专治疑难杂症,你们都不喜欢google的吗?你的植物叫做 Dracaena Mass Cane. 看我帮你找的答案吧。 m( C% P+ N0 r; y$ D+ d0 \
Your problem is two-fold. Where do you live? Do you have city water with flouride added? Dracaenas are very sensitive to flouride. They react by getting brown spots on the leaves as you describe. They also hate overwatering. Watering once a week is probably too much. The plant needs to be very dry before you water it again. Remember, even if the surface of the soil feels dry it is still moist or even wet a few inches below the surface. You can get a moisture meter with a soil probe at many garden centers for around $10.00. That will tell you if it is dry down in the root zone. Too much water makes the roots rot and it will take time for it to grow new roots. When you start to see new leaf growth you will no it is on the mend.5 X) ?' }/ X4 a' Y0 P* I% r: P6 f
6 z* ^ `# i1 R# @* d; b* D- cTo get rid of the flouride you need to let the water sit in an open bucket for 48 hours before using it to water your plants. The flouride and chlorine will dissipate into the air then the water is safe for the dracaena. Or you can find bottled or filtered water for it.* _% `; R. i0 }% R( ?
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As for trimming it. You can prune the dry brown leaves off and once it starts growing new leaves you can even cut it back and let it grow a whole new top. Give it a dose of Miracle Grow once a month but be very careful about not watering too much. Probably every 2 to even 3 weeks is close enough. Roots need breathing periods between watering so they do not begin to rot. If you have more questions write again. Good luck.
巴西木又称巴西铁柱、香龙血树。株形整齐,直立,叶面宽大且有金黄色条纹。因它干叶奇丽,近几年已成为倍受人们喜爱的室内观叶观干花卉。 [" B5 z8 E6 a0 ^0 b% `3 p 巴西木一般以一根或二根高低错落植于盆中莳养观赏。只要根据其生长特性,创造—个适宜的生长环境,巴西木一年四季都可根深叶茂,生长健壮。& x/ F% p' U! u% e
巴西木叶片会有焦边,叶尖枯焦等现象,这多为干旱,温度过低,浇水、施肥不当或过于通风引起的生理病害。巴西木冬季叶片发黄,是因阳光直射所造成叶片泛黄及叶尖枯焦,应注意遮阳或搬到较明亮的散光处。二是浇水量不要过大,保持盆土微湿即可,同时注意接水盆不要积水,否则会引起烂根,叶片泛黄、枯萎。三是因秋季未施肥或施肥不当,造成叶片黄化,应及时增加养分。用0.2%磷酸二氢钾水溶液喷施叶面。四是因室内温差变化过大,应保持在14至25摄氏度之间。五是由于冬季室内空气干燥,通风不良,易引起红蜘蛛、介壳虫等虫害。可用800倍乐果(氧化)喷杀即可。最好使它在冬季休眠,休眠温度为13℃;温度太低,叶尖和叶缘会出现黄褐斑,冬季不可低于5℃。夏季应置于荫棚下,否则叶片会焦边;但过于荫蔽的环境,会导致叶片发黄褪色。盆土应保持一定湿度,过干过湿均会影响植物生长。; L' h5 L1 \ ~# u3 ^: k6 E' I4 p