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[其他] D800

鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-15 14:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Speed and power, without compromise. That’s how I’d sum up my impression4 o# @) S5 X) V1 b* k
of the new Nikon D800. Established medium-format image quality is/ Y5 f8 K$ V# C( t
now inside a phenomenal, incredibly responsive Nikon machine. At 36.36 L* e& f$ o2 y: g+ a
megapixels, the D800 produces unprecedented image quality and resolution
3 t. S3 h% l/ G/ p4 t8 {within a body that boasts revolutionary technological advances. The 3D color  Z9 P" k& _' |1 q8 [
matrix metering III, wide dynamic range and the improved AF performance; E0 @" n4 P" b$ U& H
in low light are just a few features that are glaring improvements. The D8007 _/ ~9 l# B; S' g+ @
allows me to concentrate on the light, the composition and my subject8 ~6 x/ B% }, o2 k: P' I, Z
without having to think about much else. In years past, wedding photography/ x& q, V, ?5 R  Y6 {6 M
was traditionally captured with medium-format equipment for maximum
$ E2 s4 `3 Z  g, Q3 |" timage quality. When the 35mm format was adopted within the genre, it was
: n4 B4 ]+ I' `1 `widely accepted that image quality was compromised in lieu of speed and
' i% y. [8 n( M$ J1 v2 O, Oconvenience. Now, my wedding portraiture will have a depth it’s never shown
$ g0 n6 [+ o3 C, e* qbefore, and my style of shooting will be enhanced rather than compromised,
; [. e+ }' Z% |" e# ^thanks to the D800.
4 q0 B5 R( L' u  p7 g6 {3 WWhen I’m shooting beauty and jewelry in the studio or fashion on location,
; o2 F# b, I! {! z- j5 s" A: }36.3 megapixels changes the industry standard: in image quality, dynamic5 C, a/ F' I* z. ~. h  h' A3 H
range, color rendering and the final print. The detail from the D800 produces
' c1 i+ X0 g8 U! C8 Gthe look of a medium-format camera, but gives me the feel and response of a
% [8 i3 w) c& ~0 s7 u! q' r/ p' QD-SLR. The improvements in rendering skin tone and specular highlights, as5 t& E; z2 j0 h1 w0 R7 P
well as fabric and hair detail are superior to anything that has come before.' {% f" G  R4 E5 Z' t
Autofocus quickly tracks models in motion. Nikon’s 91K-pixel RGB sensor
3 }6 u: f5 H" Uhas noticeable improvements in metering accuracy, while the larger LCD is
: r1 t. k2 O% R4 \$ y2 a, l$ d! heasier to read. The camera body feels solid and ergonomically simple, while. k/ H5 v, f$ C$ u
also feeling lighter and smaller than previous high-resolution Nikons. New
% u$ O- k( m7 J4 e5 S/ J4 ^$ jcameras always inspire me to test and explore, and all the useful features
! Y" r* y4 d' Q" s8 K: n  Din such a compact package will open huge creative possibilities for my highquality5 @/ N( g% \3 o& B
prints and video.
# ], O2 D" L! J- i8 J3 E1 g$ iTo me, cameras are more like paintbrushes than technology. The goal is
. C+ J& B8 t- m- T. ?0 I2 E9 unot megapixels or technique but the image, and while camera models' Y& \7 l. b# b0 N, ?9 J
are important, they are not the be-all or end-all. But after a lifetime using
! K, L7 h, D* H' v0 {+ ucountless cameras, I have found a new best friend. It was not love at first
' k/ c' }  X" R6 [) D4 V3 \sight. The sharpness and detail were initially intimidating, exposing my flaws
: o, O9 Y2 m+ R' Tlike never before. Subtle camera movements showed and differences of
5 t: X1 f: O" I# w/ y4 X' Iacuity between aperture choices on various lenses were apparent. But now I, `( n+ ]; i- i, Q) z4 q1 P# U
am enthralled with this technology. Why? Because the images almost feel as
( H+ K/ @1 P) h  x: Sthough they were made with a 4x5 view camera! Special features like timelapse
+ E. v# T  \) Y1 {photography and the improved HD video quality and flexibility also add3 J2 F  j  \% t4 S
tremendously to the camera’s personality. After spending a month with the% V, u/ J/ ?6 j  ^
D800, I’ll never be the same again. Perhaps the best compliment I can express8 y' Y8 q- k+ a; t6 i( }
is that now I will think differently about the images I make.
6 z$ W% b8 b/ iAs a modern architectural photographer I am always looking for a lightweight,* i$ D( g6 F) i1 E# |6 b5 k
compact and reliable camera system fulfilling the requirements of my personal4 c+ [2 T  o) K" T
artistic and client expectations. The Nikon D800 will set new standards for
7 ]/ N) F3 `. ?2 g$ z# wthe high-end 35mm D-SLR market. I have never worked with a 35mm digital
, p+ X0 U" M6 S: ycamera that produces images with such exceptional quality and detail till
( c1 Z% n0 D+ i8 D1 z$ x2 ynow. Particularly, the live view mode enables extremely precise compositions
( }, B/ N8 N( f4 x/ b! }& xand easy focusing in dim lighting, which simplifies my workflow. Superior
; Q8 G0 c3 h. D. p! g; E6 R9 r8 Iquality lenses such as the PC NIKKOR tilt & shift lineup are indispensable for: N. ~& I) I" y# f. y
architectural photography. From my hands-on experience I found that they* l6 G9 \, m5 Q( K5 o' X1 q
perfectly match with the newly invented system and produce breathtakingly8 D9 V" k5 {% @2 B; M  V- q
clean, clear and sharp files. This camera gives me the photographic flexibility
; |( i( B4 L1 m8 d6 s% }to work at unusual shooting locations and capture images in an exceptional& v6 `3 c( E" U/ `' ]& Q6 Q
range of light. It definitely takes my photographic versatility and image quality
: L# b7 o: i. Y. c$ v9 sto a new level. What a new companion!$ d  s% d' `5 D4 N' A) h
The D800 On Assignment8 f) D7 q% p: c2 k* A$ C
Rob Van Petten; i7 D9 ^) {& y5 \" a6 ?
Fashion (U.S.A.)$ l- y2 C. G6 I3 s" X
Cliff Mautner
' P3 ~% e+ P+ O  z, J; s  CWedding (U.S.A.)8 ~  a" k- F& W1 s" K( v
Jim Brandenburg
9 \7 L6 N( ^; {" A2 F+ bNature (U.S.A.)9 _( A$ c, x  D4 K
Benjamin Antony Monn# }( j$ b+ T* t5 m6 o! P
Fine art/Architecture (Germany)
/ N9 ]( `4 u& K, J- d( n& }Printed in Holland Code No. 6CE11030 (1202/A)K
鲜花(14) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-18 16:39 | 显示全部楼层
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