埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[电工杂谈] 候选人Kevin Levy自我简介

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-25 11:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 移民电工 于 2010-5-25 12:52 编辑 ' `; u2 n4 E* b. m2 \9 G# B$ F  l
# J( G. _" _) s  `0 \; k7 |5 I
候选人Kevin Levy自我简介
2 h. V' @4 ^- K5 uI was born in Edmonton Alberta and grew up in a Union Household, although our family moved around quite a bit, following the work, I always considered Edmonton my home.
9 {( l' D$ G' l" K; i
5 M9 l0 C, G3 v8 E  @- f, DThis upbringing, also reinforced my belief that Union membership was the single most important tool that workers have to ensure the best returns for their daily labour.
) z. C' L. n% a0 V0 B' d. B4 Z( a( V2 I
While in High School I worked for Safeway and joined my first Union (UFCW Local 401). After High School I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the trades and joined Local 92 of the Construction and General Workers Union.
9 a3 l" P3 ?: P, _. D' G# F1 E5 i& M
) e  S. S& J# p7 G9 V9 J, a% ~5 p0 p5 p( @* L  Z$ u
This choice gave me access to unionized construction sites where I could observe the different trades performing their work. In no time at all I determined that the Electrical Trade was the trade I wanted to pursue as a career. Once this choice was made I began pestering the Union’s dispatcher everyday for over a month and finally received a call for a signatory contactor in October of 1980. I became a member of the Local Union as soon as I was permitted and was issued my Electrical ticket (with Red  Seal) in 1985.' \5 ?! i& _3 u# |: ^2 P; n
3 x. N3 h# r7 O2 g% O" s  P# j
, c+ n5 n* `4 A0 B( w. X+ i
I have been privileged since obtaining union membership in 1981 to have worked with some of finest Electricians and Trade Unionists the IBEW has ever produced. Many of these members have become life long friends and mentors and it is these relationships that have helped form my current views on how our Union should be conducting itself.  
# G' `( ?$ q$ R4 j) g
& o- E  d5 t5 X1 \) ?
5 T; p. W! W9 P3 |' JKevin Levy Local Union Involvement+ i, n) R4 Z: Z; ~: h

# p2 F" a2 ?- g1 h7 `) _·   Initiated into Local Union November 1981
4 ?4 E; E5 c2 ~# Z8 m' S/ c
8 V4 f; R- d+ J9 H6 W8 L·   Unit 1 Health and Safety Committee 1989 – 1995- e# ^7 Q  `  J1 ~; {% F5 W
0 I6 u) Q2 g+ y0 }* z/ j/ ^- y
o  Co-chair 1992 – 1995
+ i2 ~4 B, Q2 H" ^0 z! G/ c" u2 U; z0 x  m# l" z5 R. W
·   Unit 1 COPE Committee 1989 – 1995
( M6 T, [1 Y1 k& h- ]' _
2 W9 w  i6 f) E; X$ @; Jo   Ad-hoc member as required 1996 – 2007: Y! C" z" S; {* M
2 x2 P3 b9 C( u" d: L$ F+ s
·   Unit 1 Executive Committee 1989 – 1998, c! l. G9 e- ~1 p5 P
5 i4 h3 I5 p" V7 ]  _
o   Unit 1 Pro-tem recorder 1989 – 19926 J. v; [8 x5 k# h# [

/ n1 X1 f. j6 ~' ~o   Unit 1 Chairman 1992 – 1998
( t5 p/ r* i. y! g/ |: U+ V5 m
0 ?& {4 G- U/ R+ s! [# K·   Executive Board Member 1992 – 1998
: Z( p4 K- k. n; |  c1 ?8 g9 X
' ~, `# O* }/ y2 u) s# F* N·   Assistant Business Manager 2001 – 2007
9 H( o% k% U' i1 E4 v5 H% ?0 p# w
- s* m: C: T% o6 w9 f·   Local Union Delegate to;
5 d: f2 ?$ n6 \: Q4 H- w8 N+ K  f2 q
o   Alberta Building Trades Conventions; \5 _0 V4 ^- a: L, x- `

; M# S0 P% n9 p5 N( ho   Alberta Federation of Labour Mid-Term Accountability Session
& u$ s1 Q# g- V3 o+ I( G9 N  b! W* e' y+ v0 e  V; B$ L
o   IBEW All Canada Progress Meeting2 e8 C( o$ D. A5 k9 g

