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楼主 |
发表于 2010-10-18 01:47
本人的职业应该属于NOCM中的2255类:; s( G7 u, C5 k' c: v
: q5 T4 M* _) P' |5 m
Unit Group0 ?1 w- {# @! v# }: c
2255 Mapping and Related Technologists and Technicians 7 o/ x3 e) h) N \: }
1 f+ C1 u4 \# sMapping and related technologists and technicians gather, analyze, interpret and use geospatial information for applications in natural resources, geology, environment and land use planning. This unit group includes technologists and technicians who design and prepare maps, interpret aerial photographs, operate interpretative and airborne remote sensing equipment, and develop and operate geographical information systems. They are employed by all levels of government, the armed forces, utilities, mapping, computer software, forestry, architectural, engineering and consulting firms and other related establishments. |