have a serious concern about these type of outfits that are diploma mills. They are not giving workers the skills needed on the work sites, but just show them how to pass the Red Seal certification exam.”
) z% y7 A6 O* f, N) u+ f: L) g7 C1 g* o( G3 {$ T8 x. j2 }
McGowan said he wants every provincial government in Canada to crack down quickly on these schools, because they undermine the system of trade evaluation and certification.oilrush (2010-1-24 05:57:37)1 B, e& ?& W$ D5 K$ C
So what they are saying is Alberta is not accepting any out of province Red Seal licences now? What about the out of province people that are already there?, @( h3 \; r; c" i4 q

9 V0 A( I7 f% t4 f* v5 ]9 p* }No, that's not what's happening.  Someone with a Red Seal license from any province can practice his or her trade as an electrician.  The concern is that some members with valid tickets are not qualified, but that is the responsibility of the Union, not the government.  The laws of this land Canada, allow almost anyone to challenge the exam and become a licensed electrician.  It is up to the employers, clients, and Unions to make sure that they they have the experience to perform the jobs required.& _5 i% @2 \, L# Q- c5 p

; t0 ~1 U3 t- K, m* yWhen I graduated from college in Electronic Engineering Technology, I could have challenged the exam and got my license.  I correctly chose to get an apprenticeship and learn the trade beyond the level of theory.  I know many engineers that can't wire a three way switch, but they can draw the schematic on paper.
; `9 c) I/ r0 ~5 o* J
$ K* w5 w4 f3 S& r+ A, x: m) \The Union shouldn't be protecting holders of licenses, but protecting the members with skills they have acquired through experience and knowledge gained from years of hard work.  A license is just a piece of paper, much like the IBEW Constitution!  Grin4 c" u% Q, |& L/ @0 C# [) I, @* k: o
* w3 N+ e8 ~8 f+ N: N/ ~
Also, lets not forget that acquiring an Industrial license in Ontario is equivalent to the Alberta license.  Obtaining a C&M license in Ontario, which I have as well as a red seal, surpasses what is required in Alberta. It's ironic that Albertan's are now crying foul.  As I said earlier, a good electrician has nothing to do with paper.  Some electricians licensed in Alberta should be written on shit paper, but few Albertans seem to be concerned with that.
# e- d; U$ j+ O2 j1 A2 a4 Y( Y
2 P/ z2 c: t8 C" z; ^thanks,# H  S2 L  E: n- ], j

7 ~2 |- j* W5 J% W, _% o+ c
% e7 Z, A! q- M+ P6 d        - p' J5 x+ a: G- U5 u6 e- I9 Z/ v' _

8 ^( \2 _3 N  {0 q        
. N# w* c& B9 d! {A look back to May 2007.... @' H1 E8 A3 `0 }+ @" M9 X

  B/ J3 a) k0 dQuote) `4 D1 v* u9 [1 u" z8 B
/ s7 P$ |( u# Y. J) `8 kState of the Union
& G7 n/ m$ ]  j# o/ rAnti-labour attitude feeds worker shortage
( Z5 R6 T' a2 k+ ~- kNew (and old) challenges for organized labour
$ o0 R! M1 s& E2 V$ |- V4 f
( Y3 |2 R, e2 j, ]On the face of it, there’s nothing unusual about Jonathan McNeil.8 s+ T, N3 e1 }7 v
He was 24 years old when he moved to Alberta from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. After a couple weeks working on oilrigs, he began his apprenticeship as an electrician. Over the past 10 years, Edmonton became his home) r; t( b# U5 V: T, T9 w+ I* i
- S/ l# N/ S; X3 u
Although the story of a young man from the Maritimes moving to Alberta is almost iconic now, what makes McNeil unusual as an Albertan is that he belongs to a union.
/ A6 r: ^. P9 g
) ?% Q: p2 {9 A6 F. A9 tAlberta has the lowest rate of unionization in Canada. With only 24 per cent of its workforce covered by collective agreements, the province falls far short of the Canadian average of 32 per cent. Union organizers can only dream of attaining Quebec levels, which a 2005 study by Statistics Canada pegs at 40 per cent.& B, P, F' p& q: e  a& I

