本帖最后由 rdu 于 2013-9-18 19:18 编辑 d2 D9 q- Q6 w; T; F( ^8 K $ q& Y! T6 ?& p' T% l又开始印钞票了, 下一步利率该怎么变化?7 S% `7 X- ?$ t K8 P1 }9 P
U.S. Federal Reserve not ready to reduce stimulus 8 h5 G. G! h) C# e/ F3 B2 a5 e* Qhttp://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ ... -stimulus-1.18594532 q3 g3 @+ e- k) h- Z7 z
Bank of Canada says confidence in economy improving , n) G0 D$ }; Z! lThe Bank of Canada has maintained its one per cent overnight interest rate for three years. While it has indicated that its key rate will rise at some point in the future, most economists think that point is at least a year away.( {* e+ k! g8 V$ V! {6 r http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ ... improving-1.18591606 z+ T* p; H+ o+ D6 u