我给妈妈申请的super visa, 之前最好要仔细阅读官方网站的要求,因为里面对邀请信有特殊的要求。另外到保险公司买一份10万的保险,随便定个日期就可以,机票定了以后再通知改起止时间就行。7 G( H( _; |7 n. p3 i: M2 U! n, I
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半导体 发表于 2012-4-28 12:46 - L M& T3 I V" f我给妈妈申请的super visa, 之前最好要仔细阅读官方网站的要求,因为里面对邀请信有特殊的要求。另外到保险 ...
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Thanks a million for sharing! I think I will just try the regular multiple entry visitor visa, it's a lot easier for my old folks who don't even want to come and visit me yet, lol... l+ t. B* {' A5 r( H) d1 q Some people suck at maths! I once waited for half an hour for a cashier at Canadian tire to count the Canadian tire money and she got different totals each time counting them. It's only $33.55 but still a challenge! sigh...