手机是在WINNIPEG开的,是ROGERS公司的,因为是在优惠时期开的电话,月租只要10刀,250MIN的DAYTIME local call and unlimited evening time, 不舍得换掉。在这边用的话要收漫游费用吗?打回WINNIPEG是算长途还是本地?打爱城的电话是算长途还是本地呢?
if you're using a winnipeg cell in edmonton, make sure you only dial 780-xxx-xxxx. then it's treated as local call. if you dial 1-780-xxx-xxxx then it'll be treated as long distance call. (this is important if you're just doing speed dials from phone books with prefix "1" programmed). if you're using an edmonton cell, then you can dial either 780-xxx-xxxx or 1-780-xxx-xxxx, both will be treated as local calls.
NEB 发表于 2012-1-11 08:46 " G+ O1 e1 z) J! o6 N8 Lif you're using a winnipeg cell in edmonton, make sure you only dial 780-xxx-xxxx. then it's treated ...