鲜花( 74)  鸡蛋( 0)
Vision: having happy and healthy family life 拥有幸福健康的家庭. C# _# ]3 ^, e, A6 V# R
Goal: balance family dynamic and improve family function平衡家庭动态,提高家庭功能
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The program will provide 10 individual independent sections covering different topics related to improvement of family dynamics and function with the goal of educating participants about health issues, safety issues, and lifestyle choices which will lead to happy and healthy family life. ! g1 _6 a( Q( v7 t& a! N2 o- `
课程将包括10个关于家庭动力学和改善家庭功能的不同独立的话题。这些话题与参与者的健康教育,安全问题,和生活方式相关联/ z4 _/ d5 z9 F1 E
! @. c' e7 J; E$ s曾经发过相关的调查,现在在发一个就是如果有这类的课程,你愿意交钱吗?你心目中的理想价位是多少?你对课程有什么要求 |