我忘记自己在哪里见过一篇文章,说体质容易过敏的孩子越晚加副食越好.现在周围的亲友一个劲儿地让我给即将五个月大的女儿吃蛋黄.我原本打算孩子满六个月之后才给她增加其他副食,是因为她曾经 有很长严重的湿疹.请问这里有妈妈跟我一样做法么? 若不是,你们都何时开始给孩子加副食呢?% q) v, d5 a6 u
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I gave my baby baby cereal when she was 6 month old and didn't give her york until she is 8 month old. I had doubt about the protein. I wasn't sure if baby can digest the protein that early.