CIC的官方信息:% O8 i: H. U4 P6 R1 p$ f+ y% C7 ?
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be 18 years of age or older; . d2 j& n# x# [" } I7 Sbe a permanent resident of Canada; 8 Z2 h; f. j, ~have lived in Canada for at least three of the four years before applying; - r( T" ^4 B- ~" f: \6 M nbe able to communicate in either English or French; % g5 J4 f7 k5 S' _! zknow about Canada; and 6 J; n* I8 l ]* S, {+ e
know about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. 9 d8 W3 |* x/ C9 `. N( j
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