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爱民屯形势大好啊Sharp rise in Edmonton housing starts in April

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发表于 2013-5-9 08:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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. H) I6 N" Z2 |: wHousing starts in the Edmonton census metropolitan area totalled 1,503 during April, compared to 967 a year earlier.
% e) [" v& l; S: A/ e6 qPhotograph by: John Lucas, file , Edmonton Journal
1 A- H; j& _0 `3 s9 T, s. LEDMONTON - Housing starts in the Edmonton census metropolitan area totalled 1,503 during April, compared to 967 a year earlier, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. said Wednesday.
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Builders started 560 single-detached homes, up from 493 units in April 2012. The multi-family sector grew to 943 units, up from 474 a year earlier.& V6 R6 J4 R$ {& O, p
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Housing starts in the region were trending at 14,424 units in April, compared to 13,738 in March. The trend is a six-month moving average of the monthly seasonally adjusted annual rates of total housing starts.' o$ ?7 {4 j/ P8 }5 w+ b
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“The trend in total housing starts moved higher in April, driven by gains in both the single-detached and multi-family sectors,” said David Lan, CMHC senior market analyst for Edmonton. “Growth in full-time employment and net migration in the CMA contributed to the increase in housing starts.”0 G  O/ v, X% p/ e* L! U8 O

* ]! \0 T+ q4 Y( v* v/ M* ?In Calgary, both single- and multi-family starts declined in April to 1,067 from 1,711 in April 2013. Calgary’s single-detached starts in April were 545 units, down from 560 in April 2012. The multi-family sector decreased to 522 units from 1,151 last year.
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The CMHC said housing starts in Calgary were trending at 11,323 units in April compared with 11,242 in March./ y; G! j' R4 Y3 z% w9 z
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Across Alberta, new home construction increased to 39,213 from 34,900 in March, said ATB Financial senior economist Todd Hirsch.
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Consumers remain confident despite a moderating pace of economic growth, he said.* w& k! k# M' {6 _9 c

( f( u$ \8 O" U/ b3 y3 t“Many Albertans — thousands of which are newly arrived job-seekers from other provinces or countries — are expressing their optimism by purchasing a new home,” Hirsch said.. ^% Z6 |8 v) b' J& K$ b; C8 m% {

9 g0 H' v4 s3 l) ^# Q2 N) A# i5 q© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal
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