鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
无论是自己带或取daycare, playschool, 都需要投入很多精力去了解孩子, 不可能全指望别人. 可以看看有关孩子教育的书(I recommend " I learn from Children" by Caroline Pratt), 去Noquest 上免费的 Early childhood education level I.
|- d7 c0 }" P& k$ a7 v锯调查, it doesn't matter you choose stay home mom or daycare, 关健是要high quality care. Daycare, preschool 差别佷大, 象Gant MacEwan child care centre 质量佷好, 但你要排上2, 3 年以上.7 \3 v: c, F0 c* d% Z/ a
If you choose stay home, you should consider your philosophy might be different from your parents. I also sugguset you google "Edmonton Parents Link". It is a free program for both parents and children. "Triple P " is one excellent example. I find you might benifit from it. |