鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 3)
( c$ O$ z1 o# I* t6 F4 d8 U1 [* J3 y
' F8 \$ H9 j" l; c; V! @; jThis is to advise you that your application for permanent residence has been received and that a file has been created for the Regional Program Centre (RPC) in Buffalo. The RPC will be processing your files. Therefore all correspondence and enquiries must be sent to the RPC. Your new application and paper file numbers appear above. Quote these numbers when corresponding with the RPC.* T) y& G$ w* C7 P" Z# j; z6 q
6 P# W# J; d9 Q5 i; V
+ x. ]/ G& M# G! r5 S
' @1 R- N5 k i! ~# C. Y2 t! Q! [ 7 h& N; I( D6 y. u% _" h$ r7 o
3 @2 P5 o' q$ D9 X0 X. }- ~The next step:
" `6 r. V3 E) h) @; m4 ]+ D3 p
# u! C& Q* |- d9 c% K; S
: x1 \" \- y% B+ XYour file has been placed in a queue awaiting assessment. All applications are processed according to the date on which they are received. Once your file has been assessed, you will receive additional information and instructions. Note, this information may be sent by email to the email address you provided on your application form. Your application may be transferred to one of our partner offices in New York, Detroit, Seattle or Los Angeles for further processing. If your file is transferred you will be notified. At that time, all future correspondence should be sent to that office.' A! y2 |- e5 ]
& R/ G6 Z: S5 }8 A - P# q& ^) ^! H6 y w4 L( j
3 o; ^6 }5 i- v2 E- \% ^
' ?/ l. k( i, a q2 C
7 m7 w$ U0 [) w$ m; p# ~9 n6 VMedical examinations:5 _, `. o, w# W) s" H
+ B+ D" R; X2 _2 B
' k* ^* q X# `! z2 `, Y1 MMedical instructions are attached to this letter. Please open and follow these instructions carefully. If no instructions are enclosed, they will be sent to you at a later date. If you have received medical instructions as an email attachment, just print the attached forms and take them to the Designated Medical Practitioner./ F- s4 O- z4 U) n `$ k
& s/ z! M' {$ n
9 `; @* ]* ]" P) s
2 b; M, `3 e6 }! e
2 F4 r6 d4 I! t# T6 f/ q
, ?7 q+ Z6 B/ o+ B* ODependants:
6 c5 D( v1 Q4 |! } ; D9 _1 }; P, g! U; Z. H/ m
2 Q7 B1 |* `6 k% f) EYou must advise us of all of your dependants, including children who will not accompany you to Canada. Failure to do so may prevent your admission to Canada.
Z$ m) a/ r: h6 C
( T% k$ Y' L' W3 F$ X" ~ 7 o* r1 |" L+ B: I% W
' x/ I6 {6 k& M: f- U7 v
* L: V* w1 V7 b- K
6 a4 ~/ q; Z- B( o$ B7 }
Changes in personal information:
0 P4 P& S$ _+ b
' I6 ]" M! g1 ?8 O8 o. t9 O; `% e( ^( j; b9 ^" i# U
It is imperative that you inform the processing office of any change in your mailing address, family composition i.e. marital status, birth or adoption of a child, or death of a family member.
* T5 X6 T6 S' D- k1 C7 G, [3 J! d+ B4 ^! A/ T% ?( c3 d6 m
Note: Do not use the CIC e-Cas on-line Change of address system. Your new address will
. G, P' _# G& e9 @% v5 o, {4 ~1 |
8 ]- H2 `; W. n4 O! d" _) X! P not be downloaded to your permanent resident file.
* X* t; P2 s/ b9 P/ I+ E) X9 a. ~
: i' h: n2 [ Y7 {
* Q1 X/ n3 Y& b( P1 a/ O7 p0 z
: j0 T1 `! g6 |. g+ ^8 F7 LPersonal data (spelling of name, date of birth, nationality) in our database is taken directly from the information in your passport. Any requested change to this information must therefore be accompanied by a copy of an amended passport.2 {0 ^% o; D1 ^/ k& G. d0 N
6 j& J" g8 J: ~, [4 {8 s8 |0 w
$ e* y R: C! {2 D" J7 I
( ~7 R+ |+ f% t1 Y8 U& y% g$ w
) g# \1 p1 F) L7 h
$ `& R% z6 ?3 S& y! l" v2 l
Contacting our office:) V5 \6 E: K; L) m Z9 [
5 Y) d- o, M1 q6 ?8 ^
* M: ~' O t( `% G; @If you need to communicate new information, you may use the Change in Personal Information form below. We do not confirm receipt of correspondence. Please fax or mail information one time only. We cannot respond to requests for the status of your application until it has been assessed.
% s. a5 J+ N, K' i* d# E. x# ~! K& A- N
8 z- }1 `0 }& A5 x, l; R6 a1 V) O) w, ~# R3 {/ G4 z/ \
For processing times, visit the CIC website at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/inf ... national/index.asp.+ }! P# S* {; i( R' l+ \' Y
5 j& ^1 Z8 o, O
t6 T8 L( y$ H9 X; J6 K; C) C
& G( o1 Q8 J- ?7 ~! ?+ v
2 a& T- ^$ ?5 d6 S3 t& T' ] f/ c# q7 U3 T- L) [7 F
Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO)& g3 G' x9 x) V( j2 C5 Z- Y
. b2 S$ a2 ]! L W; g) z" T# D
3 j# k) q( j3 r' [In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) helps internationally trained individuals get their credentials recognized more quickly. For more information, visit the Foreign Credentials Referral Office at www.directioncanada.gc.ca) ~" ~- S' V# k4 P" ], D
' A2 F/ g4 u/ q8 j8 z: i; M/ [
& n& s% E" I8 O' {4 W
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0 p9 Q4 h- P/ z) g, n* m2 n 8 E4 L) W0 ]7 p
" h9 J0 P1 e1 P" M3 k+ r! \2 ]0 n1 O t0 B0 r
! n- i' x( j, E# l
Immigration Section / Section d'immigration
* k4 S# _: i8 z% T* z% J8 o/ C( Y* i- |
3000 HSBC Center, Buffalo, NY 14203 Ÿ Fax: 716-858-9591
- ?, W' Z5 `7 B8 n) \) p
( d: X% [- Y$ T1 e( t& z+ p% TSite web / Site web: www.buffalo.gc.ca Ÿ Email / Courriel: bfalo-im-enquiry@international.gc. |