埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-3 01:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在文学城上看到这个帖子,觉得是华人社区为自己还有后代在加拿大扩大影响力,增强社会对我们族群正面形象的事情。希望有此心的同胞花10-20分钟发个邮件,也传给你认识的每个同胞。大家一起在此次大选之际发挥一点影响力。版主和老杨也给点帮助,可以置顶,以利传播。* W" G+ k; u  N3 p
( d: m& b# A% y6 U/ j

% a  u1 `) m$ B, I向广大加拿大网友求助         2011-03-30 15:09:22        
7 \8 A" y+ C- O/ L" [7 I
* c# B$ ]# ~% T9 W, U我希望这次选举中竞选人能够承诺法定铁路华工纪念日。我这写了一封英文信,写给几个竞选政党的领袖。要求将6月22日定为铁路华工纪念日。请求的道理是我自己的道理,不是每个人都认同,大家可以修改理由,写出自己的理由。我不在乎你最后给谁投票,我只请求你能花5分钟把这封信发给各政党领袖。帮助促成法定铁路华工纪念日。各党领袖电子邮箱附在后边方便大家发邮件。
7 o! ^3 Y' q# q, e
" M5 V! P& |' V2 v7 k  g1、我们集中一个诉求,要求6月22日定为铁路华工纪念日。可以是个人行为,也可以是华人社区行为。我只是做我自己的,把信件模版放出来,供大家参考。
4 _2 x, H! y& w* z
6 {; t" W  [9 Y) L2、信件要写上自己的邮政地址,这是选民的标记。
6 k8 Z' ^! p- s3 t6 I  J6 S6 g# p- r4 W
# x. l  W$ G* |- ^+ G; f
+ u9 g. C2 J" H5 H4、这次竞选主要是争取少数族裔的选票的竞选,所以,族裔诉求有很大优势。这里给出温哥华地区网友杨子在
/ u5 k. M! b  k6 K4 Y2 f7 d加拿大华人紧急行动!! 评论中给出许多有价值的分析。6 D! w$ {1 H  E/ I2 ^# r8 h
+ U- d& Q5 D, g' B& _, E" w
从杨子的评论来看,各党根据地是已经基本不变,都不是他们竞选的重点,竞选重点是少数族裔选票,激烈的战场就是温哥华和多伦多这两个华裔聚集区。华裔只要集中在一个诉求上,应该能够争取得到,只要大家积极写信给竞选各党。4 C+ x. l0 A9 g+ q( K2 r% ?

2 e" n/ X8 ~4 I6 e7 Y- I* q5、我们虽然是争取族裔权益,但我们争取的是族裔平等权益,不是族裔特权,比魁人党温和得多。6 Q2 Z+ ^8 X6 e. l/ S5 c8 d
( [9 |. R5 ?; r3 x  B* @
/ n$ L2 I" n0 r6 d4 ~3 K, o& h6 n$ W! e$ E7 L$ `1 p+ y
/ f2 }5 X( r# W  x( f, r9 _: {6 r* i+ P) s  i9 K4 B
[You Name and post address]
1 c7 ?! S4 Z9 X3 Z5 T- x6 I  E+ A+ W1 l7 B7 x2 P5 G. `- @
[Date]+ z6 \5 a% e1 ]: }8 K
. e% o/ I8 T6 j5 X8 _$ D0 B
The Honourable [full name of the MP]# P1 @3 G0 }$ ^+ K6 W

4 `0 i6 e5 {. UHouse of Commons0 w# x  d+ [. a/ }3 K% Z2 V

  x  q+ b, Q1 H5 r: w( h* oOttawa, Ontario. V( A  T  P3 H1 v. ?( {; T4 w
: A1 f5 ?$ {0 b: z# }, k1 p( R
K1A 0A6
& h; B. P% T1 x) b
. Q6 J, I+ t+ W. bSubject: I vote for Chinese Railroad Workers’ Day
; _; o; A' O# d' x- K0 w4 a# K2 X: G, L
Dear [Mr./Mrs full name of the MP]:
  c& Q+ _* s0 Q; U! {+ S) l7 J8 P5 b) L5 f* U8 B
I am a citizen [introduce yourself with personal experience relevant to the issue]. I am writing to you to express my concern. I urge you and your fellow MPs to designate June 22 as a National Holiday to commemorate the Chinese Railroad Workers.$ L' {; u9 Z0 y0 w

