刚搜索学习了关于给DAYCARE老师和小朋友送礼物的旧帖,还有几个问题要问,各位妈妈们给解答一下:; W2 l- L7 i9 r2 J/ }
1. 除了圣诞节和情人节,还有什么节日要送吗?比如感恩节?- A. S3 S; X3 ]0 p- v- T
2. 老师的生日要送吗? ( i2 E& R3 V. g万年小腰 发表于 2010-10-5 22:38
7 I9 K$ @4 a- _. ?2 v, Q! y1. 除了圣诞节和情人节,还有什么节日要送吗?Not that I'm aware of.- c* u; o1 `- }7 W- l/ a! I; b6 b
比如感恩节? I don't feel it's common to send a gift to your child's teacher on Thanksgiving. A thanksgiving card prepared by you kid is good enough. 1 t; e5 R- ~2 n6 v1 ]2. 老师的生日要送吗? No!!! 2 {9 B$ b. E7 G" } X( P' j$ R% [( r2 ?' l0 q$ M# X! K( t
In addition, if your kid is leaving the daycare center, it would be a good idea to bring gifts for teachers and other kids on the last day.
3# 万年小腰 $ S9 E& T8 n: j( V1 M5 Q2 _$ [2 S. H: g5 K- K f! m
同问,同问呀! ' B# r4 Z1 p; u7 r$ e$ M; A6 T0 H借贴再问一下,女儿上的是宗教学校,感恩节这个节日好像是宗教性质的,莫版说孩子送一张自己做的卡就可以了,可是对于只有三岁半的女儿肯定有难度,如果送了,也明显的是家长帮着的 .../ a0 n8 z5 M. R h w; H
BIGWOOOL 发表于 2010-10-7 14:08
3 C ~' w% n( s YDo not feel you have to send a card/gift. I meant if you would like to express thanks and appreciations, a card is good enought. # z3 L) ?3 {& B5 L- w0 x2 }4 f5 _
Actually my kids never sent a card/gift to their teachers on Thanksgiving. Althought my 7-year-old daughter was preparing a Thanksgiving card for me in last couple days.