I am picturing myself in a local Starbucks trying to pick up a woman. ! g. U' ~0 {; a) P! g) g% i! J9 ^; F- v' F
Me: "Hey there. You're adorable. I just had to come over and say hi ... oh can I get you a cup of hot Caramel Frappuccino with cream on top?" 2 G8 D" u4 Y- q7 k8 Z) N, d& N. \0 f# s. z5 g: n% S
She: "Oh, that's very nice of you ... Yea sure!" ) R4 K2 r4 t+ x9 G) Q 0 x1 n4 W& c9 g' L15 secs later, I came back empty handed ... "Err, have you been to that Timmy's across the street?"