  B0 B0 J  `9 b2 Q8 NOur Prime Minister gave a formal apology on June 22, 2006 to Chinese Canadian community for the use of a head tax and the exclusion of Chinese immigrants to Canada. Many fellow Canadians and I consider this a great event on Canadian history, an event signified that Canada is forging into a mature democratic and humanitarian society. The historical significance diminished, however, as the contribution by Chinese Railroad Workers neglected one way or another by our society. Most Canadian knows how important is CPR to the nationhood of modern Canada, a s Sir John A. MacDonald said, “Until this great work is completed, our Dominion is little more than a ‘geographical expression’”. Most Canadian also knows how important were Chinese Railroad Workers to Canadian Pacific Railroad, as Sir John A. Macdonald argued to Parliament in 1882: "It is simply a question of alternatives: either you must have this labour or you can't have the railway". However, our “Choo Choo Train” entertainments during Christmas Season made not connection to Chinese Railroad Workers, and many of our railroad and locomotion museums I visited display no trace of Chinese Railroad Workers. Chinese Railroad Workers are known important to the nationhood of modern Canada but neglected in our nostalgia on railroad. CPR remains an indisputable icon of Canadian nationalism while Chinese Railroad Workers were excluded from our Canadian Identity. What I can conclude from these disconnections is that Chinese Railroad Workers are recognized only as good instruments, they were used and disposed, even today. On 2006, July, Dr. Jiang, a new Chinese immigrant with two Ph.D. degrees, committed suicide at Toronto partly due to career failure. Ph.D. research is highly creative and difficult job. Like Chinese Railroad Workers and like excellent instrument, Dr. Jiang was also used and disposed. The tragedy of Chinese Railroad Workers repeats even nowadays -- some Chinese Canadians are excellent for most challenge and low-pay job such as Ph.D. researches and post-doctoral positions, but overqualified for normal life positions.
5 v5 p0 [; t0 m1 O. e) W% H: a7 M- e! M" P5 f9 k2 e5 C
I urge you and your fellow MPs to designate June 22 as Chinese Railroad Workers’ Day, upholding our Canadian spirit when our Prime Minister made formal apology to Chinese Canadian community. Remembering the lives that laid cornerstone for our nationhood will promise Canada greater future. Our Canadian Identity is injured without remembering those who died for modern Canada nationhood. Our nation's prosperity and strength is undermined when any of her people is held back or obstructed from achieving their full potential due to some stereotypes we know are wrong. Designating June 22 as Chinese Railroad Workers’ Day is good for Canada, morally and economically. And you have nothing to lost but gaining our support.
! g( K- q0 @, E) A  t' h1 m
  @! e4 C/ E; F+ E$ L9 TI will vote to the party that leads the initiative to designate June 22 as Chinese Railroad Workers’ Day. I believe many fellow Canadians will vote the same.
, O+ v- P8 b) {8 W+ a7 q
  x  W/ R" B( K( h# y" J" A& eSincerely$ `! c# ^0 ], u$ F$ j# I
[Your name]6 ^" f  [. n3 k9 L

. }1 o' V7 k2 F5 q------------------------------------------------! P- n( q) v4 m! y8 d. q( a
" k, L6 Y  N" }1 @& x8 f2 }3 u8 z
给哈勃总理要把Honourable改成Right Honourable。参见) |9 F; p9 ~! a0 e

5 T1 v: X* s1 Z6 F& w5 P# jhttp://www.actew.org/projects/recent/Sample_MP_Letter.pdf$ k/ g# |/ ], \" C
9 V- t; [+ W4 w, R) t  Y' x: n1 i
, j: o4 U6 y' M3 K
2 Z6 s" D, f( r  W注意,要送到这个议会议员的信箱,不要送到政府信箱。9 t6 }! m) i8 J% `  Q

, F! L+ V) |# k) _/ r给在自由党领袖Michael Ignatieff 的信箱是Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca& v+ N5 ]) b9 O" X
+ R8 {! I4 Y% Y
给新民主党领袖Hon. Jack Layton 的信箱是Layton.J@parl.gc.ca
8 j  |% R/ F  i3 t& I& u1 c. s- g4 W& @) m9 R( Z0 e* j
给自己选区议会代表写信,先在3 Y4 a2 a; P4 {! F1 R1 X0 T

7 J6 f5 z& Q! s5 S$ Zhttp://www.elections.ca/scripts/pss/FindED.aspx?L=e, S3 _2 K5 e+ N; p
" c8 }  a' |, |: p5 }
. u* d+ \* B" m1 Q$ t
- y' i  y1 v3 p4 ?7 \% z: \7 ~5 i0 Ghttp://webinfo.parl.gc.ca/Member ... rent&Language=E
  ~3 T% K* K/ t/ c
5 n! s' ^! U9 S. d. q找对应的议员的名字,点击名字就可以找到电子邮箱。
- A% O2 i/ C+ V% _3 b9 E, f
1 k4 e/ B. b( _$ X; M! o% b希望大家积极参与,广为传播。我写的信不一定适合每个人,也许有不妥当的地方,希望大家把自己修改的信放上来给大家分享。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-3 19:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-3 19:47 | 显示全部楼层
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