+ n& X, o. ]4 \& I. t) N6 [Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, says those numbers are a direct result of Alberta’s culture and laws. The federal Temporary Foreign Workers program doesn’t help either. "As a result of employer-friendly labour laws," he says, "we have a much lower percentage of the workforce that’s unionized and have less clout at the bargaining table."1 Z% @9 k4 }" d+ n
3 l8 z% \8 q1 K& [2 N
Getting off the books% z% Q6 \( E* p9 B0 W0 N
% x# o0 O; j3 F3 X" k  e3 Q1 D) b
McGowan’s comments come at the tail end of the May Week Labour Arts Festival, home to many events designed precisely to bring people together to learn and organize,
3 l& u9 s% z- f5 R* a% a1 D& Q  v: v+ A' O
"In a province like Alberta," he says, "there are certain stereotypes and mythologies that are propagated by the people that are in power. The Conservatives and their business supporters have been successful in entrenching negative stereotypes about unions. Those negative stereotypes do make it more difficult for us to organize new members.": d+ X* Y: z1 K3 P- }+ W* _( A$ T4 o4 w
* r* Z1 Q! j" j; \; G3 W
In addition to the usual Conservative opposition to unions, the labour movement now faces new challenges, including what McGowan describes as employers bypassing unionized workers." R9 Q1 K) ~+ i& k$ f0 r- B
- s+ ~, m) y5 `7 ^& T: n
McNeil, the electrician from Cape Breton, was unemployed from July to February this year. He says that despite the widely publicized need for skilled workers on oilsands projects and in almost every other sector in the province, many unionized workers face a long wait to get re-employed once their contracts finish.
( h4 M8 h! a5 U$ U+ U. A) o4 I7 q- K1 z6 ^
"If I was to get laid off right now, I’d probably wait at least four or five months on the books before I’d get a call," McNeil says, referring to the union practice of listing unemployed members in books at the union hall and giving preference to those who’ve been out of work the longest.
# L( }7 ?4 n1 T- G% v
1 O3 m  |' g. v! DBy McGowan’s estimate, there are roughly 2,000 unemployed unionized electricians in Alberta. "The numbers vary from trade to trade," he says, "but there are literally thousands of Albertans in this province who are either unemployed or underemployed, who are being cut out of the picture simply because they hold a union card."
( ?  A4 K0 q0 [1 w9 Z8 @) u! y
6 B2 [7 }( Z( l1 PHow is that possible in Alberta? Don’t we have the country’s lowest unemployment rate–3.6 per cent, according to Statistics Canada?
% Y4 g9 h  v9 e+ `: @$ p' j& I
1 z; e  X" c8 u# JMcGowan agrees that the province has a tight labour market, but argues that the situation is more nuanced than the general perception. He claims the situation for Alberta’s skilled labourers isn’t quite so dire. Even if every single one of the roughly 2,000 electricians who are currently unemployed were offered a position, he says, the unions could tap their network of locals across the country, something employers have not yet asked them to do.
, T' N' m3 j; c  H) i9 c# |9 |! S6 O* C, t% o
The recruitment drive- v- G) M$ f: c3 V0 P) c+ Z6 O( [

) S" K. q1 }7 m# PMany Alberta companies already recruit nationally. Canadian Natural Resources Ltd, a major oil and gas development company, tours the country to let contractors know they need workers in Alberta. Lynn Zeidler, vice-president of construction management for Canadian Natural’s Horizon site, says the company asks contractors to search for employees in Alberta first, then the rest of Canada.9 F2 c2 y( B: T/ l9 R# Q$ f

$ B, O+ M$ i8 W' l4 g"The cost of transporting people from outside the country is significantly more," Zeidler says. "The wages on the site are the same regardless of where you come from, so you are always motivated as a contractor to supply your workforce from the resources at hand."
# s7 v% i- N* l- j, y6 A2 ^3 S% }, f8 R% `  p& L; e
But contractors are going farther afield in their search for labour. Patricia Morissette is a senior consultant for the federal government’s Temporary Foreign Workers program within Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC). When an employer applies to hire labour from outside the country, it’s her department that decides whether the labour shortage is severe enough. Contracts are generally short and workers are not eligible for citizenship. She says the cost of hiring out-of-province or foreign workers is so prohibitive that there’s simply no need for the government to monitor whether employers bypass available workers within the province.
) V/ g. i7 o! c8 b1 ?5 C+ s
3 ~: a4 J( [& K! ~- x. J) eOf course, there are loopholes. Nothing prevents an employer from advertising and then simply not hiring unionized workers. (Zeidler admits her company does not get involved in finding out how many Albertans applied for the job before the contractor looked elsewhere.)
9 o1 V1 e! F, L& |4 b6 Q# s2 g! m% b' f) N: Q
The Temporary Foreign Workers Program also takes a hands-off approach when it comes to inquiring how hard employers look for labour. Employers are only required to advertise the job for seven days on the HRDC Job Bank website, says Morissette, adding that neither do they inquire about the number of applications they received or question the employer’s hiring process.( M7 D2 ?& n1 e. z% a, ~/ F

