宝宝15个月了,睡午觉是个大问题. 他白天总会睡上2个小时的觉. ( I6 [7 h/ M, c6 O0 F2 I! X. }3 J. k
他一般早上8点左右起床,然后一直持续到下午3,4点钟才睡午觉.通常晚上9点多点就带他就睡觉了. 晚上睡觉是很顺利的,关上灯一会他就能睡着. " ]- |! S7 V% s5 K, X+ u2 E, q! C
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Your baby needs to get up earlier if you want your baby to take a nap around noon. My baby is 15 month old too. She only took 0.5-1 hour nap before she goes to the daycare because she got up late (around 8am). But now she gets up at 6:30 am and the daycare puts her to sleep around 11:30am, and she can sleep 2 hours or so now. So based on my experience, I would say don't worry, your baby will adjust to the daycare schedule for no problem. The only thing you might want to consider is you might want to take some time off from work and stay at the daycare with your baby for the first few days. Once your baby gets used to the environment, you can leave him/her there. Otherwise, your baby might get freak out.