( [; }5 c5 S) H1、IMM5409E,我申请我母亲,丈夫作为co-signer,请问我们是否需要填此表格,因为我看见好像只是针对conjugal关系的才需要填写,不确定我们正常婚姻关系的是否需要填表。 $ ~' p6 [/ Y4 ^: H : }+ B# U& \5 C4 T2、IMM1344EA-Application to Sponsor and Undertaking) k- O5 |( h7 U; L) ]/ Y; X
A、只有主申请人,没有附申请人,是否在所有的附带申请人格中填写:NOT APPLICABLE9 G( s/ c$ m& O! M* l) C: o$ R- k
B、第6点的b、c不知道该如何填写。 # h/ B0 H; x. Q% a' f' F" H0 j/ {# ]6 Z& ^8 B* [! J3 K4 O
3、针对需要“option C printout",是否能够直接把自己的Notice of Assessment直接复印,然后原件上交?自己保存复印件了事?2 v) o1 D: J5 m& K& a/ o
6 a4 g% V5 @. H1 K4、小孩的牛奶金、每月的100元,是否算benefit?是否需要填入:IMM1283E-Financial Evaluation的12B(benefits and/or allowances included in line 150 on your option C printour) (amount of social assistance paid to your by province)里面? ! U7 e% o' p, c3 S; h! g9 y5 g: Q$ s
哦,这样呀? ! " ~& q7 I5 N) Y5 W: X F“the Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409), to be completed only if you have a co-signer and he or she is your common-law partner”, 我的理解应该是注册结婚的不用填。 ) w7 H2 Q' P0 c- d
' M- t4 n9 n2 w. a! J- n5 L其他的不好回答,因为要根据具体情况。 ; j6 k( s' ~$ b8 r7 _% c
+ j( M: |7 A2 C U: ]0 u" O
因为我最近也在研究,所以就有兴趣来看看你的帖子。可惜我们的情况不一样,不能帮上你,不好意思。 希望有更多有经验人上来指点一下。再不然,就是找个好朋友帮你打电话问问。
I read the guide again, and you do not need to fill out IMM5409. Z9 Q( O9 Q* N0 m# V( G" R% V: ~+ x* ], h
In the checklist, one of the supporting documents is "Photocopy of your marriage certificate, if you have a co-signer and he or she is your spouse". 7 v/ x% I5 P" Y# z 8 T2 E' s* t) p0 Y g- e1 E
" z" ~( p7 y6 E9 V' {/ n: s# {, m% i. i* C' z/ V ; M7 Y9 K' N' U6 K7 q: d; K! d+ e$ m* N) a( h" P2 [
My questions are general, Maybe. Few people I talked to sound really knowledgeable.