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关于investor group 1.99%的问题.

鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-5-26 19:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 穿拖鞋上油田 于 2014-5-26 21:10 编辑 - N5 i) E# r2 G% l. S" C5 b* D

% {3 k$ p  h3 x: ^1 b3年浮动, 1.99%
) r1 ]" o% a' N# \0 B- q, W8 t9 w7 s' L" v
打电话咨询了一下, 需要收300块左右的 appraisal fee. 请问有其他人办他们的贷款也收了钱么? 有华人代理他们不收appraisal fee的没?
' z. |+ q4 Z6 z+ j$ d
0 ?: t" T- F0 E! z- g% d7 g' b4 ?
感觉这个rate和其他大银行差距有点大,是否有诈?2 f, |% a5 ]6 I4 {7 P* s) S
8 A; X3 W. n6 R* `
我以前找五大银行贷款都没有收这个appraisal fee.
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-5-26 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
大银行都会wave掉这个估价费的,不是没有。7 F" g# |$ j' }& H# z

% a; }+ v6 W* ^) ~+ k0 m3 d我很少和小的financial institute 打交道,因为限制多多。签合同之前一定要看好terms and conditions., 而不仅仅是利率。比如说一年可以多还多少的lump sum, 每次还款可以加多少, 提前退出转到其他银行的罚金是怎么计算的,到期转出还要交什么费用,如果是compounded interest, 什么时候计算,等等。
鲜花(37) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2014-5-27 01:46 | 显示全部楼层
去问过  完了之后完全有受骗的感觉   只不过是给一个很好的噱头让大家踏入investor group的大门  进去后里面的financial advisor完全不是专做mortgage的感觉   他们讲一大堆自己卖的金融产品和保险之类的东西  在我一再强调  我今天来只是来拿那个1.99rate的mortgage   他们就语塞了  说了很多有的没有的  说什么审批程序复杂啊要求众多啊之类的  最后我大概知道基本上这个所谓1.99的mortgage恐怕只是极少数人能拿到  还要买他们的相关产品  在他们那做投资才行    最后还要硬推荐我life insurance以及什么investmen product   
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2014-5-27 04:39 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-27 06:31 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
今天给我发了一堆表让我填,果然有其他一些不相关的home insurance 和 life insurance 的东西在里面。而且要提前收个啥费。感觉怪怪的。
鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-27 07:27 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Investors Group roiled the Canadian mortgage market this week when it announced it was cutting its 36-month variable mortgage rate to 1.99 percent, the lowest rate offered to borrowers in more than two years. The move stunned many economists and prompted talk of a price war among lenders this summer. With all the buzz surrounding this mortgage product, we decided to dig a little deeper to make sure borrowers don’t get any surprises if they decide to sign up with Investors Group.6 l8 a5 q8 G) Y1 j
- i; T% j! D6 t  p3 n
Great Rate, But Some Restrictions Apply' D: Y- p" P$ _) b# Q
Epic, historic, bargain basement – whatever qualifier you want to use, the Investors Group three year variable rate mortgage at 1.99% is unquestionably a great deal. In fact, it’s currently 25 basis points below the next closest competitor!+ K: u2 T4 \0 n; f
A closer look at this mortgage promotion shows that it’s not for everyone, though – there are definitely some odd-ball restrictions that should flash caution signs for many borrowers.2 O6 I) p. Q4 J6 ]- d
Here are three that really stand out:$ A! \5 Q5 O0 O' j8 G
(1) No Early Breakage. With this mortgage, you are truly locked in – Investors Group only releases you from the loan if you sell your house, and even then, you’ll still have to pay a penalty. Forget about refinancing or switching lenders.
4 s0 |( u" M+ U9 m2 }(2) A Lame Lock-In Option. IG says borrowers can lock in a fixed rate at any time – but they will only commit to converting borrowers to a “posted” fixed rate. Guess what: IG’s posted fixed rates are quite high and not even close to being market competitive. Most lenders offer discounted rates if you convert from variable to fixed. That pledge is conspicuously absent with this Investors Group promotion.) D/ \$ n# k5 I
(3) The Promotion is Only Available Through an IG Mortgage Specialist. This rate only seems to be available to clients of IG who go through IG mortgage people. It’s not offered through mortgage brokerages, so Canadians won’t have the same kind of access to the rate as they would if it had come from a conventional lender. We’ve also heard that borrowers who do take the mortgage will be exposed to aggressive cross-selling. IG is best known for selling mutual funds and other investment products, so borrowers should be prepared to hear all about them if they decide to take the loan.
# S9 R1 U- H# P; P, Q$ mPleasant Surprises, Too
! {7 e, d; j$ U7 }% U+ G' EWhile these restrictions will give many buy borrowers pause, some of the details of the Investors Group 1.99 percent variable rate mortgage are actually quite favourable. These include:6 W' _7 e7 {8 O, ~2 G- h; V3 p
(1) Decent Prepayment Options. IG allows you to put down a 15 percent lump-sum annually, as well as a 15 percent annual payment increase and a double-up payment.
. v& W  W. f) C; T; c(2) A Sizable Monthly Payment Cushion. Even though borrowers get the 1.99 percent variable rate, the payments they make will be the same as if the loan was offered at a fixed rate of 3.75 percent. That means that if the prime rate does rise during the loan term, borrowers won’t get immediately swamped by increased payments. Of course, the flipside is that borrowers who want lower monthly payments for cash-flow purposes will be disappointed with this mortgage.* O% E4 X6 }" V, r8 W8 B4 m
(3) It’s Portable. Yes, you CAN take this mortgage and port it to another property if you sell your existing home. Several hastily put-together stories in the press said the IG mortgage isn’t portable, when in fact it is.4 `7 r* s2 U. Q. i; `* s4 U
The Bottom Line
: Y9 A* e  L( g8 l& @# w. uThis new Investors Group promotion is great for borrowers who are absolutely certain they won’t need to touch their mortgage for three years and who want the all-out lowest rate on the market. It’s no so great for those who may want to change up their mortgage or who are nervous about rates rising in the future. This is the kind of mortgage where you set it and forget it – at least, that is, until renewal time.6 R8 a; ]( N- s, r2 L

