If u want u can start solid food but in Canada health profession will suggest start at6 month. If you still want to breastfeeding ur baby looking for the hungry cue such as cry, sucking on figures, excited when baby see u. Everything u mentioned is normal for a 4 month old baby. Do not worry. Each baby is unique and has his or her own way to grow
应该是宝宝不饿吧,孩子四个月就17斤了,说明你的奶水质量不错而且很足,孩子可能就只要吃几分钟就饱了!我家老二就是那样,三五分钟搞定。母乳喂养的孩子没有硬性规定到点就要喂,看孩子的情况来吧,不想吃就不吃啊。辅食不用现在加,半岁之后再加!" j5 {1 S1 c- i; j# I. f. ?8 i0 x6 U4 o