3 s$ G3 p9 c5 z8 b1 K$ Y! p# `o   Canadian Building Trades Legislative Conferences
+ f4 w5 ?' I4 s9 ?
  f" X. A/ e+ Q1 p) l2 ~) io   IBEW Western Canada Organizing Conferences& x7 _& ]. g7 t+ o0 C, R
4 U( F0 _4 r. h6 b! u: P" ]
o   IBEW Membership Development Conferences
$ z0 _$ Y: c0 C% z
! l) _3 L  [0 q, _1 A9 l' ko   IBEW  37th International Convention7 k0 q) b2 n* C6 t# _4 l. v

5 \. m1 C% u; s  ?" Q  Z·   I Have successfully completed the following IBEW Training Courses;
$ a0 w$ R# i  C( o- T
! n: K6 x6 l: E# O( g1 ?o   Job Steward Training (Participant and Instructor)" {: w$ c4 z1 r" I/ @: z

, I4 s5 F& V2 z( C  co   Past Instructor of Local 424 New Member Initiation
/ l2 l. K* S+ a3 L$ ]
7 s2 V8 v. S- ]( U) K( ^o   COMET & COMET Train the Trainer
' K3 ?8 Z; k* J$ }7 {* n; w5 f, t! N
9 {9 w; Y+ X* L# m9 }( To   SCORE & SCORE Train the Trainer6 |6 Y3 o$ M7 U4 o! W

7 Z7 \9 c9 t" e5 `; A, F% to   IBEW Leadership Training
2 m7 f9 N& W+ n1 l1 V; y0 B- l  |+ D
' B  {" m. z% l0 Eo   IBEW Lobbying 1010 @* M% v9 a: s4 E9 n1 A
# Y. U) l) n$ o3 c
o   IBEW Effective Meetings( f7 `! K# E$ H1 j2 p/ n; {
; i" e' O1 _! Q( Q/ I9 |( Z9 F
o   IBEW Protecting the Protector
, e2 X; _; X5 q$ m0 H1 o. h0 s) Z& D) [5 E9 B- Q4 f5 R, j
·   I have also completed the following non-IBEW Training Courses;, C3 a) ^0 U9 }& {/ W" }# V
3 h, Q0 t* p# A- I! d
o   CLC Effective Communication
. @( [( \4 C8 H6 w7 e( M  M3 }/ L0 J( J8 t
o   CLC Facing Management             4 K( f8 s% Z% {
1 ^3 M8 C7 S4 r  h
o   ACSA Basic Instructional Techniques
( m" C6 s5 m. c1 U' Y/ x2 c
0 n7 H. W% p4 A0 Xo   WCB Introduction (Level 1)
; N3 w$ m4 l$ _2 n6 p  u/ o7 u" i6 M2 X6 r: r* m; |
o   WCB Introduction (Level 2) Advanced% E: a% }0 V8 u- I8 ?8 R7 n. y

: D% B- m9 [) I" H+ Wo   WCB Case Studies and Appeals
( z. g" A; d+ b5 D7 l  C
6 W, O6 O+ l3 _  i4 ~3 T5 O* B8 Zo   WCB Life of a Claim
6 e: P( u7 n$ i2 B) ~7 g6 {3 i: E( e* @: o$ _2 o
I have observed that the greatest fear that many Union members express when asked to change the leadership of their Local Union is their fear that the Union will suffer due to the lack of experience the incoming leadership has and that outside parties will attempt to take advantage of this inexperience to garner advantages for their positions.
5 p3 ?0 x/ ^" n7 g. U* U9 N
6 @, d9 K- e- \, W I hope that you agree with me that my background and Union involvement as detailed above will permit me, once elected, to be immediately effective as the Business Manager/Financial Secretary of Local Union 424 IBEW.3 J$ Y8 `$ ]$ l) @' a6 L

9 |& W0 s  [3 O$ @8 bI’m confident that my Education and Involvement in Local Union matters, combined with the support of many good Union Brothers and Sisters, who have indicated their willingness to help me in this process will deliver to the membership a much more experienced, diverse and effective leadership team than the group that currently holds these positions can  provide.
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-26 17:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-26 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
Once this choice was made I began pestering the Union’s dispatcher everyday for over a month and finally received a call for a signatory contactor in October of 1980.
! q. M9 Y4 E& C$ o6 I$ a( ]- O6 c
* @/ I' t1 Q! w: Q. g0 o
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