埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 金属公司招聘3-4个职位

鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2010-9-23 12:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 紫光 于 2010-9-23 14:03 编辑 . v, L/ R" |3 x& M9 ]' S- b
7 S- l9 v% H/ d9 O& R+ Z) i; F
必须至少能说英语。/ d& j3 `( \, e% z* S. p; p/ j7 o
1、Laser cutter - metal fabrication ( Plasma operator ) (NOC: 9514)
* A( z+ Z( V& s$ W% v. `8 O, I4 KTerms of Employment:+ y/ W2 u* x( Z$ O5 q3 q
Permanent, Full Time, Day2 k; [/ g0 C1 P) D0 b% K
3 \8 z% M  \# Q$ v! ?$16.00 to $22.00 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, Vision Care Benefits。
8 h7 K; G' j/ h  {Experience:
$ v% M0 j) t& G# S" p8 TWill train
9 `9 B* [4 k7 E1 w4 }2 u6 o

5 X% W+ r2 _+ Y, T
  A$ u/ b5 l4 o2 N# \& aLanguages:  s: P2 U* k' a- q+ a
Speak English, Read English, Write English, B& N. T0 J7 r7 G5 T* E; Z* O" f
* ]0 ]# a; T% a) k0 v6 M

2 m  ~. U! \  ?  r& \5 W1 oWork Setting:; A. k6 L' j& a, S) d
Structural steel fabrication company0 s9 e! E  u' k) O7 W
$ K0 F/ h: n5 O5 F

, {4 n. L% t9 }7 x- V8 N" R. u! hType of Machine or Equipment Set Up or Operation:$ D% v" @# F! _  |
Shears, Saws, Plate rolls, Drills, Brakes, Computer - numerical control equipment, Riveters (power), Bolters or screwdrivers (power), Hand tools
' S( l& ?  N& N* p
" ^; Y' W1 I/ U
8 M# A! y/ H; l1 @! w! aWeight Handling:) f6 i# }4 [  ^% M2 s+ S6 M
Up to 45 kg (100 lbs)
0 S. b  P. y2 w0 z! M3 ]' S( j. G/ Q! ~! h6 c' G/ @
) K6 B4 v5 g; }* P* P2 d
Specific Skills:
( n5 p3 G1 S7 |" ~' q# l! O) g7 wRead specifications or follow verbal instructions, Check products for correct shapes, dimensions and other specifications, Troubleshoot, perform corrective action or minor repairs, Select and transport material to work area manually or using crane or hoist, Document work completed, Clean and lubricate equipment, Replace parts as required3 c% p% s  u6 G+ Z

9 D# t: Y$ g$ C9 Z* X# ?, g
+ _# V: p# }; t- E1 b' COwn Tools/Equipment:( L- N  x4 A  |( K9 Q
Steel-toed safety boots
9 Z5 }) n, I' @; e
3 m+ @3 |4 N5 E+ U
7 y" J4 Z( X/ x( dWork Conditions and Physical Capabilities:/ H/ Y% d! a; u8 X2 T/ Z2 U' ?% F
Fast-paced environment, Manual dexterity, Attention to detail! ?& r: B5 q+ U* f" k1 q1 K. I
6 |4 R8 n! l3 B/ Y& }" E
' e# o7 x( S( @( f  {
Transportation/Travel Information:+ Q  ?% h- |/ s- V/ c, I
Own transportation$ P0 p. M# {/ i0 N; V

' ]* V# ?, t1 d" @
7 r# F  r( r. f" @- }) z; lEssential Skills:+ s6 E+ a: m0 t7 o: @8 |, {9 J# j
Reading text, Document use, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Computer use, Continuous learning
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-23 12:48 | 显示全部楼层
2、Press brake operator ( Hydraulic/CNC brake operator ) (NOC: 9514)
8 f. u5 }  r  fTerms of Employment:$ P7 `+ L7 f6 ?; Y. z& C; J
Permanent, Full Time, Day8 a* J- Y" O: g4 Z
Salary:1 a  l8 t  o( y1 I8 S0 k/ r$ d, ?
$24.00 to $28.00 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits
% ^/ m9 @' a; v2 Y8 m3 x9 \Anticipated Start Date:
7 J' S. Z5 m9 C- [; l7 N1 W7 rAs soon as possible
# h- j7 E. z5 @" g( BLocation:
' k, H9 L& l  l; q' e* u8 h- IEdmonton South, Alberta (1 vacancy)
9 J; Y- P- }, U: `9 {Skill Requirements:( I$ I7 S& r9 O* |' a1 E2 V
* b- }0 h0 l2 A+ h& p! v. XSome high school2 k* |8 ]. ~: _
- V: r9 c8 E. s8 E
: i+ _& g' ]& x( M9 z# t
Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.):
% [6 f" k9 U9 r, h4 {9 [Not required
; V) s7 y( z2 U1 m# w, {( T
9 a: w8 e! a- O
# s% A/ Y! y( n4 G% cExperience:
) @0 c) ^% A; v& x; D7 G: |3 years or more- e, N, B$ f3 I$ Q
9 r1 M0 N0 w2 ?$ u# R+ Z

