埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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How $40 oil would impact Canada’s provinces

鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-1-5 11:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The first thing Canadians should recognize about the new world order for oil prices is that – contrary to what we’re being told by our federal government – the economy is no longer in dire need of any new pipelines. For that matter, it can live without the new rail terminals being built to move oil as well. Yesterday’s transportation bottlenecks aren’t relevant in today’s marketplace.( I4 p- x4 a9 [. e! g

( Z+ k, P. _5 y, G4 l( ~' K3 JAt current prices there won’t be any massive expansion of oil sands production because those projects, which would produce some of the world’s most expensive crude, no longer make economic sense.# ~+ w: b1 N) t1 H- w' y

) |& G( j6 a1 h2 {0 q; PThe recent spate of project cancellations by global oil giants – Total’s Joslyn mine, Shell’s at Pierre River, and Statoil’s Corner oil sands venture – is only the beginning. As oil prices grind lower, we can expect to hear about tens of billions of dollars of proposed spending that will be cancelled or indefinitely postponed.7 p$ e- A7 Z6 @
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Not long ago, the grand vision for the oil sands saw production doubling over the next 20 years. Now that dream is in the rear-view mirror. Rather than expanding production, the industry’s new economic imperative will be attempting to cut costs in a bid to maintain current output.
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With the exception of oil sands players themselves, no one will feel those project cancellations more acutely than new Alberta Premier Jim Prentice. His province’s budget is beholden to the gusher of bitumen royalties that will no longer be accruing as planned. He could choose to stay the course on spending, as former Premier Don Getty did when oil prices plunged in the 1980s, in hopes that a price recovery will materialize. That option, as Getty discovered, would soon see Alberta’s budget surplus morph into spiralling deficits. The province’s balance sheet wasn’t cleaned up until the axe-wielding Ralph Klein took over. In his first term, Klein slashed spending on social services by 30 per cent, cut the education budget by 16 per cent and lowered health care expenditures by nearly 20 per cent." v5 l. |5 y2 O0 P3 F

6 r, k: \! A  b' \* X6 C3 nOf course, falling oil prices are a concern for much more than just Alberta’s budget position. Real estate values also face more risk, particularly downtown Calgary office space. For oil sands operators, staying alive in a low price environment won’t just mean cancelling expansion plans and cutting jobs in the field. Head office positions are also destined for the chopping block, which is bad news for the shiny new towers going up in Calgary’s commercial core.
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-1-7 00:30 | 显示全部楼层
Hmmm, we have to do anything possible, just bread, carrot, milk and egg for necessity, till oil bump up to $98/barrel per the super consultant hired by the provincial government.
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