鲜花( 9)  鸡蛋( 0)
You can try this one,
3 L. ]! l9 @) s0 V9 DParadise Childcare Centre" b" q8 p z+ f
10707 - 70 ave
! c# r+ I M3 N: s7 W' k! l8 C. FPhone: 780-438-0149
. M: S. t# |1 c" G3 Z+ POwner: Grace& T1 C% Q$ B9 U9 n. V6 i
$ M7 }8 P, A% f( X9 O8 bI just checked it out yesterday for my 2 year old daughter. I am happy about what I saw and have decided to send my daugher there.
, j- H$ j G! |3 c! T. G6 @This daycare is very clean and organized. * G |: N" ] Y- m1 Y9 ]& R! R8 Z" l
There is a washroom in each play room, so kids can go to washroom when they need. ) l- ?- ^# J7 i1 U- V& `" c
There are two seperate playgrouds, one for Kinder garder age, and one for toddlers. 6 N, N0 b) Y) z D1 Q; G$ i
My co-worker's daugher has been in this daycare for 2 years, and in these two years, she's only gotten sick once, and she was sick all the time in her previous daycare.# X! ?6 u: o* k' Z5 t
$ ^( L6 D- `2 h+ r4 M
It is close to the U of A area. It is just a daycare, and If you want your son to learn some other skills (art or math), it may not be the best choice. If you just want to find a daycare, I think it is going to a good one. You can call the owner to get some information.
. K; ^( g9 m' r- C! G- {! o0 i
) t6 M! j& e2 r4 q. h7 C2 m% E+ wBy the way, there is no waiting list in this daycare. They have the rule, first come first server. |