鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)
兔宝宝 发表于 2012-5-22 18:56 
. L/ p) V" h8 w; ]0 J你因为上学而辞职的话是可以拿ei的。 ' W; l @+ V5 U$ K$ z6 ]
1 }3 M, T: [; Y' A) u$ V2 n" DAm I eligible for EI regular benefits?4 M9 ]& L$ e, p$ Y
You may be entitled to receive EI regular benefits if you:
& a) S& A6 l9 }* x! T* q/ U' b# }4 j% w' D
have paid premiums into the EI Account; 8 t$ {- ~4 |, z: v
lost your employment through no fault of your own;
7 O% K2 _1 D" R) C+ \" thave been without work and without pay for at least seven consecutive days in the last 52 weeks; 7 l" \' e4 |7 H/ i
have worked for the required number of insurable hours in the last 52 weeks or since the start of your last EI claim, whichever is shorter; ( U" X2 L3 ~& ?0 [% r* c2 }
are ready, willing, and capable of working each day; and - y6 P3 {0 M! p- F- C
are actively looking for work (you must keep a written record of employers you contact, including when you contacted them).
/ z0 E8 J3 r! cYou may not be entitled to receive EI regular benefits if you:
2 ^6 G( \) O7 J" G. w6 Z4 _' V; [9 ` D
voluntarily left your employment without just cause;
/ s: o% ~, I0 b/ |/ ~were dismissed for misconduct; or
0 @) M$ m; S: t6 g Pare unemployed because you are directly participating in a labour dispute (strike, lockout, or other type of dispute). |