$ G) J# b! Q9 R. K5 ^"The foreign workers program," McGowan says, "is being used as a tool by a number of energy and construction firms to avoid working with unionized workers in this province."& L' ^9 X) Y0 }  P7 z
/ g+ O/ s! V( o, G0 Q$ }* ~$ I
He sees the foreign workers program as a union-busting measure and is concerned that, unlike McNeil, who was able to come to Alberta and make a life for himself, foreign workers are not given that chance.
7 F; w; s+ S1 k( a1 G; z! q
$ h2 h+ s- A/ l" E0 d3 `ANGELA BRUNSCHOT侠客行 (2010-1-24 09:36:27)
! o5 r- R: Z9 M+ X& [不知道该说是好消息还是坏消息门外汉 (2010-1-24 10:24:38)
! u3 e- c" B; k6 l# a4# 侠客行 ; ~! b/ x0 Q% k

& y( R, o6 q2 u8 m我们中国人常说 闷声发大财,所以,以后还是尽量低调些好,以后华人协会开会不要再邀请洋人,也不要去工会hall,随着华人电工实力的增长,部分洋人的嫉恨心理也会加强。edm (2010-1-24 11:07:01)  c3 E! g6 s% L% v+ w
工会的弟兄们多保重,非工会的同志们支持你们继续斗争!电伙计 (2010-1-25 02:22:18)
5 K4 N& D+ k# F# R. z' t& g很多优秀的华人电工在工会干,真是十足的浪费,没有什么技术含量,拿自己的弱项同洋人的强项去拼,还处处要受气,等经济好转,赶紧转行吧,再说,冰天雪地,远离家人,难道这就是移民加拿大要追求的生活吗?oilrush (2010-1-25 03:01:58)+ i3 A5 d1 M9 g$ M* v* o9 L
现在的问题是,我们华人电工太集中在一个地方,是好事也是坏事,将来一旦工程结束或不需要这么多人,大量的人将失业,最好是能分散在各个公司,搞些维修,技术服务等工作,充分发挥技术长处的公司,拼体力的公司就不要去了,估计大多数华人电工也都40上下的人了,还能拼到几时呢?只有这样才有利于华人电工持续发展。电气人 (2010-1-25 03:14:49). Y$ V+ h0 t' P7 Z  ~! j, a% f
8# oilrush ! B- Y. H4 }5 o( w$ D, m: c4 S

6 e: Z$ J. N; _) q* M* ~7 T7 K$ d7 i  K( O6 v" d
同意您的观点,中国人一个人是条龙,十个就成了虫!老菜鸟 (2010-1-25 06:20:46)
6 I& G( P$ Y( Y6 }: V5 @楼上的观点有道理,可像我这样的没有什么真本事,也只好在人多的地方混了。wxd (2010-1-25 12:45:15)# S. b4 F1 ]1 _" X
有本事到哪里都不怕,还是潜心学好技术吧!zero07 (2010-1-26 12:36:36): J; `, K  H1 _8 Z! R. Z
11# wxd * x! d8 D# H4 s
6 T: l$ R8 o" F6 \+ r2 r
# o+ l' G' Y7 @
技术强,是硬道理!移民电工 (2010-1-28 15:36:13)0 |2 n' O3 C- o+ b& w3 ^
同工同酬当然不爽!半夜清风 (2010-1-29 09:48:31)
$ F& J+ `' a- y& Y# C2 J7 R妒忌是人的天性,所以有时候低调些,可以争取更大的发展空间。这也叫养精蓄锐。
鲜花(137) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2010-1-31 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
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