我今天给北京大使馆发了封信问我妈的护照九月初就寄到了,咋还没返回来呢?人家倒是立马就给回了,啥意思啊?跟没回一样嘛。是不是这封信就是表示收到你的enquiry了,以后会正式回答你的问题啊?谁有经验给说说,谢谢! 1 H; _, o, M$ T" rYour enquiry has been received by the Canadian Embassy, Beijing - 3 W j& j- H) l+ q/ XImmigration Section. ' |+ P$ C- c3 U4 L: p2 a & R/ u1 F0 X& Q3 iFor information and online case status: www.cic.gc.ca.: ^" d; b9 x* g- l
4 k6 T3 x- S' ~( Z% l& e
If your application is within normal processing times you may not receive3 E. m6 r7 R/ v+ \
a reply.: K4 ^. n* w% G6 R. @1 G
6 e6 @- l* P# b1 CIf your message contains new information for your file, it will be updated & O1 O: |' {3 W0 sbut you may not receive a reply.