It's not necessary to take 800 units of vitamin D for small infants. The recommendation of 400 units vitamin D for small infants is based on the assumption that small infants are not exposed to the sun regardless of the season. So it doesn't matter if it's summer or winter. Who puts a 3month old under the sun? I didn't. 400 units is therefore the recommended dosage by the American Academy of Pediatrics and is the practice of Canadian pediatricians. However, if you like giving 800 units, it's not really an issue because it's still not a dosage that would cause toxicity. ) ~2 F7 m0 g& r1 {0 [: q/ z. h2 \! w" u% i
Usually for older kids and adults we say 400 units during the sunnier seasons and 800-1000units during the dark seasons. A small infant does not have the same requirement as adults.- P2 ^. q# m( L
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Again, 1ml=1drop=400 units.