, J3 U( V; p9 Q  R' L1 q. |Languages:
# R* F" e  Y9 k4 Y# x% tSpeak English, Read English, Write English
0 X, B' A, K4 Y9 u, ~- b7 ]; [+ i4 J7 z1 c* c5 K3 ?! b, p' g5 ~
% R1 {/ G# S0 l* M8 g
Work Setting:+ U" U. v( V9 z7 h, M5 U6 R, f
Platework manufacturing company
& O! Y8 u) I  {) c7 _9 c* d5 j4 ~7 h; C. z* C

. m9 O/ ]2 ]" \Type of Machine or Equipment Set Up or Operation:* }$ J2 B! {) b0 U8 ?" R
Shears, Plate rolls, Brakes
4 T( y; z. t8 y8 _) Q
7 Z  v5 ^) l& W( B. h/ @2 o, @- }' E2 @/ n) I# R* U6 b- j3 V' [
Weight Handling:
/ f$ k. X+ E1 Z8 b  ~Up to 23 kg (50 lbs)! G- l$ Q% k/ X- g6 ]

4 q! r8 p9 g6 l5 U
8 U' ~8 z$ U: b+ M. pSpecific Skills:
3 e. w( \9 L) c6 j' N* tRead specifications or follow verbal instructions1 J9 d/ _. O2 @  {9 H

) v6 X+ W& b' r6 I; u9 @$ g8 J, C) [4 D" d+ S+ E7 `+ s; z% |5 X8 }
Own Tools/Equipment:
4 K! v) S) `3 w. F( h! bSteel-toed safety boots+ L7 m8 F  c' [( p# ?9 G1 U7 u
4 m8 L" C# ^; R1 ?+ H

" N% f4 B' E2 D5 E  XTransportation/Travel Information:/ I. V/ v  p4 N, h, N
Own transportation
6 }6 V/ B- F# C9 c: a
$ o0 p: D, p+ o3 C
! |1 ]7 H/ {+ l+ ]% f9 M4 n% G! `+ O  @Essential Skills:
# p$ }* J' O  W1 AOral communication, Working with others, Continuous learning
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-23 12:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 紫光 于 2010-9-23 14:03 编辑
, ^& h6 v% H$ \6 C: F9 L2 q
9 Z( m+ I. P6 c/ g! j3、Laser cutter - metal fabrication ( Laser operator ) (NOC: 9514)
9 S* ^3 c; U( ~4 gTerms of Employment:
  N4 M" P- S7 s% E6 Y, l, L) z! aPermanent, Full Time, Day
/ ?# i, N* ~7 n( J: g# c8 wSalary:( }4 d$ Q4 z! e9 M
$16.00 to $24.00 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
4 J( X/ Z. I4 s  q% QAnticipated Start Date:
' R4 h* Y/ d5 x( J" S2 q4 L% I& n: N3 PAs soon as possible
  t( i8 U& X1 ^5 D; U7 x6 ELocation:
3 n# g0 q5 l' ZEdmonton South, Alberta (1 vacancy) 6 Y$ R+ |% @5 c
Skill Requirements:5 [9 T2 x/ X2 j) e/ H* h- l
' t; c' S& S% h" X9 KCompletion of high school$ P) ]8 K/ p9 U1 K" J' y

, ?4 b, d6 n! v2 U/ x
3 ^2 [9 H' ~) C; Q% E$ c$ R# XCredentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.):
* h% i3 n# ~" c5 x" Y/ GNot applicable# ?3 i% f+ i% r( E! @7 e

& S' [1 S- D# n+ F* W9 z6 ?$ _  v" `0 [% J' [8 ~/ ~$ c  ?0 Y
" O3 r* A9 X! b9 y, V7 months to less than 1 year
3 c" H& G* v% q' O9 C7 n
' ^  ~2 i2 t  P& L" r
( G0 I* h0 n( R* O. H5 x* b! q1 sSpeak English, Read English, Write English3 ^5 f- p- e' S$ [& Y
  s1 O0 g! I/ @* T% q
4 n' C) ?& v% `% f& g' z: v
Work Setting:3 h" M% ~% S' n) {6 A
Structural steel fabrication company
% {  b" F3 _) g2 T
( v  I" X. l8 ^; s1 T# m, J- {9 A, N6 A# N1 c
Type of Machine or Equipment Set Up or Operation:
" Q' x) e7 u2 a3 LShears, Saws, Plate rolls, Drills, Brakes, Computer - numerical control equipment, Riveters (power), Bolters or screwdrivers (power), Hand tools
* C: |) t$ K9 r, s3 c& o9 @/ w" o5 c
/ d! Z. b0 v* K8 T9 j1 P- e
Weight Handling:
, _5 d% E5 H1 _8 G* hUp to 45 kg (100 lbs)- E/ }& I5 Y* y, F/ Z
6 b  d, D: u' z  d" T7 ^

