埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] Overnight Respite Care Giver Needed ASAP

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-12-23 15:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hourly Rate: $14 - $16 before tax ( K4 i0 h6 ^: j; ^* s

$ Z* {8 B- x0 S6 T: w' k+ i) lEmployer: Nurse Next Door
+ y) Z0 S7 p6 c) F* O
* O4 u9 U4 x4 t+ kWork Location:
+ G$ V6 t! P5 i, h" P$ |the employer's home (It is not a live-in nanny position and require SIN#)  t  b  k4 C8 z3 F) C: Y: z
3 ]1 P7 \1 b# y$ q4 M7 W
Work Hours:% F, ?% ~# z! O) g1 q
5:30PM - 11:30PM (6hrs/day for Monday)
1 G! x0 }/ p. K& c# r5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Monday)
) E0 x1 {' W4 E5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Tuesday)
. v+ s. c0 t& I5 N, r/ U& n5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Wednesday)# D7 U: Y9 L7 R- x. b; _
5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Thursday)
: V3 b* X8 {& T2 l/ E5:30PM - 11:30PM (6hrs/day for Friday)
% ?& Q* T; E( h% v, V  M- `. Z5:30PM - 11:30PM (6hrs/day for Saturday)3 F  G" U( m7 X. N; s
" l+ O& W2 L# L* i5 O, `70hrs per week workload - preferable to be split into two caregivers working in rotation          " `# _; h  y: M% p+ n' R

3 n+ u- T: D; |6 VRequirements: (Contract is renewed on the annual basis)
/ Z! A% q6 C- f3 N% {1) Has experiences with young children - Know how to change diapers and how to potty training girls5 I7 c8 \" R$ J; }/ z; L  I0 e' R
2) Loving and caring with lots of patience - Willing and able to learn how to take care of a special need kid including G-tube feeding, medication, suction and chest physio (Training will be provided!)
3 T; K8 M- C& o0 e3 ?: C4 z/ b3) Be able to play with a 2-year old normal developed child - arrange story time and game time
2 O. Q; v' p; [% a( V3 s1 o& a5 x; p  O4) Be able to help out with light household chores such as folding laundry, organize toy boxes, clear up kids' bed - maintain a cleaning and tidy living environment for the children.6 m9 B% G! t  ?2 j7 ]- _. F
5) Help out during the morning and evening bath time for two kids - dry and dress the kids7 K: \4 }/ D2 y( D) i1 c; D
6) Must build good working relationship with the current Day-time Caregiver 2 H2 a% x9 V9 _3 V, A
* I: F3 n. I* H% \# l- Y" v( {* j. z
Proposed Starting Time: January 1, 2012 (ASAP)7 @  [% z3 u" \  d( c

8 B- M. r+ q& E6 V5 L# RIf anyone is interested, please email me at jqiu084@gmail.com
" r" S& @% s# }. ?5 O8 Q
8 f; E  Y3 j  N, d+ Y! WThanks for your time!
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-23 15:35 | 显示全部楼层
or phone Julia at 780-246-5881
鲜花(1283) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2011-12-23 20:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-24 15:07 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Thanks a lot!
8 B7 k' L; [, L: [0 o: u  u; O7 {, q; ]  e
I finally found a very nice over-night caregiver! / f% a6 E" F* [% D/ \/ |/ ?2 t
5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Monday)
6 u! b: {( V7 n" U5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Tuesday)
9 y) d; n3 A, I% A6 r+ M5 g2 r. \5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Wednesday)# n# [' Y. M+ }3 u' X  f! S
5:30PM - 6:30AM (13hrs/day for Thursday)
# V, M6 j: E) e# BMonday to Thursday shift is taken!5 J( h' ?+ f$ q8 s5 F/ |9 J. ^
6 ^% J. }7 a: N" R' d  k( a
Continue looking for a night-time caregiver for the weekends!! V0 \7 c# E$ Z; G
5:30PM - 11:30PM (6hrs/day for Friday)# i1 h4 b( _. P. }2 T
5:30PM - 11:30PM (6hrs/day for Saturday); D/ ?' D  [; _' D- f" Y
5:30PM - 11:30PM (6hrs/day for Sunday)
7 h5 M" I) B6 _' h1 w4 U$ b
5 Z: K5 T& R1 {Chinese Ladies ONLY!
& W' L8 p" o* _" E- [: r* t: V; D& i1 e" w
Hourly Rate: $14 - $16 before tax
) k& Z. t7 L( m3 T' F1 d
+ y9 z6 c8 I  C# eEmployer: Nurse Next Door/ ?1 S0 o. M5 d

* i' Z: ~  f+ B! a' sWork Location:
$ H! B# m9 x, B5 K3 E: S5 h7 _the employer's home (It is not a live-in nanny position and require SIN#)
1 }& P% ~2 c7 g& u7 D8 W& P) k1 T9 }5 }2 c/ z7 F
Requirements: (Contract is renewed on the annual basis)6 H6 s: [  I, j/ J! e
1) Has experiences with young children - Know how to change diapers and how to potty training girls  l- b7 m: @# s$ @( b
2) Loving and caring with lots of patience - Willing and able to learn how to take care of a special need kid including G-tube feeding, medication, suction and chest physio (Training will be provided!)
+ V2 ^5 A; R. {8 W0 w# m3) Be able to play with a 2-year old normal developed child - arrange story time and game time& N9 X3 b; ?4 O; U$ ~& l. F8 Y8 R
4) Be able to help out with light household chores such as folding laundry, organize toy boxes, clear up kids' bed - maintain a cleaning and tidy living environment for the children.
' J" G( p# Q7 y5 D$ M0 d5) Help out during the evening bath time for two kids - dry and dress the kids
6 ]5 _8 N9 o! K4 D6) Must build collaborative working relationship with the current Day-time and Over-night Caregiver5 Q+ L5 g% a% R
7 L; B- g1 d; D
Proposed Starting Time: January 1, 2012 (ASAP)
' O( {" S/ |4 r8 t. b* B$ }. |: K
0 D" G5 d  `7 S# Y; @! t
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-24 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
' y, Y+ ?) L9 s; p  H9 q# S5 V

1 M" B) O9 b# |What a great feeling! When sb. just walked into your door, there is immediate synergy and assurance that she will be able to provide you with the child care assistance you required.
. s7 ]9 u( q4 @& a. ^" A( ^8 a* ^/ ?0 P" r
Thanks www.edmontonchina.cn! It is a great resource for connecting people in need with potential employees!+ X4 w" U5 Z" A" u3 {# E0 S
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-12-24 18:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-12-26 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
up up
8 e7 f/ V5 n. v' X! o! k  x& L
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