鲜花( 169)  鸡蛋( 1)
Contact AHCIP
3 G. j/ ~9 W+ F- M0 VContact us if you have any questions about health care and health care insurance coverage in Alberta. / L* w. P4 q/ P' F
To inquire about your account or update personal information, please quote your personal health number (not in an email*):
# u3 w Q) d1 V* Q( ]3 z: z; u4 n! r
7 U2 p0 b6 ^/ eTelephone: 780-427-1432 (Edmonton)6 X9 G1 g( l/ e) ~' G0 r
Toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 then 780-427-1432. ; _" I5 ~+ {, ~5 i
Fax: 780-422-0102 (Edmonton)
0 q; D! Z/ j, h( g0 rMail: Alberta Health and Wellness
6 t5 ^5 z6 I5 d) u" VAttention: Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan # U, R/ ?9 Q H, W3 C. S* v7 ~" q
PO Box 1360, Station Main& \1 Z5 c. Z# A, g* w8 T
Edmonton, AB( C; | {6 c! h) x* ?7 F
T5J 2N3
% B. b9 x- U. t$ l9 uIn person: Please use a participating registry agent office location. If you have questions, please contact AHCIP via telephone or email.
8 c3 B; ]# G) ? * c6 i# i% ?& l% e' k }# s2 N
Email*: For general information or non-personal questions regarding Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan, email health.ahcipmail@gov.ab.ca. , [" D/ O$ e1 W5 m. I* z* H1 u# [
( g( m) `5 e$ U/ b+ d( u
. q& ~6 f6 I6 T: _1 n. |& ]
*Any personal information you submit by email is not secure, and may be observed by a third party while in transit. Any questions, comments, or concerns containing your personal health information should be made by telephone.
0 h% E( G& y1 }8 ]7 P+ i5 `& d2 Y5 s8 j, x+ \" a; V: ?+ Z
Deaf/hearing impaired callers: ' G g6 O- k1 W
Within Alberta using a TTY, you can reach the provincial government by dialing:
9 Z7 a$ E1 X: ?! p& K' g# H- Z
; a" V% Y2 k% m8 f+ ~$ s, [9 s■780-427-9999 in Edmonton, or - M: F; ~% Y& @+ X
■1-800-232-7215 in Alberta – This is not a voice line. |