鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
the landlord has the responsibility to contact the pest control crew to exterminate bed bugs, if he or she doesn't do this, you can sue him/her for sure. the expense will be paid by the landlord% Q" \6 K6 K& s' V" \+ O7 ^
& L. P& t# M9 D
if you don't want to wait to see the result after crew did their job, you can dismiss your lease with the landlord now
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the best way to do for now is: wash all your clothes, and USE DRIER to dry them all, put all the clothes in a garbage bag, seal the bag completely. throw away your bed box, if your mattress is broken, then you need to throw it as well.6 g& V3 k Z0 l8 i) i2 D
2 I- O/ T/ ~' L. z8 F- c& a
wear long sleeve sleeping shirts and pants when you are sleeping, also wear socks- Q7 \3 P4 u5 c
% s5 \+ m( L' XI suggest to move out ASAP cus its hard to fully exterminate bed bugs |