JuJueSi 发表于 2013-10-21 07:52 * `( m, q7 v. {) ? O
lol not so good for those whose backyards faces the planned freeway/freeway entrance
* K( K; k* d' ^7 n1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed. / N- C; o$ N& k1 k0 T7 y2) The noise level should actually be better as there is not as much stop and start.
小黄 发表于 2013-10-21 09:08 * q5 l# e. H3 t% W- p5 N
1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed.4 z$ J5 x# _2 ^$ ]* b/ R$ b9 c
2) The noise level should actually b ...
5 Y' ?/ f, C. _8 K1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed. --- Yes 0 b" i* Z! D% Q7 J3 d; A9 i% @9 o$ L9 e9 [, H# i3 |# X
2) The noise level should actually be better as there is not as much stop and start. --- No
我认为5年之内不会动工,这样对房价影响不会很大。大多数新房5-7年后销售是最好的时机。 4 c) n0 @ P. c* |- H& X8 A3 O# o, L; b: w" K3 F4 V, \+ u
这是销售说的,我也是这样人为的。2 r) l& {: M& z/ S
9 F3 I w. N: `1 u$ W