已经预约8月9日10:00到卡尔加里美领馆面试。有以下几个问题需求帮助回答:3 J' j2 g1 z3 y9 G4 ^/ k& D' _* C
1,需要提前多长时间在爱城出发; f( h. D; K0 o) L8 _2,卡美领馆附近有停车场吗;7 W q* x3 l" A' V! X0 X2 g
3,护照怎样寄到本人手中; Z. N8 u7 S' `. {1 `8 r4,必须带工作证明信吗,只带工资条不行吗。 2 o, I5 g/ }4 f' |, p3 j以上问题诚请有经验的朋友解答,谢谢。
It costs around 2 hours for line up at the America Embassy, so even you book at 10:00 a.m you can be there early. ) {. k% l: T3 w2 [ ) p0 P1 t# V2 o: b9 e. h( p3 yYou have to pick up your passport at DHL center in Edmonton. I think when you filled forms online, it shows the location that you select to pick up.