. Y5 a! f- `% n# L- s7 u' \- h8 s! cSpecific Skills:% I2 N% Z# q# G& r; h+ S+ Q
Read specifications or follow verbal instructions, Check products for correct shapes, dimensions and other specifications, Troubleshoot, perform corrective action or minor repairs, Select and transport material to work area manually or using crane or hoist, Document work completed, Clean and lubricate equipment, Replace parts as required* K: V+ x( T, j$ v* {; S3 q
. g: g8 D% s, o+ @4 q0 x) G9 J! I

0 m' B. \8 L; ^' i8 {2 Y) AOwn Tools/Equipment:& g9 g% V# z% M6 e3 x$ R. ^# U
Steel-toed safety boots
' ^+ V! b# `! L/ r% e6 V" m  I! o+ l7 i6 R4 u. Y6 O6 g2 q1 m
8 G; c- i, q5 \5 z1 [+ b3 R
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities:
8 b& a8 f6 ?- w) D! L! gFast-paced environment, Manual dexterity, Attention to detail5 W% l$ `9 J1 W
5 b. S, }! ]- u( f0 H

0 A! o4 L0 l2 gTransportation/Travel Information:3 _" ^0 T1 B3 v, w
Own transportation, Own vehicle, Valid driver's licence
$ d5 s% d' ^$ b  @& M% n3 ]- Z- [# A( f# g; Y# |
8 n0 _& {* o) B" l0 @
Essential Skills:
) K+ B6 h; v+ z9 r8 c2 V3 vReading text, Document use, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Computer use, Continuous learning
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-23 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 紫光 于 2010-9-23 13:54 编辑
+ o* \5 M$ R) s3 \% I8 N
$ a% e6 e: u/ e5 q2 f以上职位都必须有一定的金属知识,主要是要知道本地的计量标准、知道材料名称。1 L& @0 Y1 s# b- F" G1 F% }
) z0 e: s( x9 E5 P8 [  w  ]6 iEmployer:
1 h' t* {" s& A% S4 ~& G/ q0 GGT METAL PRODUCTS5 ]- C: X) y/ `: L' e/ r) g
How to Apply:
/ ^5 C% ^1 T3 }0 A; l0 `+ |( C2 DBy Mail:7 s6 w# z' \% u8 \% |+ t- R
5616-103 ST.
, @1 g' x8 V9 l1 I' F8 tEDMONTON, Alberta
$ i8 A$ M0 L+ _5 W5 cT6H 2H5
+ g5 N5 G: p6 G! W- t8 v( |By Fax:& e2 B7 c/ C% l0 p
(780) 436-2770
/ B0 B8 N, x5 F) qBy E-mail:
2 C0 _0 j/ u) `  F1 }1 T6 vdustin@gtmetal.com   这是工头的直接邮箱,请不要写中文,他看不懂。
. |+ Y3 K5 W6 U" T1 H/ }! G3 u) V4 RWeb Site:
( Y3 i  L4 `: S; r$ Xhttp://www.gtmetal.com
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-23 13:02 | 显示全部楼层
第四个我就不写详细内容了,需要一个helper,也就是打下手的,没有什么要求,有点力气就行。- X# K4 C: N( }# T
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-9-23 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-23 20:29 | 显示全部楼层
有招焊工的吗( G. [; S6 o% B; M" C9 R
幸福象花儿一样 发表于 2010-9-23 20:23

; P! X# h2 E( E: b, k) t8 t3 E最近连招了三个。
  X+ o3 o* N. l/ F你可以发个简历试试。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-9-23 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-25 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-26 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-26 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
: M3 p0 \, J) u9 s感谢您的信息,还有一些具体问题需请教,请给我您的联络方式至lys1170@hotmail.com
) n5 J/ u& D. _4 ]谢谢
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-26 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
您好,% o6 ?+ C4 f5 L- [. [3 K3 ]
感谢您的信息,还有一些具体问题需请教,请给我您的联络方式至lys1170@hotmail.com, A5 Z1 k, ^# @* }5 P2 `
6 t4 `5 c: ^8 _' c4 Wlys4561170 发表于 2010-10-26 14:28

( c* g2 ]2 B6 F5 K$ D) u发了/
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