# \/ v% o0 q" x, Q' @6 KThe Investors Group penalty on its new variable is not the norm
+ F5 ^+ y' D% S3 T7 p* R+ i7 \
$ x+ ~: X) u0 m" H- x. d0 x% M. x/ i
: c" e% q2 o/ G' c; ~* A
. b) o) T7 ?! z  K( Y' g0 O“What happens if all of the sudden prime starts going up or [long-term] rates start going up, you want to be able to convert,” said Ms. Roberts, noting most contracts don’t specify the rate at which can you convert a variable deal.8 @7 Z7 i$ v* g2 A% d
& L. h! `1 M+ t# l9 G

: S; J; C2 Q/ C$ k/ z. u. T* ^, L! C+ a, ^% @  u. ^/ l3 I
Essentially, you can find yourself at the mercy of your financial institution if you want to convert to a fixed rate.- C' f+ `( z# V2 c6 V0 C' n
1 N$ `, m" t2 |. T* E. A' `
& w' ^1 o1 \+ K
9 t/ `. j5 _4 `( M: D
“The big banks start at the posted rate and work their way down on the discount,” says the broker. “Your only option [if you don't like the rate] is to leave and you have a penalty.”
+ {# N0 L( [  a
. \( o2 Z3 H4 U. m. }! a $ u9 y' w; L$ r: _" i0 {1 L6 H
' F8 [/ D2 N3 P3 e1 I
Ms. Roberts said the ability to port a mortgage to a new home can also save you money on break fees. For example, if you sell your house and have say a $250,000 mortgage on it, you can take that balance and apply it to your new loan at your existing rate for the rest of your old term. Any extra balance would become part of a new loan.6 F1 u7 n: p" o1 w. Q
& U' O( E1 t  M
6 M' N( k3 y3 a6 ^5 Q2 h! W( K
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-5-27 09:36 | 显示全部楼层
Don't use small financial institutions, since mortgage is long term, if they declare bankruptcy, you will be in trouble. Choose one of the top five financial groups, like BMO, RBC,TC,CIBC and Scotiabank.
鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-27 10:37 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
路德使女 发表于 2014-5-27 10:36: I$ c$ z2 {( T( c
Don't use small financial institutions, since mortgage is long term, if they declare bankruptcy, you ...

( [, R" F1 {+ {7 t3 U  V
& t/ h( j) X( _; ]8 B) u我欠他钱,又不是他欠我钱。没明白bankrupt 对我有啥损害
0 f+ ]2 s2 u& g/ X/ p0 v倒是今天是最后一天,明天这个利率将jieshu
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-5-27 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-27 13:21 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ccd2008 发表于 2014-5-27 14:20
1 u0 {' Y! `% M' V别用他家,被狠狠宰过。
! t9 v. m$ `* S  H
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-5-27 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
穿拖鞋上油田 发表于 2014-5-27 14:21 1 E" K0 j9 {  S! @3 l) g  o+ t

% O( a3 a3 H- o! h3 A5 g4 S. [0 z) ~没时间
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-5-27 13:25 | 显示全部楼层
穿拖鞋上油田 发表于 2014-5-27 14:21
9 g) Z$ y+ R; Y; g- V说说具体的?

7 X1 M5 ]- \* h, z* s3 t没时间
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