鲜花( 13)  鸡蛋( 0)
孩子读高中11年级,有意学医,想参加一个医学方面的高中生实习项目,不知哪位在医院诊所工作的朋友可以给做介绍?0 I; S$ z' a& d5 {- n
项目如下" w9 ^0 p' i3 U# D" l$ _, `) e6 G3 q
Health Services Youth Initiative h" k! a" b, r8 @
For students: Interested in any health services career path, the biological sciences or “how things work” in the body
. c* j- B* z& O& h7 F* TThe Health Services Youth Initiative gives grade 11 students the opportunity to explore one of over 200 health occupations through a summer internship. Students earn an honorarium, school credit and valuable experience in the health services field of their interest. Students may be invited back the following summer at the employer’s discretion.
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E% P. I' w+ D, u+ J谢谢帮助.如果有线索请打电话780-619-0339 |