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太含糊了,网上找来的一些资料,和楼主说的有不少出入,不过还不知道这个“诺省”是不是Nova Scotia。建议楼主先向中介询问清楚“诺省”的E文名字。
5 U# j8 U8 A8 B6 Z# }( C1 S: Q/ a1 t' h& A% @
Nova Scotia Employers and Businesses
! F" | `/ ^- \% N% nEconomic Stream
+ q5 _$ x* s; J' A6 G9 ^* D1 M; |# z5 `$ M
To qualify as a business mentor, your company must meet the following general guidelines: 9 Z" S; N9 N/ Q) o
Be a privately owned (not publicly listed) company, operating in the Province of Nova Scotia;& C- e! Y9 V$ S+ N" g
; g7 X2 ?* R3 t9 I3 B. w& j$ k8 |: w: g$ g0 p) E2 y
Have at least 5 full-time employees;
2 ]3 S6 G* t: C% q3 r2 o1 `# Q. H2 ^; o* f' @
2 O) F/ d8 F) u# w% VComplete the Business Application Form for the Nova Scotia Nominee Program, and all enclosures; and5 T3 [. T( Q4 I9 F
! \2 w/ b! D& m3 B5 W- O5 L( b3 L6 x& ]$ h
Offer a Nominee employment, in a middle management position, for a minimum period of six months with a minimum salary of $20,000. (These and other employment and mentorship costs are covered by a $100,000 payment by the economic nominee.) ) b. r2 H' T- }, L# U
Your application must include the following information:
% B3 v, Y: s3 h- N8 y& zBusiness profile, which includes a one-page outline of the business along with the current-year business plan;* V' F' Z1 {- m. w( n' f( G
& u; w5 }. @# Y4 n5 X
6 y8 X$ J% T- w% pOrganization chart including the job description for the middle management position;
8 E0 r$ {8 g& b& K, K# U, z
1 i0 V, I2 b" m: }- ^
6 R& _/ ^5 f, y2 c% X c }. K8 T* ~Send two completed NSNP applications with attachments to the Province of Nova Scotia designated worldwide marketing coordinator and file preparer agent for the Provincial Nominee Program: 0 A. Q" b0 d! T6 E3 U* T
" @3 o$ {4 z8 Z$ b5 b# j% ~ N! TCornwallis Financial Corporation) O2 }7 ~0 R9 `; S9 |
5475 Spring Garden Road, Suite #3036 c0 ]( D. r/ e% M K# h. C
Halifax, Nova Scotia
: m* K, P8 {5 {: U. m3 M( H1 I7 mCanada B3J 3T2
2 M+ Q8 {! v# y) [& YDebbie@cornwallis.com : Q) f6 k: v, ?; M
l* Y( x: |# A. PYou are required to pay $2500 at the time of your application as a business host (half of which will be refunded if you are not approved as a business mentor or if you are not assigned a nominee within 18 months of your application)
! P2 z/ G( h: v9 d6 t
4 v) `* i7 v/ ?4 Zor
1 g8 T% [4 d9 M3 B
+ ^4 D" x9 i/ \: w7 f! _7 D+ ~You pay $3500 once your business is matched with a nominee.
. T q) v, J# U" ]* E( d
1 j7 k: O% R9 }7 d' r: Q( j3 rIf your business would like to host an Economic Nominee through the NSNP, please use our contact form to obtain an application from Cornwallis Financial Corporation. |