鲜花( 42)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 juanhhj 于 2010-7-6 23:54 编辑
& k; p$ j$ w" W/ ?+ r5 @+ \/ t9 Z& z# L3 E
先前登记的妈妈们别忘记了,这次我们是POTLUCK野餐的形式,所以一家一菜,自愿组合小组。还有那里有WADING POOL,您不妨帮孩子带上游泳衣,还要做好防晒防蚊虫叮咬。以下是您可以参考的清单:
, H) |7 {6 M; O: ^8 [things you need or want to bring:
8 A# l' m( w# {# m: U9 |, p
& r3 f( K% b: T4 Q, g§ Your own food and drinks (pot luck with some families if you’d like, or BBQ if you are confident that you’ll secure a fire pit.)
) W7 X9 ]& z9 y1 W§ Utensils and supplies8 n/ [% @4 B$ B& i3 N
§ Blankets/chairs N9 `. }8 l* v( o0 \* k! g. E& y; D
§ Hats, sunscreen and umbrella( z: N, c! a6 P( R
§ Swim suits for wading pool and spray park
" I6 h$ [& g' F§ Rackets, balls, swimming and exercise gear if you want to use the facilities at the Kinsmen Sport Centre
! o* k3 N5 o! y2 W§ Extra set(s) of clothing% {) t" [; z; A1 f8 z) w
§ Toys (balls, frisbee, etc.)4 o. i0 W X. K) G7 [1 z
§ Music
' L' v5 X3 }0 M& r$ Y§ Bike and hiking shoes if you want to bike and hike |