这里的幼儿园,3岁之前基本上是不太管你上厕所的,只管换尿布,不管你在家训练得多好,不穿尿布是at your own risk. : t! y. F; B) G) D/ J3 b- M/ o3 Q/ C8 s3 s# ~. d) H v& m9 U; m& H
Don't go back to use diapers again, even the pull-up. You will have to train her again later. Your daughter is adjusting to the environment now. Before, she might be afraid and forgot to pee or poo, now she might be playing and forget those. Talk to the staff and have them take her to the bathroom several times a day and she will be use to that. . L3 ~' C% N% G+ j" h 2 e3 e4 q+ O/ G2 ?+ OSweetle is right. Here the daycare staff for toddlers do not do much toilet training because there are not many kids here at that age do that. My daughter was the only one trained in her room when she was 2. Even when she was 2 and half and was transferred to another daycare, she had several accidents in the first two weeks.
才2岁就戒掉diaper了,厉害。& D2 u2 D$ I8 G
孩子在daycare紧张不爱跟老师说的。很多时候都是能拖就拖。跟自己亲妈不是一回事。# }4 m, k. O6 l, H& Z% E. U
我发现我家孩子都很少学校poo,都攒到家里poo,所以建议穿上pull -up,让她少些stress,慢慢调整吧。总是事故不行的。